Namespace MongoDB.Driver
The MongoDB.Driver namespace contains all the basic types and classes that compose the MongoDB driver. It contains the classes needed for most interactions with the database.
- AggregateArgs
Represents options for the Aggregate command.
- BulkUpdateRequestBuilder<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for one update request.
- BulkWriteOperation<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for a bulk operation.
- BulkWriteRequestBuilder<TDocument>
Represents a fluent builder for a write request (either a remove or an update).
- CollectionOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCollectionOptions is expected.
- CollectionStatsResult
Represents the results of the collection stats command.
- CollectionStatsResult.IndexSizesResult
Represents a collection of index sizes.
- CommandDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCommand is expected.
- CommandResult
Represents the result of a command (there are also subclasses for various commands).
- CommandResultSerializer<TCommandResult>
Represents a serializer for a CommandResult.
- CountArgs
Represents arguments for the Count command helper method.
- CreateViewOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCreateViewOptions is expected.
- DatabaseStatsResult
Represents the result of the database stats command.
- DistinctArgs
Represents arguments for the Distinct command helper method.
- EvalArgs
Represents arguments for the Eval command helper method.
- FieldsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoFields is expected.
- FindAndModifyArgs
Represents options for the FindAndModify command.
- FindAndModifyResult
Represents the result of a FindAndModify command.
- FindAndRemoveArgs
Represents options for the FindAndRemove command.
- FindOneArgs
Represents arguments to the FindOne method.
- GeoHaystackSearchArgs
Represents the arguments to the GeoHaystackSearch method.
- GeoHaystackSearchOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions is expected.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchHit
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchHits
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult.GeoHaystackSearchStats
Represents the stats of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument>
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument>.GeoHaystackSearchHit
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
- GeoHaystackSearchResult<TDocument>.GeoHaystackSearchHits
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
- GeoNearArgs
Represents the arguments to the GeoNear method.
- GeoNearOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoNearOptions is expected.
- GeoNearPoint
Represents a GeoNearPoint (wraps either an XYPoint or a GeoJsonPoint).
- GeoNearPoint.GeoJson<TCoordinates>
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps a GeoJsonPoint.
- GeoNearPoint.Legacy
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps an XYPoint.
- GeoNearResult
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
- GeoNearResult.GeoNearHit
Represents a GeoNear hit.
- GeoNearResult.GeoNearHits
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
- GeoNearResult.GeoNearStats
Represents the stats of a GeoNear command.
- GeoNearResult<TDocument>
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
- GeoNearResult<TDocument>.GeoNearHit
Represents a GeoNear hit.
- GeoNearResult<TDocument>.GeoNearHits
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
- GetIndexesResult
Represents the result of GetIndexes.
- GetProfilingLevelResult
Represents the results of a GetProfilingLevel command.
- GetStatsArgs
Represents arguments for the GetStats command helper method.
- GroupArgs
Represents arguments for the Group command helper method.
- GroupByDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGroupBy is expected.
- IndexInfo
Represents information about an index.
- IndexKeysDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexKeys is expected.
- IndexOptionsDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexOptions is expected.
- MapReduceArgs
Represents arguments for the MapReduce command helper method.
- MapReduceResult
Represents the result of a map-reduce command.
- MongoClientExtensions
Represents extension methods on MongoClient.
- MongoCollection
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
- MongoCollection<TDefaultDocument>
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it as well as a default document type. This class is thread-safe.
- MongoCursor
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
- MongoCursor<TDocument>
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
- MongoDatabase
Represents a MongoDB database and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
- MongoInsertOptions
Represents the options to use for an Insert or InsertBatch operation.
- MongoServer
Represents a MongoDB server (either a single instance or a replica set) and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
- MongoServerInstance
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host.
- MongoServerSettings
The settings used to access a MongoDB server.
- MongoUpdateOptions
Represents the options to use for an Update operation.
- MongoUser
Represents a MongoDB user.
- ParallelScanArgs
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
- ParallelScanArgs<TDocument>
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
- QueryDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoQuery is expected.
- RemoveArgs
Represents arguments to the Remove method.
- ScopeDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoScope is expected.
- SortByDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoSortBy is expected.
- SystemProfileInfo
Represents a document from the system.profile collection.
- SystemProfileInfoSerializer
Represents a serializer for SystemProfileInfo.
- SystemProfileLockStatistics
Statistics about locks for a system.profile document.
- SystemProfileLockStatisticsSerializer
Serializer for SystemProfileLockStatistics
- SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics
Statistics about system.profile read and write time spent in locks.
- SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatisticsSerializer
Serializer for SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics
- UpdateDocument
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoUpdate is expected.
- ValidateCollectionArgs
Represents arguments for the Validate collection command helper method.
- ValidateCollectionResult
Represents the results of a validate collection command.
- ValidateCollectionResult.ExtentDetails
Represents the details of the first extent of the collection.
- XYPoint
Represents a 2D point represented using x, y coordinates.
- IMongoCollectionOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating a collection (see CollectionOptionsDocument and the CollectionOptions builder).
- IMongoCommand
A marker interface that represents a command (see CommandDocument).
- IMongoCreateViewOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating a view (see CreateViewOptionsDocument and the CreateViewOptions builder).
- IMongoFields
A marker interface that represents a list of fields (see FieldsDocument and the Fields builder).
- IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions
A marker interface that represents geo haystack search options (see GeoSearchHaystackOptionsDocument and the GeoHaystackSearchOptions builder).
- IMongoGeoNearOptions
A marker interface that represents geo search options (see GeoNearOptionsDocument and the GeoNearOptions builder).
- IMongoGroupBy
A marker interface that represents what to group by (see GroupByDocument and the GroupBy builder).
- IMongoIndexKeys
A marker interface that represents the keys of an index (see IndexKeysDocument and the IndexKeys builder).
- IMongoIndexOptions
A marker interface that represents options for creating an index (see IndexOptionsDocument and the IndexOptions builder).
- IMongoQuery
A marker interface that represents a query (see QueryDocument and the Query builder).
- IMongoScope
A marker interface that represents a scope (a set of variables with values, see ScopeDocument).
- IMongoSortBy
A marker interface that represents a sort order (see SortByDocument and the SortBy builder).
- IMongoUpdate
A marker interface that represents an update modifier (see UpdateDocument and the Update builder).
- AggregateOutputMode
Represents the output mode for an aggregate operation.
- CollectionSystemFlags
Represents collection system flags.
- CollectionUserFlags
Represents collection user flags.
- EvalFlags
Flags used with the Eval method in MongoDatabase.
- FeatureId
Represents the Id of a feature.
- FindAndModifyDocumentVersion
Represents a version of a document (original or modified).
- InsertFlags
Flags used with the Insert method in MongoCollection.
- MapReduceOutputMode
Represents the output mode for a map-reduce operation.
- MongoServerInstanceType
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host (in the case of a replica set a MongoServer uses multiple MongoServerInstances).
- MongoServerState
The state of a MongoServer instance.
- ProfilingLevel
Represents what level of profile information to write.
- QueryFlags
Flags used with queries (see the SetQueryFlags method of MongoCursor).
- RemoveFlags
Flags used with the Remove method of MongoCollection.
- UpdateFlags
Flags used with the Update method in MongoCollection.