A class representation of a file stored in GridFS.
- class GridStore()¶
- db (db) – A database instance to interact with.
- [id] (any) – optional unique id for this file
- [filename] (string) – optional filename for this file, no unique constrain on the field
- mode (string) – set the mode for this file.
- options (object) – optional properties to specify.
Returns: gridstore
Constant Name | Value | Description |
GridStore.DEFAULT_ROOT_COLLECTION | ‘fs’ | The collection to be used for holding the files and chunks collection. |
GridStore.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE | ‘binary/octet-stream’ | Default file mime type |
GridStore.IO_SEEK_SET | 0 | Seek mode where the given length is absolute. |
GridStore.IO_SEEK_CUR | 1 | Seek mode where the given length is an offset to the current read/write head. |
GridStore.IO_SEEK_END | 2 | Seek mode where the given length is an offset to the end of the file. |
Returns the current chunksize of the file.
The md5 checksum for this file.
Opens the file from the database and initialize this object. Also creates a new one if file does not exist.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to save a file with a filename allowing for multiple files with the same name
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a file and open it var gridStore = new GridStore(db, new ObjectID(), "test_gs_getc_file", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content to the file gridStore.write(new Buffer("hello, world!", "utf8"), function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, fileData) { assert.equal(null, err); // Create another file with same name and and save content to it gridStore = new GridStore(db, new ObjectID(), "test_gs_getc_file", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content to the file gridStore.write(new Buffer("hello, world!", "utf8"), function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, fileData) { assert.equal(null, err); // Open the file in read mode using the filename var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_getc_file", "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Read first character and verify gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('h', chr); // Open the file using an object id gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, fileData._id, "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Read first character and verify gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('h', chr); db.close(); }) }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });A simple example showing opening a file using a filename, writing to it and saving it.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a new instance of the gridstore var gridStore = new GridStore(db, 'ourexamplefiletowrite.txt', 'w'); // Open the file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some data to the file gridStore.write('bar', function(err, gridStore) { assert.equal(null, err); // Close (Flushes the data to MongoDB) gridStore.close(function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); // Verify that the file exists GridStore.exist(db, 'ourexamplefiletowrite.txt', function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(true, result); db.close(); }); }); }); }); });A simple example showing opening a file using an ObjectID, writing to it and saving it.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Create a new instance of the gridstore var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some data to the file gridStore.write('bar', function(err, gridStore) { assert.equal(null, err); // Close (Flushes the data to MongoDB) gridStore.close(function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); // Verify that the file exists GridStore.exist(db, fileId, function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(true, result); db.close(); }); }); }); }); });
Stores a file from the file system to the GridFS database.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to write a file to Gridstore using file location path.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Read the filesize of file on disk (provide your own) var fileSize = fs.statSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png').size; // Read the buffered data for comparision reasons var data = fs.readFileSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write the file to gridFS gridStore.writeFile('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png', function(err, doc) { // Read back all the written content and verify the correctness GridStore.read(db, fileId, function(err, fileData) { assert.equal(data.toString('base64'), fileData.toString('base64')) assert.equal(fileSize, fileData.length); db.close(); }); }); }); });A simple example showing how to write a file to Gridstore using a file handle.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Read the filesize of file on disk (provide your own) var fileSize = fs.statSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png').size; // Read the buffered data for comparision reasons var data = fs.readFileSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png'); // Open a file handle for reading the file var fd = fs.openSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png', 'r', 0666); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write the file to gridFS using the file handle gridStore.writeFile(fd, function(err, doc) { // Read back all the written content and verify the correctness GridStore.read(db, fileId, function(err, fileData) { assert.equal(data.toString('base64'), fileData.toString('base64')); assert.equal(fileSize, fileData.length); db.close(); }); }); }); });
Saves this file to the database. This will overwrite the old entry if it already exists. This will work properly only if mode was initialized to “w” or “w+”.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to use the write command with strings and Buffers.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write a text string gridStore.write('Hello world', function(err, gridStore) { // Close the gridStore.close(function(err, result) { assert.equal(err, null); db.close(); }); }); }); });
Retrieve this file’s chunks collection.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to access the chunks collection object.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Access the Chunk collection gridStore.chunkCollection(function(err, collection) { assert.equal(err, null); db.close(); }); }); });
Deletes all the chunks of this file in the database.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to use the instance level unlink command to delete a gridstore item.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write a text string gridStore.write('Hello world', function(err, gridStore) { // Close the gridStore.close(function(err, result) { assert.equal(err, null); // Open the file again and unlin it new GridStore(db, fileId, 'r').open(function(err, gridStore) { // Unlink the file gridStore.unlink(function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); // Verify that the file no longer exists GridStore.exist(db, fileId, function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(false, result); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Retrieves the file collection associated with this object.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to access the files collection object.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Access the Chunk collection gridStore.collection(function(err, collection) { assert.equal(err, null); db.close(); }); }); });
