Table of Contents

Class UpdateBuilder


A builder for creating update modifiers.

public class UpdateBuilder : BuilderBase, IConvertibleToBsonDocument, IMongoUpdate
Inherited Members
Extension Methods



Initializes a new instance of the UpdateBuilder class.


AddToSet(string, BsonValue)

Adds a value to a named array element if the value is not already in the array (see $addToSet).

AddToSetEach(string, BsonArray)

Adds a list of values to a named array element adding each value only if it not already in the array (see $addToSet and $each).

AddToSetEach(string, params BsonValue[])

Adds a list of values to a named array element adding each value only if it not already in the array (see $addToSet and $each).

AddToSetEach(string, IEnumerable<BsonValue>)

Adds a list of values to a named array element adding each value only if it not already in the array (see $addToSet and $each).

AddToSetEachWrapped<T>(string, IEnumerable<T>)

Adds a list of wrapped values to a named array element adding each value only if it not already in the array (see $addToSet and $each).

AddToSetEachWrapped<T>(string, params T[])

Adds a list of wrapped values to a named array element adding each value only if it not already in the array (see $addToSet and $each).

AddToSetWrapped<T>(string, T)

Adds a wrapped value to a named array element if the value is not already in the array (see $addToSet).

BitwiseAnd(string, int)

Sets the named element to the bitwise and of its value with another value (see $bit with "and").

BitwiseAnd(string, long)

Sets the named element to the bitwise and of its value with another value (see $bit with "and").

BitwiseOr(string, int)

Sets the named element to the bitwise or of its value with another value (see $bit with "or").

BitwiseOr(string, long)

Sets the named element to the bitwise or of its value with another value (see $bit with "or").

BitwiseXor(string, int)

Sets the named element to the bitwise xor of its value with another value (see $bit with "xor").

BitwiseXor(string, long)

Sets the named element to the bitwise xor of its value with another value (see $bit with "xor").


Combines another UpdateBuilder into this one.


Sets the value of the named element to the current date (see $currentDate).

CurrentDate(string, UpdateCurrentDateType)

Sets the value of the named element to the current date (see $currentDate).

Inc(string, double)

Increments the named element by a value (see $inc).

Inc(string, int)

Increments the named element by a value (see $inc).

Inc(string, long)

Increments the named element by a value (see $inc).

Max(string, BsonValue)

Updates the named element if and only if the provided value is greater than its current value (see $max).

Min(string, BsonValue)

Updates the named element if and only if the provided value is less than its current value (see $max).

Mul(string, double)

Multiplies the named element by a value (see $mul).

Mul(string, int)

Multiplies the named element by a value (see $mul).

Mul(string, long)

Multiplies the named element by a value (see $mul).


Removes the first value from the named array element (see $pop).


Removes the last value from the named array element (see $pop).

Pull(string, BsonValue)

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to some value (see $pull).

Pull(string, IMongoQuery)

Removes all values from the named array element that match some query (see $pull).

PullAll(string, BsonArray)

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to any of a list of values (see $pullAll).

PullAll(string, params BsonValue[])

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to any of a list of values (see $pullAll).

PullAll(string, IEnumerable<BsonValue>)

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to any of a list of values (see $pullAll).

PullAllWrapped<T>(string, IEnumerable<T>)

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to any of a list of wrapped values (see $pullAll).

PullAllWrapped<T>(string, params T[])

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to any of a list of wrapped values (see $pullAll).

PullWrapped<T>(string, T)

Removes all values from the named array element that are equal to some wrapped value (see $pull).

Push(string, BsonValue)

Adds a value to the end of the named array element (see $push).

PushAll(string, BsonArray)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $pushAll).

PushAll(string, params BsonValue[])

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $pushAll).

PushAll(string, IEnumerable<BsonValue>)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $pushAll).

PushAllWrapped<T>(string, IEnumerable<T>)

Adds a list of wrapped values to the end of the named array element (see $pushAll).

PushAllWrapped<T>(string, params T[])

Adds a list of wrapped values to the end of the named array element (see $pushAll).

PushEach(string, BsonArray)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEach(string, params BsonValue[])

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEach(string, PushEachOptions, BsonArray)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEach(string, PushEachOptions, params BsonValue[])

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEach(string, PushEachOptions, IEnumerable<BsonValue>)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEach(string, IEnumerable<BsonValue>)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEachWrapped<T>(string, PushEachOptions, IEnumerable<T>)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEachWrapped<T>(string, PushEachOptions, params T[])

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEachWrapped<T>(string, IEnumerable<T>)

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushEachWrapped<T>(string, params T[])

Adds a list of values to the end of the named array element (see $push and $each).

PushWrapped<T>(string, T)

Adds a wrapped value to the end of the named array element (see $push).

Rename(string, string)

Renames an element (see $rename).

Set(string, BsonValue)

Sets the value of the named element to a new value (see $set).

SetOnInsert(string, BsonValue)

Sets the value of the named element to the specified value only when an insert occurs as part of an upsert operation (see $setOnInsert).

SetWrapped<T>(string, T)

Sets the value of the named element to a new wrapped value (see $set).


Returns the result of the builder as a BsonDocument.


Removes the named element from the document (see $unset).