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Interface FindOptions<TSchema>

Type parameters

  • TSchema: Document = Document

    Unused schema definition, deprecated usage, only specify FindOptions with no generic




Optional allowDiskUse

allowDiskUse?: boolean

Allows disk use for blocking sort operations exceeding 100MB memory. (MongoDB 3.2 or higher)

Optional allowPartialResults

allowPartialResults?: boolean

For queries against a sharded collection, allows the command (or subsequent getMore commands) to return partial results, rather than an error, if one or more queried shards are unavailable.

Optional authdb

authdb?: string

Optional awaitData

awaitData?: boolean

Specify if the cursor is a a tailable-await cursor. Requires tailable to be true

Optional batchSize

batchSize?: number

Set the batchSize for the getMoreCommand when iterating over the query results.

Optional bsonRegExp

bsonRegExp?: boolean

return BSON regular expressions as BSONRegExp instances.

Optional bypassPinningCheck

bypassPinningCheck?: boolean

Optional checkKeys

checkKeys?: boolean

the serializer will check if keys are valid.

Optional collation

collation?: CollationOptions

Specify collation (MongoDB 3.4 or higher) settings for update operation (see 3.4 documentation for available fields).

Optional comment

comment?: string | Document

You can put a $comment field on a query to make looking in the profiler logs simpler.

Optional dbName

dbName?: string

Optional explain

Specifies the verbosity mode for the explain output.

Optional fieldsAsRaw

fieldsAsRaw?: Document

allow to specify if there what fields we wish to return as unserialized raw buffer.

Optional fullResponse

fullResponse?: boolean

This option does nothing

Optional hint

hint?: Hint

Tell the query to use specific indexes in the query. Object of indexes to use, {'_id':1}

Optional ignoreUndefined

ignoreUndefined?: boolean

serialize will not emit undefined fields (default:true)

Optional let

let?: Document

Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0).

Optional limit

limit?: number

Sets the limit of documents returned in the query.

Optional max

max?: Document

The exclusive upper bound for a specific index

Optional maxAwaitTimeMS

maxAwaitTimeMS?: number

The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query. Requires tailable and awaitData to be true

Optional maxTimeMS

maxTimeMS?: number

Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query.

Optional min

min?: Document

The inclusive lower bound for a specific index

Optional noCursorTimeout

noCursorTimeout?: boolean

The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period (10 minutes) to prevent excess memory use. Set this option to prevent that.

Optional noResponse

noResponse?: boolean

Optional omitReadPreference

omitReadPreference?: boolean

Optional projection

projection?: Document

The fields to return in the query. Object of fields to either include or exclude (one of, not both), {'a':1, 'b': 1} or {'a': 0, 'b': 0}

Optional promoteBuffers

promoteBuffers?: boolean

when deserializing a Binary will return it as a node.js Buffer instance.

Optional promoteLongs

promoteLongs?: boolean

when deserializing a Long will fit it into a Number if it's smaller than 53 bits

Optional promoteValues

promoteValues?: boolean

when deserializing will promote BSON values to their Node.js closest equivalent types.

Optional raw

raw?: boolean

Return BSON filled buffers from operations

Optional readConcern

readConcern?: ReadConcernLike

Specify a read concern and level for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported)

Optional readPreference

readPreference?: ReadPreferenceLike

The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.primary, ReadPreference.primary_preferred, ReadPreference.secondary, ReadPreference.secondary_preferred, ReadPreference.nearest).

Optional retryWrites

retryWrites?: boolean

Should retry failed writes

Optional returnKey

returnKey?: boolean

If true, returns only the index keys in the resulting documents.

Optional serializeFunctions

serializeFunctions?: boolean

serialize the javascript functions (default:false).

Optional session

session?: ClientSession

Specify ClientSession for this command

Optional showRecordId

showRecordId?: boolean

Determines whether to return the record identifier for each document. If true, adds a field $recordId to the returned documents.

Optional singleBatch

singleBatch?: boolean

Determines whether to close the cursor after the first batch. Defaults to false.

Optional skip

skip?: number

Set to skip N documents ahead in your query (useful for pagination).

Optional sort

sort?: Sort

Set to sort the documents coming back from the query. Array of indexes, [['a', 1]] etc.

Optional tailable

tailable?: boolean

Specify if the cursor is tailable.

Optional timeout

timeout?: boolean

Specify if the cursor can timeout.

Optional willRetryWrites

willRetryWrites?: boolean

Optional writeConcern

Write Concern as an object

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