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Interface IWriteBinding


Represents a binding that determines which channel source gets used for write operations.

public interface IWriteBinding : IBinding, IDisposable
Inherited Members


GetWriteChannelSource(IMayUseSecondaryCriteria, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations that may use a secondary.

GetWriteChannelSource(IReadOnlyCollection<ServerDescription>, IMayUseSecondaryCriteria, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations that may use a secondary and deprioritizes servers in the provided collection.

GetWriteChannelSource(IReadOnlyCollection<ServerDescription>, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations while deprioritizing servers in the provided collection.


Gets a channel source for write operations.

GetWriteChannelSourceAsync(IMayUseSecondaryCriteria, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations that may use a secondary.

GetWriteChannelSourceAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<ServerDescription>, IMayUseSecondaryCriteria, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations that may use a secondary and deprioritizes servers in the provided collection.

GetWriteChannelSourceAsync(IReadOnlyCollection<ServerDescription>, CancellationToken)

Gets a channel source for write operations while deprioritizing servers in the provided collection.


Gets a channel source for write operations.