Namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions
The various conventions used during serialization/deserialization of BSON data are represented by the types in the MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions namespace.
- AttributeConventionPack
Convention pack for applying attributes.
- CamelCaseElementNameConvention
A convention that sets the element name the same as the member name with the first character lower cased.
- ConventionBase
Base class for a convention.
- ConventionPack
A mutable pack of conventions.
- ConventionRegistry
Represents a registry of conventions.
- ConventionRunner
Runs the conventions against a BsonClassMap and its BsonMemberMaps.
- DefaultConventionPack
Convention pack of defaults.
- DelegateClassMapConvention
A class map convention that wraps a delegate.
- DelegateMemberMapConvention
A member map convention that wraps a delegate.
- DelegatePostProcessingConvention
A post processing convention that wraps a delegate.
- EnumRepresentationConvention
A convention that allows you to set the Enum serialization representation
- HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator is an array of all the discriminators provided by the class maps of the root class down to the actual type.
- IgnoreExtraElementsConvention
A convention that sets whether to ignore extra elements encountered during deserialization.
- IgnoreIfDefaultConvention
A convention that sets whether to ignore default values during serialization.
- IgnoreIfNullConvention
A convention that sets whether to ignore nulls during serialization.
- ImmutableTypeClassMapConvention
Maps a fully immutable type. This will include anonymous types.
- LookupIdGeneratorConvention
A convention that looks up an id generator for the id member.
- MemberDefaultValueConvention
A convention that sets the default value for members of a given type.
- MemberNameElementNameConvention
A convention that sets the element name the same as the member name.
- NamedExtraElementsMemberConvention
A convention that finds the extra elements member by name (and that is also of type BsonDocument or IDictionary<TKey, TValue>).
- NamedIdMemberConvention
A convention that finds the id member by name.
- NamedParameterCreatorMapConvention
A convention that uses the names of the creator parameters to find the matching members.
- NoIdMemberConvention
A convention that sets a class's IdMember to null.
- ObjectDiscriminatorConvention
Represents the object discriminator convention.
- ObjectSerializerAllowedTypesConvention
A convention that allows to set the types that can be safely serialized and deserialized with the ObjectSerializer.
- ReadWriteMemberFinderConvention
A convention that finds readable and writeable members and adds them to the class map.
- ResetClassMapConvention
A convention that resets a class map (resetting any changes that earlier conventions may have applied).
- ResetMemberMapsConvention
A convention that resets class members (resetting any changes that earlier conventions may have applied).
- ScalarDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator is provided by the class map of the actual type.
- StandardDiscriminatorConvention
Represents the standard discriminator conventions (see ScalarDiscriminatorConvention and HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention).
- StringIdStoredAsObjectIdConvention
A convention that sets the representation of a string id class member to ObjectId in BSON with a StringObjectIdGenerator. This convention is only responsible for setting the serializer and idGenerator. It is assumed that this convention runs after other conventions that identify which member is the _id and that the _id has already been added to the class map.
- StringObjectIdIdGeneratorConvention
A convention that sets the id generator for a string member with a BSON representation of ObjectId.
- IClassMapConvention
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonClassMap.
- IConvention
Represents a convention.
- IConventionPack
Represents a grouping of conventions.
- ICreatorMapConvention
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonCreatorMap.
- IDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a discriminator convention.
- IHierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator for each type in a polymorphic hierarchy is an array representing the hierarchy.
- IMemberMapConvention
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonMemberMap.
- IPostProcessingConvention
Represents a post processing convention that applies to a BsonClassMap.
- IScalarDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator for each type in a polymorphic hierarchy is a scalar.