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FindOneAndUpdateOperationTResult Properties

The FindOneAndUpdateOperationTResult generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArrayFilters
Gets or sets the array filters.
Public propertyBypassDocumentValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Public propertyCollation
Gets or sets the collation.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the collection namespace.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
Public propertyFilter
Gets the filter.
Public propertyIsUpsert
Gets a value indicating whether a document should be inserted if no matching document is found.
Public propertyMaxTime
Gets or sets the maximum time the server should spend on this operation.
Public propertyMessageEncoderSettings
Gets the message encoder settings.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
Public propertyProjection
Gets or sets the projection.
Public propertyResultSerializer
Gets the result serializer.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
Public propertyRetryRequested
Gets or sets whether the operation can be retried.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
Public propertyReturnDocument
Gets or sets which version of the modified document to return.
Public propertySort
Gets or sets the sort specification.
Public propertyUpdate
Gets or sets the update specification.
Public propertyWriteConcern
Gets or sets the write concern.
(Inherited from FindAndModifyOperationBaseTResult.)
See Also