Table of Contents

Enum JsonTokenType


Represents a JSON token type.

public enum JsonTokenType
Extension Methods


Invalid = 0

An invalid token.

BeginArray = 1

A begin array token (a '[').

BeginObject = 2

A begin object token (a '{').

EndArray = 3

An end array token (a ']').

LeftParen = 4

A left parenthesis (a '(').

RightParen = 5

A right parenthesis (a ')').

EndObject = 6

An end object token (a '}').

Colon = 7

A colon token (a ':').

Comma = 8

A comma token (a ',').

DateTime = 9

A DateTime token.

Double = 10

A Double token.

Int32 = 11

An Int32 token.

Int64 = 12

And Int64 token.

ObjectId = 13

An ObjectId token.

RegularExpression = 14

A regular expression token.

String = 15

A string token.

UnquotedString = 16

An unquoted string token.

EndOfFile = 17

An end of file token.