MongoDB C++ Driver legacy-1.0.1
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
7 *
8 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 *
13 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18 * limitations under the License.
19 */
21#pragma once
23#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
24#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
26#include "mongo/config.h"
28#include "mongo/base/string_data.h"
29#include "mongo/client/bulk_operation_builder.h"
30#include "mongo/client/exceptions.h"
31#include "mongo/client/export_macros.h"
32#include "mongo/client/index_spec.h"
33#include "mongo/client/write_concern.h"
34#include "mongo/client/write_options.h"
35#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
36#include "mongo/logger/log_severity.h"
37#include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h"
38#include "mongo/stdx/functional.h"
39#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
40#include "mongo/util/net/message.h"
41#include "mongo/util/net/message_port.h"
43namespace mongo {
46 enum MONGO_CLIENT_API QueryOptions {
61 // findingStart mode is used to find the first operation of interest when
62 // we are scanning through a repl log. For efficiency in the common case,
63 // where the first operation of interest is closer to the tail than the head,
64 // we start from the tail of the log and work backwards until we find the
65 // first operation of interest. Then we scan forward from that first operation,
66 // actually returning results to the client. During the findingStart phase,
67 // we release the db mutex occasionally to avoid blocking the db process for
68 // an extended period of time.
69 QueryOption_OplogReplay = 1 << 3,
96 QueryOption_AllSupported = QueryOption_CursorTailable |
98 QueryOption_OplogReplay |
103 };
108 enum MONGO_CLIENT_API WriteOptions {
110 WriteOption_FromWriteback = 1 << 31
111 };
113 //
114 // For legacy reasons, the reserved field pre-namespace of certain types of messages is used
115 // to store options as opposed to the flags after the namespace. This should be transparent to
116 // the api user, but we need these constants to disassemble/reassemble the messages correctly.
117 //
119 enum MONGO_CLIENT_API ReservedOptions {
120 Reserved_InsertOption_ContinueOnError = 1 << 0 ,
121 Reserved_FromWriteback = 1 << 1
122 };
124 enum MONGO_CLIENT_API ReadPreference {
154 };
156 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientBase;
157 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientConnection;
187 class MONGO_CLIENT_API ConnectionString {
188 public:
190 enum ConnectionType { INVALID , MASTER , PAIR , SET , CUSTOM };
193 _type = INVALID;
194 }
196 // Note: This should only be used for direct connections to a single server. For replica
197 // set and SyncClusterConnections, use ConnectionString::parse.
198 ConnectionString( const HostAndPort& server ) {
199 _type = MASTER;
200 _servers.push_back( server );
201 _finishInit();
202 }
204 ConnectionString( ConnectionType type , const std::string& s , const std::string& setName = "" ) {
205 _type = type;
206 _setName = setName;
207 _fillServers( s );
209 switch ( _type ) {
210 case MASTER:
211 verify( _servers.size() == 1 );
212 break;
213 case SET:
214 verify( _setName.size() );
215 verify( _servers.size() >= 1 ); // 1 is ok since we can derive
216 break;
217 case PAIR:
218 verify( _servers.size() == 2 );
219 break;
220 default:
221 verify( _servers.size() > 0 );
222 }
224 _finishInit();
225 }
227 ConnectionString( const std::string& s , ConnectionType favoredMultipleType ) {
228 _type = INVALID;
230 _fillServers( s );
231 if ( _type != INVALID ) {
232 // set already
233 }
234 else if ( _servers.size() == 1 ) {
235 _type = MASTER;
236 }
237 else {
238 _type = favoredMultipleType;
239 verify( _type == SET );
240 }
241 _finishInit();
242 }
244 bool isValid() const { return _type != INVALID; }
246 std::string toString() const { return _string; }
248 DBClientBase* connect( std::string& errmsg, double socketTimeout = 0 ) const;
250 std::string getSetName() const { return _setName; }
252 const std::vector<HostAndPort>& getServers() const { return _servers; }
254 ConnectionType type() const { return _type; }
256 const std::string& getUser() const { return _user; }
258 const std::string& getPassword() const { return _password; }
260 const BSONObj& getOptions() const { return _options; }
262 const std::string& getDatabase() const { return _database; }
270 bool sameLogicalEndpoint( const ConnectionString& other ) const;
272 static ConnectionString MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC parse( const std::string& address , std::string& errmsg );
274 static ConnectionString MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC parseDeprecated( const std::string& address , std::string& errmsg );
276 static std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC typeToString( ConnectionType type );
278 //
279 // Allow overriding the default connection behavior
280 // This is needed for some tests, which otherwise would fail because they are unable to contact
281 // the correct servers.
282 //
285 public:
286 virtual ~ConnectionHook(){}
288 // Returns an alternative connection object for a string
289 virtual DBClientBase* connect( const ConnectionString& c,
290 std::string& errmsg,
291 double socketTimeout ) = 0;
292 };
294 static void setConnectionHook( ConnectionHook* hook ){
295 boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk( _connectHookMutex );
296 _connectHook = hook;
297 }
299 static ConnectionHook* getConnectionHook() {
300 boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk( _connectHookMutex );
301 return _connectHook;
302 }
304 // Allows ConnectionStrings to be stored more easily in sets/maps
305 bool operator<(const ConnectionString& other) const {
306 return _string < other._string;
307 }
309 //
310 // FOR TESTING ONLY - useful to be able to directly mock a connection string without
311 // including the entire client library.
