Class BsonReader
Represents a BSON reader for some external format (see subclasses).
public abstract class BsonReader : IBsonReader, IDisposable
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
- BsonReader(BsonReaderSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReader class.
- CurrentBsonType
Gets the current BsonType.
- CurrentName
Gets the current name.
- Disposed
Gets whether the BsonReader has been disposed.
- Settings
Gets the settings of the reader.
- State
Gets the current state of the reader.
- Close()
Closes the reader.
- Dispose()
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
- Dispose(bool)
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
- GetBookmark()
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
- GetCurrentBsonType()
Gets the current BsonType (calls ReadBsonType if necessary).
- IsAtEndOfFile()
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
- PopSettings()
Pops the settings.
- PushSettings(Action<BsonReaderSettings>)
Pushes new settings for the reader.
- ReadBinaryData()
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
- ReadBoolean()
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
- ReadBsonType()
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
- ReadBytes()
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
- ReadDateTime()
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
- ReadDecimal128()
Reads a BSON Decimal128 from the reader.
- ReadDouble()
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
- ReadEndArray()
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
- ReadEndDocument()
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
- ReadInt32()
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
- ReadInt64()
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
- ReadJavaScript()
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
- ReadJavaScriptWithScope()
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
- ReadMaxKey()
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
- ReadMinKey()
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
- ReadName()
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
- ReadName(INameDecoder)
Reads the name of an element from the reader (using the provided name decoder).
- ReadNull()
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
- ReadObjectId()
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
- ReadRawBsonArray()
Reads a raw BSON array.
- ReadRawBsonDocument()
Reads a raw BSON document.
- ReadRegularExpression()
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
- ReadStartArray()
Reads the start of a BSON array.
- ReadStartDocument()
Reads the start of a BSON document.
- ReadString()
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
- ReadSymbol()
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
- ReadTimestamp()
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
- ReadUndefined()
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
- ReturnToBookmark(BsonReaderBookmark)
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
- SkipName()
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
- SkipValue()
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
- ThrowInvalidContextType(string, ContextType, params ContextType[])
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current ContextType.
- ThrowInvalidState(string, params BsonReaderState[])
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current state.
- ThrowObjectDisposedException()
Throws an ObjectDisposedException.
- VerifyBsonType(string, BsonType)
Verifies the current state and BsonType of the reader.