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Interface BSONSerializeOptions

BSON Serialization options.




Optional bsonRegExp

bsonRegExp?: boolean

return BSON regular expressions as BSONRegExp instances.

Optional checkKeys

checkKeys?: boolean

the serializer will check if keys are valid.

Optional enableUtf8Validation

enableUtf8Validation?: boolean

Enable utf8 validation when deserializing BSON documents. Defaults to true.

Optional fieldsAsRaw

fieldsAsRaw?: Document

allow to specify if there what fields we wish to return as unserialized raw buffer.

Optional ignoreUndefined

ignoreUndefined?: boolean

serialize will not emit undefined fields (default:true)

Optional promoteBuffers

promoteBuffers?: boolean

when deserializing a Binary will return it as a node.js Buffer instance.

Optional promoteLongs

promoteLongs?: boolean

when deserializing a Long will fit it into a Number if it's smaller than 53 bits

Optional promoteValues

promoteValues?: boolean

when deserializing will promote BSON values to their Node.js closest equivalent types.

Optional raw

raw?: boolean

Return BSON filled buffers from operations

Optional serializeFunctions

serializeFunctions?: boolean

serialize the javascript functions (default:false).

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