Namespace MongoDB.Driver.Linq
The MongoDB.Driver.Linq namespace contains the LINQ related classes.
- AggregateQueryableExecutionModel<TOutput>
A model for a queryable to be executed using the aggregation framework.
- DateTimeExtensions
This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.
- DateTimeUnit
Represents the unit for various DateTime operations.
- ExponentialMovingAverageAlphaWeighting
Represents an alpha weighting for an exponential moving average.
- ExponentialMovingAveragePositionalWeighting
Represents a positional weighting for an exponential moving average.
- ExponentialMovingAverageWeighting
Represents how values are weighted when computing the exponential moving average.
- ExpressionNotSupportedException
Exception that is thrown when using a LINQ expression that is not supported.
- ISetWindowFieldsPartitionExtensions
Extension methods that represent operations for SetWindowFields.
- LinqExtensions
This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.
- MongoDBMath
Similar to the standard Math class but contains MongoDB specific methods.
- MongoEnumerable
Enumerable Extensions for MongoDB.
- MongoQueryable
Extension for IMongoQueryable.
- NullableDateTimeExtensions
This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.
- QueryableExecutionModel
An execution model.
- StringExtensions
This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.
- IMongoQueryable
Provides functionality to evaluate queries against MongoDB.
- IMongoQueryable<T>
Provides functionality to evaluate queries against MongoDB wherein the type of the data is known.
- IOrderedMongoQueryable<T>
Represents the result of a sorting operation.
- LinqProvider
Represents the different LINQ providers.
- WindowTimeUnit
The time unit to use in DateTime SetWindowFields windows.