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Class StringExtensions


This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.

public static class StringExtensions
Inherited Members


AnyStringIn(IEnumerable<string>, params StringOrRegularExpression[])

Returns true if any value in s is present in values (corresponds to the $in filter operator).

AnyStringIn(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<StringOrRegularExpression>)

Returns true if any value in s is present in values (corresponds to the $in filter operator).

AnyStringNin(IEnumerable<string>, params StringOrRegularExpression[])

Returns true if any value in s is not present in values (corresponds to the $nin filter operator).

AnyStringNin(IEnumerable<string>, IEnumerable<StringOrRegularExpression>)

Returns true if any value in s is not present in values (corresponds to the $nin filter operator).

IndexOfBytes(string, string)

Searches a string for an occurrence of a substring and returns the UTF-8 byte index (zero-based) of the first occurrence.

IndexOfBytes(string, string, int)

Searches a string for an occurrence of a substring and returns the UTF-8 byte index (zero-based) of the first occurrence.

IndexOfBytes(string, string, int, int)

Searches a string for an occurrence of a substring and returns the UTF-8 byte index (zero-based) of the first occurrence.


Returns the number of UTF-8 encoded bytes in the specified string.

StringIn(string, params StringOrRegularExpression[])

Returns true if s is present in values (corresponds to the $in filter operator).

StringIn(string, IEnumerable<StringOrRegularExpression>)

Returns true if s is present in values (corresponds to the $in filter operator).

StringNin(string, params StringOrRegularExpression[])

Returns true if s is not present in values (corresponds to the $nin filter operator).

StringNin(string, IEnumerable<StringOrRegularExpression>)

Returns true if s is not present in values (corresponds to the $nin filter operator).

SubstrBytes(string, int, int)

Returns the number of UTF-8 encoded bytes in the specified string.