Namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization namespace contains the types used in the serialization and deserialization of BSON data. It also contains the base interfaces to be implemented by the actual serializers.
- AttributedSerializationProvider
Provides serializers based on an attribute.
- BinaryVectorExtensions
Contains extensions methods for BinaryVector<TItem>
- BsonBinaryDataExtensions
Contains extensions methods for BsonBinaryData.
- BsonClassMap
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
- BsonClassMapSerializer<TClass>
Represents a serializer for a class map.
- BsonClassMap<TClass>
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
- BsonCreatorMap
Represents a mapping to a delegate and its arguments.
- BsonDeserializationContext
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to deserialize a value.
- BsonDeserializationContext.Builder
Represents a builder for a BsonDeserializationContext.
- BsonDocumentBackedClass
A class backed by a BsonDocument.
- BsonDocumentBackedClassSerializer<TClass>
Represents a serializer for TClass (a subclass of BsonDocumentBackedClass).
- BsonMemberMap
Represents the mapping between a field or property and a BSON element.
- BsonMemberMapAttributeUsageAttribute
Indicates the usage restrictions for the attribute.
- BsonObjectModelSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for BsonValue and its derivations.
- BsonSerializationContext
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to serialize a value.
- BsonSerializationContext.Builder
Represents a builder for a BsonSerializationContext.
- BsonSerializationInfo
Represents the information needed to serialize a member.
- BsonSerializationProviderBase
Base class for serialization providers.
- BsonSerializer
A static class that represents the BSON serialization functionality.
- BsonSerializerRegistry
Default, global implementation of an IBsonSerializerRegistry.
- CollectionsSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for collections.
- CreatorMapDelegateCompiler
A helper class used to create and compile delegates for creator maps.
- DiscriminatedInterfaceSerializationProvider
Provides a serializer for interfaces.
- ExpressionVisitor
An abstract base class for an Expression visitor.
- IBsonSerializerExtensions
Extensions methods for IBsonSerializer.
- PrimitiveSerializationProvider
Provides serializers for primitive types.
- TypeMappingSerializationProvider
Represents a serialization provider based on a mapping from value types to serializer types.
- TypeNameDiscriminator
Supports using type names as discriminators.
- BsonDeserializationArgs
Represents args common to all serializers.
- BsonSerializationArgs
Represents args common to all serializers.
- IBsonArraySerializer
Contract for serializers to implement if they serialize an array of items.
- IBsonClassMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a class map.
- IBsonCreatorMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a creator map.
- IBsonDictionarySerializer
Represents a dictionary serializer that can be used in LINQ queries.
- IBsonDocumentSerializer
Contract for composite serializers that contain a number of named serializers.
- IBsonIdProvider
Contract for serializers that can get and set Id values.
- IBsonMemberMapAttribute
Represents an attribute used to modify a member map.
- IBsonPolymorphicSerializer
An interface implemented by a polymorphic serializer.
- IBsonPostProcessingAttribute
Represents an attribute used to post process a class map.
- IBsonSerializationProvider
An interface implemented by serialization providers.
- IBsonSerializer
An interface implemented by a serializer.
- IBsonSerializerRegistry
A serializer registry.
- IBsonSerializer<TValue>
An interface implemented by a serializer for values of type TValue.
- IChildSerializerConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a child serializer that configuration attributes can be forwarded to.
- IDictionaryRepresentationConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
- IDictionaryRepresentationConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
- IHasDiscriminatorConvention
Represents a serializer that has a DiscriminatorConvention property.
- IHasRepresentationSerializer
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
- IIdGenerator
An interface implemented by Id generators.
- IMultipleChildSerializersConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has multiple child serializers that configuration attributes can be forwarded to.
- IRegistryAwareBsonSerializationProvider
An interface implemented by serialization providers that are aware of registries.
- IRepresentationConfigurable
Represents a serializer whose representation can be configured.
- IRepresentationConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
- IRepresentationConverterConfigurable
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.
- IRepresentationConverterConfigurable<TSerializer>
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.