Reads the data of this file.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing reading back using readlines to split the text into lines by the seperator provided.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write one line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line one", function(err, gridStore) { // Write second line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line two", function(err, gridStore) { // Write third line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line three", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush file to disk gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Open file for reading gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'r'); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Read all the lines and verify correctness gridStore.readlines(function(err, lines) { assert.deepEqual(["line one\n", "line two\n", "line three\n"], lines); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Deletes all the chunks of this file in the database if mode was set to “w” or “w+” and resets the read/write head to the initial position.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to rewind and overwrite the file.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Create a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, "w"); // Open the file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write to the file gridStore.write("hello, world!", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to disk gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Reopen the file gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some more text to the file gridStore.write('some text is inserted here', function(err, gridStore) { // Let's rewind to truncate the file gridStore.rewind(function(err, gridStore) { // Write something from the start gridStore.write('abc', function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the data to mongodb gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Verify that the new data was written GridStore.read(db, fileId, function(err, data) { assert.equal("abc", data); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Retrieves the contents of this file and advances the read/write head. Works with Buffers only.
There are 3 signatures for this method:
(callback) (length, callback) (length, buffer, callback)
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the read method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Read in the content of a file var data = fs.readFileSync('./test/tests/functional/gridstore/iya_logo_final_bw.jpg'); // Create a new file var gs = new GridStore(db, "test", "w"); // Open the file gs.open(function(err, gs) { // Write the file to GridFS gs.write(data, function(err, gs) { // Flush to the GridFS gs.close(function(err, gs) { // Define the file we wish to read var gs2 = new GridStore(db, "test", "r"); // Open the file gs2.open(function(err, gs) { // Set the pointer of the read head to the start of the gridstored file gs2.seek(0, function() { // Read the entire file gs2.read(function(err, data2) { // Compare the file content against the orgiinal assert.equal(data.toString('base64'), data2.toString('base64')); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Retrieves the position of the read/write head of this file.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the tell method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_tell", "w"); // Open the file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write a string to the file gridStore.write("hello, world!", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Open the file in read only mode var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_tell", "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Read the first 5 characters gridStore.read(5, function(err, data) { assert.equal("hello", data); // Get the current position of the read head gridStore.tell(function(err, position) { assert.equal(5, position); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Moves the read/write head to a new location.
There are 3 signatures for this method
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the seek method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a file and open it var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content to the file gridStore.write(new Buffer("hello, world!", "utf8"), function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(result) { // Open the file in read mode var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Seek to start gridStore.seek(0, function(err, gridStore) { // Read first character and verify gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('h', chr); }); }); }); // Open the file in read mode var gridStore3 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "r"); gridStore3.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Seek to 7 characters from the beginning off the file and verify gridStore.seek(7, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('w', chr); }); }); }); // Open the file in read mode var gridStore5 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "r"); gridStore5.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Seek to -1 characters from the end off the file and verify gridStore.seek(-1, GridStore.IO_SEEK_END, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('!', chr); }); }); }); // Open the file in read mode var gridStore6 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "r"); gridStore6.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Seek to -6 characters from the end off the file and verify gridStore.seek(-6, GridStore.IO_SEEK_END, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('w', chr); }); }); }); // Open the file in read mode var gridStore7 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_seek_with_buffer", "r"); gridStore7.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Seek forward 7 characters from the current read position and verify gridStore.seek(7, GridStore.IO_SEEK_CUR, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('w', chr); // Seek forward -1 characters from the current read position and verify gridStore.seek(-1, GridStore.IO_SEEK_CUR, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('w', chr); // Seek forward -4 characters from the current read position and verify gridStore.seek(-4, GridStore.IO_SEEK_CUR, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('o', chr); // Seek forward 3 characters from the current read position and verify gridStore.seek(3, GridStore.IO_SEEK_CUR, function(err, gridStore) { gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('o', chr); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Verify if the file is at EOF.
