JMX Monitoring

The driver uses JMX to create MXBeans that allow an application or end user to monitor various aspects of the driver.

The driver creates MXBean instances of a single type: ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean. The driver registers one ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean instance per each server it connects to. For example, in the case of a replica set, the driver creates an instance per each non-hidden member of the replica set.

Each MXBean instance is required to be registered with a unique object name, which consists of a domain and a set of named properties. All MXBean instances created by the driver are under the domain "org.mongodb.driver". Instances of ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean will have the following properties:

  • clusterId: a client-generated unique identifier, required to ensure object name uniqueness in situations where an application has multiple MongoClient instances connected to the same MongoDB server deployment
  • host: the host name of the server
  • port: the port on which the server is listening
  • minSize: the minimum allowed size of the pool, including idle and in-use members
  • maxSize: the maximum allowed size of the pool, including idle and in-use members
  • size: the current size of the pool, including idle and and in-use members
  • waitQueueSize: the current size of the wait queue for a connection from this pool
  • checkedOutCount: the current count of connections that are currently in use

Command Monitoring

The driver implements the command monitoring specification, which allows an application to attach its own event listeners that are notified when commands are started and when they sucessfully completed or fail.

Command listeners are registered individually for each instance of MongoClient by configuring MongoClientOptions with one or more instances of a class that implements the CommandListener interface. Consider the following, obviously simplistic, implementation of the CommandListener interface:

public class TestCommandListener implements CommandListener {                        
    public void commandStarted(final CommandStartedEvent event) {                                                    
        System.out.println(String.format("Sent command '%s:%s' with id %s to database '%s' "                         
                                         + "on connection '%s' to server '%s'",                                      
    public void commandSucceeded(final CommandSucceededEvent event) {                                                
        System.out.println(String.format("Successfully executed command '%s' with id %s "                            
                                         + "on connection '%s' to server '%s'",                                      
    public void commandFailed(final CommandFailedEvent event) {                                                      
        System.out.println(String.format("Failed execution of command '%s' with id %s "                              
                                         + "on connection '%s' to server '%s' with exception '%s'",                  

and an instance of MongoClientOptions configured with an instance of TestCommandListener:

MongoClientOptions options = MongoClientOptions.builder()                            
                                               .addCommandListener(new TestCommandListener())  

A MongoClient configured with these options will print a message to System.out before sending each command to a MongoDB server, and another message upon either successful completion or failure of each command.