312 //
314 static ConnectionString mock( const HostAndPort& server ) {
315 ConnectionString connStr;
316 connStr._servers.push_back( server );
317 connStr._string = server.toString();
318 return connStr;
319 }
321 private:
322 ConnectionString( ConnectionType type,
323 const std::string& user,
324 const std::string& password,
325 const std::string& servers,
326 const std::string& database,
327 const std::string& setName,
328 const BSONObj& options )
329 : _type( type )
330 , _servers( )
331 , _setName( setName )
332 , _user( user )
333 , _password( password )
334 , _database( database )
335 , _options( options ) {
337 _fillServers( servers, false );
338 switch ( _type ) {
339 case MASTER:
340 verify( _servers.size() == 1 );
341 break;
342 case SET:
343 verify( _setName.size() );
344 verify( _servers.size() >= 1 ); // 1 is ok since we can derive
345 break;
346 case PAIR:
347 verify( _servers.size() == 2 );
348 break;
349 default:
350 verify( _servers.size() > 0 );
351 }
353 _finishInit();
354 }
356 static ConnectionString _parseURL( const std::string& url, std::string& errmsg );
358 void _fillServers( std::string s, bool legacy = true );
359 void _finishInit();
361 BSONObj _makeAuthObjFromOptions(int maxWireVersion) const;
363 ConnectionType _type;
364 std::vector<HostAndPort> _servers;
365 std::string _string;
366 std::string _setName;
368 std::string _user;
369 std::string _password;
371 std::string _database;
372 BSONObj _options;
374 static boost::mutex _connectHookMutex;
375 static ConnectionHook* _connectHook;
376 };
378 class BSONObj;
379 class DBClientCursor;
380 class DBClientCursorBatchIterator;
387 class MONGO_CLIENT_API Query {
388 public:
389 static const BSONField<BSONObj> ReadPrefField;
390 static const BSONField<std::string> ReadPrefModeField;
391 static const BSONField<BSONArray> ReadPrefTagsField;
393 BSONObj obj;
394 Query() : obj(BSONObj()) { }
395 Query(const BSONObj& b) : obj(b) { }
396 Query(const std::string &json);
397 Query(const char * json);
407 Query& sort(const BSONObj& sortPattern);
414 Query& sort(const std::string &field, int asc = 1) { sort( BSON( field << asc ) ); return *this; }
421 Query& hint(BSONObj keyPattern);
422 Query& hint(const std::string& indexName);
428 Query& maxTimeMs(int millis);
433 Query& minKey(const BSONObj &val);
437 Query& maxKey(const BSONObj &val);
470 Query& where(const std::string &jscode, BSONObj scope);
471 Query& where(const std::string &jscode) { return where(jscode, BSONObj()); }
479 Query& readPref(ReadPreference pref, const BSONArray& tags);
484 bool isComplex( bool * hasDollar = 0 ) const;
485 BSONObj getModifiers() const;
486 static bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC isComplex(const BSONObj& obj, bool* hasDollar = 0);
488 BSONObj getFilter() const;
489 BSONObj getSort() const;
490 BSONElement getHint() const;
491 BSONObj getReadPref() const;
492 int getMaxTimeMs() const;
493 bool isExplain() const;
498 static bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC hasReadPreference(const BSONObj& queryObj);
499 bool hasReadPreference() const;
500 bool hasHint() const;
501 bool hasMaxTimeMs() const;
503 std::string toString() const;
504 operator std::string() const { return toString(); }
505 private:
506 void makeComplex();
507 template< class T >
508 void appendComplex( const char *fieldName, const T& val ) {
509 makeComplex();
511 b.appendElements(obj);
512 b.append(fieldName, val);
513 obj = b.obj();
514 }
515 };
521 class MONGO_CLIENT_API QuerySpec {
523 std::string _ns;
524 int _ntoskip;
525 int _ntoreturn;
526 int _options;
527 BSONObj _query;
528 BSONObj _fields;
529 Query _queryObj;
531 public:
533 QuerySpec( const std::string& ns,
534 const BSONObj& query, const BSONObj& fields,
535 int ntoskip, int ntoreturn, int options )
536 : _ns( ns ), _ntoskip( ntoskip ), _ntoreturn( ntoreturn ), _options( options ),
537 _query( query.getOwned() ), _fields( fields.getOwned() ) , _queryObj( _query ) {
538 }
540 QuerySpec() {}
542 bool isEmpty() const { return _ns.size() == 0; }
544 bool isExplain() const { return _queryObj.isExplain(); }
545 BSONObj filter() const { return _queryObj.getFilter(); }
547 BSONElement hint() const { return _queryObj.getHint(); }
548 BSONObj sort() const { return _queryObj.getSort(); }
549 BSONObj query() const { return _query; }
550 BSONObj fields() const { return _fields; }
551 BSONObj* fieldsData() { return &_fields; }
553 // don't love this, but needed downstrem
554 const BSONObj* fieldsPtr() const { return &_fields; }
556 std::string ns() const { return _ns; }
557 int ntoskip() const { return _ntoskip; }
558 int ntoreturn() const { return _ntoreturn; }
559 int options() const { return _options; }
561 void setFields( BSONObj& o ) { _fields = o.getOwned(); }
563 std::string toString() const {
564 return str::stream() << "QSpec " <<
565 BSON( "ns" << _ns << "n2skip" << _ntoskip << "n2return" << _ntoreturn << "options" << _options
566 << "query" << _query << "fields" << _fields );
567 }
569 };
575#define MONGO_QUERY(x) ::mongo::Query( BSON(x) )
577 // Useful utilities for namespaces