Returns: | boolean true if the read/write head is at the end of this file. |
A simple example showing the usage of the eof method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open the file in write mode var gridStore = new GridStore(db, 'test_gs_empty_file_eof', "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the empty file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, gridStore) { // Open the file in read mode var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, 'test_gs_empty_file_eof', "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Verify that we are at the end of the file assert.equal(true, gridStore.eof()); db.close(); }) }); }); });
Retrieves a single character from this file.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the seek method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a file and open it var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_getc_file", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content to the file gridStore.write(new Buffer("hello, world!", "utf8"), function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(result) { // Open the file in read mode var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_getc_file", "r"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Read first character and verify gridStore.getc(function(err, chr) { assert.equal('h', chr); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); });
Writes a string to the file with a newline character appended at the end if the given string does not have one.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the puts method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open a file for writing var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_puts_and_readlines", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write a line to the file using the puts method gridStore.puts("line one", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Read in the entire contents GridStore.read(db, 'test_gs_puts_and_readlines', function(err, data) { assert.equal("line one\n", data.toString()); db.close(); }); }); }); }); });
Returns read stream based on this GridStore file
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the stream method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open a file for reading var gridStoreR = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream", "r"); // Open a file for writing var gridStoreW = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream", "w"); // Read in the data of a file var data = fs.readFileSync("./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png"); var readLen = 0; var gotEnd = 0; // Open the file we are writting to gridStoreW.open(function(err, gs) { // Write the file content gs.write(data, function(err, gs) { // Flush the file to GridFS gs.close(function(err, result) { // Open the read file gridStoreR.open(function(err, gs) { // Create a stream to the file var stream = gs.stream(true); // Register events stream.on("data", function(chunk) { // Record the length of the file readLen += chunk.length; }); stream.on("end", function() { // Record the end was called ++gotEnd; }); stream.on("close", function() { // Verify the correctness of the read data assert.equal(data.length, readLen); assert.equal(1, gotEnd); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); });A simple example showing how to pipe a file stream through from gridfs to a file
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open a file for writing var gridStoreWrite = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream_pipe", "w", {chunkSize:1024}); gridStoreWrite.writeFile("./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png", function(err, result) { // Ensure we correctly returning a Gridstore object assert.ok(typeof result.close == 'function'); // Open the gridStore for reading and pipe to a file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream_pipe", "r"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Create a file write stream var fileStream = fs.createWriteStream("./test_gs_weird_bug_streamed.tmp"); // Grab the read stream var stream = gridStore.stream(true); // When the stream is finished close the database fileStream.on("close", function(err) { // Read the original content var originalData = fs.readFileSync("./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png"); // Ensure we are doing writing before attempting to open the file fs.readFile("./test_gs_weird_bug_streamed.tmp", function(err, streamedData) { // Compare the data for(var i = 0; i < originalData.length; i++) { assert.equal(originalData[i], streamedData[i]) } // Close the database db.close(); }); }) // Pipe out the data stream.pipe(fileStream); }) }) });
Checks if a file exists in the database.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the Gridstore.exist method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open a file for writing var gridStore = new GridStore(db, null, "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { assert.equal(null, err); // Writing some content to the file gridStore.write("hello world!", function(err, gridStore) { assert.equal(null, err); // Flush the file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); // Check if the file exists using the id returned from the close function GridStore.exist(db, result._id, function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(true, result); }) // Show that the file does not exist for a random ObjectID GridStore.exist(db, new ObjectID(), function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(false, result); }); // Show that the file does not exist for a different file root GridStore.exist(db, result._id, 'another_root', function(err, result) { assert.equal(null, err); assert.equal(false, result); db.close(); }); }); }); }); });
Gets the list of files stored in the GridFS.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the eof method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file id var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a file for writing var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, "foobar2", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content to the file gridStore.write("hello world!", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // List the existing files GridStore.list(db, function(err, items) { var found = false; items.forEach(function(filename) { if(filename == 'foobar2') found = true; }); assert.ok(items.length >= 1); assert.ok(found); }); // List the existing files but return only the file ids GridStore.list(db, {id:true}, function(err, items) { var found = false; items.forEach(function(id) { assert.ok(typeof id == 'object'); }); assert.ok(items.length >= 1); }); // List the existing files in a specific root collection GridStore.list(db, 'fs', function(err, items) { var found = false; items.forEach(function(filename) { if(filename == 'foobar2') found = true; }); assert.ok(items.length >= 1); assert.ok(found); }); // List the existing files in a different root collection where the file is not located GridStore.list(db, 'my_fs', function(err, items) { var found = false; items.forEach(function(filename) { if(filename == 'foobar2') found = true; }); assert.ok(items.length >= 0); assert.ok(!found); // Specify seperate id var fileId2 = new ObjectID(); // Write another file to GridFS var gridStore2 = new GridStore(db, fileId2, "foobar3", "w"); gridStore2.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write the content gridStore2.write('my file', function(err, gridStore) { // Flush to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // List all the available files and verify that our files are there GridStore.list(db, function(err, items) { var found = false; var found2 = false; items.forEach(function(filename) { if(filename == 'foobar2') found = true; if(filename == 'foobar3') found2 = true; }); assert.ok(items.length >= 2); assert.ok(found); assert.ok(found2); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Reads the contents of a file.
