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UpdateMessage Properties

The UpdateMessage type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the collection namespace.
Public propertyIsMulti
Gets a value indicating whether all matching documents should be updated.
Public propertyIsUpsert
Gets a value indicating whether a document should be inserted if no matching document is found.
Public propertyMayBeCompressed
Gets the flag whether the message may be compressed or not.
(Inherited from MongoDBMessage.)
Public propertyMessageType
Gets the type of the message.
(Overrides MongoDBMessageMessageType.)
Public propertyQuery
Gets the query.
Public propertyRequestId
Gets the request identifier.
(Inherited from RequestMessage.)
Public propertyShouldBeSent
Gets a delegate that determines whether this message should be sent.
(Inherited from RequestMessage.)
Public propertyUpdate
Gets the update.
Public propertyUpdateValidator
Gets the update validator.
Public propertyWasSent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this message was sent.
(Inherited from RequestMessage.)
See Also