Namespace MongoDB.Driver.Search
The MongoDB.Driver.Search namespace contains the Atlas Search related classes.
- Bound<TValue>
Represents a bound value.
- BsonDocumentSearchDefinition<TDocument>
A search definition based on a BSON document.
- CompoundSearchDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for compound search definitions.
- GeoWithinArea<TCoordinates>
Base class for area argument for GeoWithin queries.
- GeoWithinBox<TCoordinates>
Object that specifies the bottom left and top right GeoJSON points of a box to search within.
- GeoWithinCircle<TCoordinates>
Object that specifies the center point and the radius in meters to search within.
- GeoWithinGeometry<TCoordinates>
Object that specifies the GeoJson geometry to search within.
- JsonSearchDefinition<TDocument>
A search definition based on a JSON string.
- MultiSearchQueryDefinition
A query definition for multiple strings.
- SearchCountOptions
Options for counting the search results.
- SearchDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a search definition.
- SearchDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for search definitions.
- SearchFacetBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a search facet.
- SearchFacet<TDocument>
Base class for search facets.
- SearchFuzzyOptions
Options for fuzzy search.
- SearchHighlight
Represents a result of highlighting.
- SearchHighlightOptions<TDocument>
Options for highlighting.
- SearchHighlightText
Represents the matching text or the surrounding text of a highlighting result.
- SearchMetaCountResult
A search count result set.
- SearchMetaFacetBucketResult
A search facet bucket result set.
- SearchMetaFacetResult
A search facet result set.
- SearchMetaResult
A result set for a search metadata query.
- SearchOptions<TDocument>
Options for search.
- SearchPathDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a search path.
- SearchPathDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for search paths.
- SearchQueryDefinition
Base class for search queries.
- SearchRangeBuilder
A builder for a SearchRange.
- SearchRangeV2Builder
A builder for a SearchRangeV2.
- SearchScoreDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a score modifier.
- SearchScoreDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for search score modifiers.
- SearchScoreDetails
Represents the scoreDetails object for a document in the result.
- SearchScoreFunctionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a score function.
- SearchScoreFunction<TDocument>
Base class for search score functions.
- SearchSpanDefinitionBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for a span clause.
- SearchSpanDefinition<TDocument>
Base class for span clauses.
- SearchTrackingOptions
Options for tracking the search query.
- SingleSearchQueryDefinition
A query definition for a single string.
- SearchRangeV2<TValue>
Object that specifies the boundaries for a range query.
- SearchRange<TValue>
Object that specifies range of scalar and DateTime values.
- IMongoSearchIndexManager
An interface representing methods used to create, delete and modify search indexes.
- GeoShapeRelation
The relation of the query shape geometry to the indexed field geometry in a geo shape search definition.
- HighlightTextType
Represents the type of text in a highlighting result, matching or surrounding.
- SearchAutocompleteTokenOrder
The order in which to search for tokens in an autocomplete search definition.
- SearchCountType
The type of count of the documents in a search result set.