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Constructor ReplyMessage


ReplyMessage(bool, long, bool, List<TDocument>, int, bool, BsonDocument, int, int, IBsonSerializer<TDocument>, int)

Initializes a new instance of the ReplyMessage<TDocument> class.

public ReplyMessage(bool awaitCapable, long cursorId, bool cursorNotFound, List<TDocument> documents, int numberReturned, bool queryFailure, BsonDocument queryFailureDocument, int requestId, int responseTo, IBsonSerializer<TDocument> serializer, int startingFrom)


awaitCapable bool

if set to true the server is await capable.

cursorId long

The cursor identifier.

cursorNotFound bool

if set to true the cursor was not found.

documents List<TDocument>

The documents.

numberReturned int

The number of documents returned.

queryFailure bool

if set to true the query failed.

queryFailureDocument BsonDocument

The query failure document.

requestId int

The request identifier.

responseTo int

The identifier of the message this is a response to.

serializer IBsonSerializer<TDocument>

The serializer.

startingFrom int

The position of the first document in this batch in the overall result.