This method has the following signatures
(db, name, callback) (db, name, length, callback) (db, name, length, offset, callback) (db, name, length, offset, options, callback)
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the read method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Create a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, null, "w"); // Read in the content from a file, replace with your own var data = fs.readFileSync("./test/tests/functional/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png"); // Open the file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write the binary file data to GridFS gridStore.write(data, function(err, gridStore) { // Flush the remaining data to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Read in the whole file and check that it's the same content GridStore.read(db, result._id, function(err, fileData) { assert.equal(data.length, fileData.length); db.close(); }); }); }); }); });
Reads the data of this file.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing reading back using readlines to split the text into lines by the seperator provided.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write one line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line one", function(err, gridStore) { // Write second line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line two", function(err, gridStore) { // Write third line to gridStore gridStore.puts("line three", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush file to disk gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Read back all the lines GridStore.readlines(db, fileId, function(err, lines) { assert.deepEqual(["line one\n", "line two\n", "line three\n"], lines); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); }); });
Deletes the chunks and metadata information of a file from GridFS.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing the usage of the GridStore.unlink method.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Open a new file for writing var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_unlink", "w"); gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write some content gridStore.write("hello, world!", function(err, gridStore) { // Flush file to GridFS gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Verify the existance of the fs.files document db.collection('fs.files', function(err, collection) { collection.count(function(err, count) { assert.equal(1, count); }) }); // Verify the existance of the fs.chunks chunk document db.collection('fs.chunks', function(err, collection) { collection.count(function(err, count) { assert.equal(1, count); // Unlink the file (removing it) GridStore.unlink(db, 'test_gs_unlink', function(err, gridStore) { // Verify that fs.files document is gone db.collection('fs.files', function(err, collection) { collection.count(function(err, count) { assert.equal(0, count); }) }); // Verify that fs.chunks chunk documents are gone db.collection('fs.chunks', function(err, collection) { collection.count(function(err, count) { assert.equal(0, count); db.close(); }) }); }); }) }); }); }); }); });
Writes some data. This method will work properly only if initialized with mode “w” or “w+”.
Arguments: |
Returns: | null |
A simple example showing how to use the write command with strings and Buffers.
var Db = require('mongodb').Db, MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient, Server = require('mongodb').Server, ReplSetServers = require('mongodb').ReplSetServers, ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID, Binary = require('mongodb').Binary, GridStore = require('mongodb').GridStore, Grid = require('mongodb').Grid, Code = require('mongodb').Code, BSON = require('mongodb').pure().BSON, assert = require('assert'); var db = new Db('test', new Server('localhost', 27017)); // Establish connection to db db.open(function(err, db) { // Our file ID var fileId = new ObjectID(); // Open a new file var gridStore = new GridStore(db, fileId, 'w'); // Open the new file gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) { // Write a text string gridStore.write('Hello world', function(err, gridStore) { // Write a buffer gridStore.write(new Buffer('Buffer Hello world'), function(err, gridStore) { // Close the gridStore.close(function(err, result) { // Read back all the written content and verify the correctness GridStore.read(db, fileId, function(err, fileData) { assert.equal('Hello worldBuffer Hello world', fileData.toString()); db.close(); }); }); }); }); }); });