Table of Contents

Constructor AsyncCursor


AsyncCursor(IChannelSource, CollectionNamespace, BsonValue, IReadOnlyList<TDocument>, long, int?, int?, IBsonSerializer<TDocument>, MessageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan?)

Initializes a new instance of the AsyncCursor<TDocument> class.

public AsyncCursor(IChannelSource channelSource, CollectionNamespace collectionNamespace, BsonValue comment, IReadOnlyList<TDocument> firstBatch, long cursorId, int? batchSize, int? limit, IBsonSerializer<TDocument> serializer, MessageEncoderSettings messageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan? maxTime = null)


channelSource IChannelSource

The channel source.

collectionNamespace CollectionNamespace

The collection namespace.

comment BsonValue

The comment.

firstBatch IReadOnlyList<TDocument>

The first batch.

cursorId long

The cursor identifier.

batchSize int?

The size of a batch.

limit int?

The limit.

serializer IBsonSerializer<TDocument>

The serializer.

messageEncoderSettings MessageEncoderSettings

The message encoder settings.

maxTime TimeSpan?

The maxTime for each batch.

AsyncCursor(IChannelSource, CollectionNamespace, BsonDocument, IReadOnlyList<TDocument>, long, int?, int?, IBsonSerializer<TDocument>, MessageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan?)

Initializes a new instance of the AsyncCursor<TDocument> class.

[Obsolete("Use overload without query.")]
public AsyncCursor(IChannelSource channelSource, CollectionNamespace collectionNamespace, BsonDocument query, IReadOnlyList<TDocument> firstBatch, long cursorId, int? batchSize, int? limit, IBsonSerializer<TDocument> serializer, MessageEncoderSettings messageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan? maxTime = null)


channelSource IChannelSource

The channel source.

collectionNamespace CollectionNamespace

The collection namespace.

query BsonDocument

The query.

firstBatch IReadOnlyList<TDocument>

The first batch.

cursorId long

The cursor identifier.

batchSize int?

The size of a batch.

limit int?

The limit.

serializer IBsonSerializer<TDocument>

The serializer.

messageEncoderSettings MessageEncoderSettings

The message encoder settings.

maxTime TimeSpan?

The maxTime for each batch.

AsyncCursor(IChannelSource, CollectionNamespace, BsonDocument, IReadOnlyList<TDocument>, long, BsonDocument, int?, int?, IBsonSerializer<TDocument>, MessageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan?)

Initializes a new instance of the AsyncCursor<TDocument> class.

[Obsolete("Use overload without query.")]
public AsyncCursor(IChannelSource channelSource, CollectionNamespace collectionNamespace, BsonDocument query, IReadOnlyList<TDocument> firstBatch, long cursorId, BsonDocument postBatchResumeToken, int? batchSize, int? limit, IBsonSerializer<TDocument> serializer, MessageEncoderSettings messageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan? maxTime)


channelSource IChannelSource

The channel source.

collectionNamespace CollectionNamespace

The collection namespace.

query BsonDocument

The query.

firstBatch IReadOnlyList<TDocument>

The first batch.

cursorId long

The cursor identifier.

postBatchResumeToken BsonDocument

The post batch resume token.

batchSize int?

The size of a batch.

limit int?

The limit.

serializer IBsonSerializer<TDocument>

The serializer.

messageEncoderSettings MessageEncoderSettings

The message encoder settings.

maxTime TimeSpan?

The maxTime for each batch.

AsyncCursor(IChannelSource, CollectionNamespace, BsonValue, IReadOnlyList<TDocument>, long, BsonDocument, int?, int?, IBsonSerializer<TDocument>, MessageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan?)

Initializes a new instance of the AsyncCursor<TDocument> class.

public AsyncCursor(IChannelSource channelSource, CollectionNamespace collectionNamespace, BsonValue comment, IReadOnlyList<TDocument> firstBatch, long cursorId, BsonDocument postBatchResumeToken, int? batchSize, int? limit, IBsonSerializer<TDocument> serializer, MessageEncoderSettings messageEncoderSettings, TimeSpan? maxTime)


channelSource IChannelSource

The channel source.

collectionNamespace CollectionNamespace

The collection namespace.

comment BsonValue

The comment.

firstBatch IReadOnlyList<TDocument>

The first batch.

cursorId long

The cursor identifier.

postBatchResumeToken BsonDocument

The post batch resume token.

batchSize int?

The size of a batch.

limit int?

The limit.

serializer IBsonSerializer<TDocument>

The serializer.

messageEncoderSettings MessageEncoderSettings

The message encoder settings.

maxTime TimeSpan?

The maxTime for each batch.