579 MONGO_CLIENT_API std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC nsGetDB( const std::string &ns );
582 MONGO_CLIENT_API std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC nsGetCollection( const std::string &ns );
587 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBConnector {
588 public:
589 virtual ~DBConnector() {}
591 virtual bool call( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk=true , std::string * actualServer = 0 ) = 0;
592 virtual void say( Message &toSend, bool isRetry = false , std::string * actualServer = 0 ) = 0;
593 virtual void sayPiggyBack( Message &toSend ) = 0;
594 /* used by QueryOption_Exhaust. To use that your subclass must implement this. */
595 virtual bool recv( Message& m ) { verify(false); return false; }
596 // In general, for lazy queries, we'll need to say, recv, then checkResponse
597 virtual void checkResponse( const char* data, int nReturned, bool* retry = NULL, std::string* targetHost = NULL ) {
598 if( retry ) *retry = false; if( targetHost ) *targetHost = "";
599 }
600 virtual bool lazySupported() const = 0;
601 };
606 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientInterface : boost::noncopyable {
607 public:
608 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const std::string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
609 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0 , int batchSize = 0 ) = 0;
611 virtual void insert( const std::string &ns, BSONObj obj , int flags=0, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
613 virtual void insert( const std::string &ns, const std::vector< BSONObj >& v , int flags=0, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
615 virtual void remove( const std::string &ns, Query query, bool justOne = false, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
617 virtual void remove( const std::string &ns, Query query, int flags, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
619 virtual void update( const std::string &ns,
620 Query query,
621 BSONObj obj,
622 bool upsert = false, bool multi = false, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
624 virtual void update( const std::string &ns, Query query, BSONObj obj, int flags, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL ) = 0;
626 virtual ~DBClientInterface() { }
632 virtual BSONObj findOne(const std::string &ns, const Query& query, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0);
637 void findN(std::vector<BSONObj>& out, const std::string&ns, Query query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip = 0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0, int batchSize = 0);
650 void save(const StringData& ns, const BSONObj& toSave, const WriteConcern* wc = NULL);
652 virtual std::string getServerAddress() const = 0;
655 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const std::string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 ) = 0;
656 };
662 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientWithCommands : public DBClientInterface {
663 public:
665 logger::LogSeverity _logLevel;
667 DBClientWithCommands() : _logLevel(logger::LogSeverity::Log()),
668 _minWireVersion(0),
669 _maxWireVersion(0),
670 _cachedAvailableOptions( (enum QueryOptions)0 ),
671 _haveCachedAvailableOptions(false) { }
679 bool simpleCommand(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info, const std::string &command);
694 virtual bool runCommand(const std::string &dbname, const BSONObj& cmd, BSONObj &info,
695 int options=0);
720 void auth(const BSONObj& params);
729 bool auth(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &username, const std::string &pwd, std::string& errmsg, bool digestPassword = true);
738 virtual void logout(const std::string& dbname, BSONObj& info);
743 virtual unsigned long long count(const std::string &ns, const Query& query = Query(), int options=0, int limit=0, int skip=0 );
745 static std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC createPasswordDigest(const std::string &username, const std::string &clearTextPassword);
755 virtual bool isMaster(bool& isMaster, BSONObj *info=0);
774 const std::string &ns,
775 long long size = 0,
776 bool capped = false,
777 int max = 0,
778 BSONObj *info = 0
779 );
798 const std::string &ns,
799 long long size = 0,
800 bool capped = false,
801 int max = 0,
802 const BSONObj& extraOptions = BSONObj(),
803 BSONObj *info = 0
804 );
810 std::string getLastError(const std::string& db,
811 bool fsync = false,
812 bool j = false,
813 int w = 0,
814 int wtimeout = 0);
818 std::string getLastError(bool fsync = false, bool j = false, int w = 0, int wtimeout = 0);
827 virtual BSONObj getLastErrorDetailed(const std::string& db,
828 bool fsync = false,
829 bool j = false,
830 int w = 0,
831 int wtimeout = 0);
835 virtual BSONObj getLastErrorDetailed(bool fsync = false, bool j = false, int w = 0, int wtimeout = 0);
840 static std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC getLastErrorString( const BSONObj& res );
854 bool resetError() { return simpleCommand("admin", 0, "reseterror"); }
860 virtual bool dropCollection( const std::string &ns, BSONObj* info = NULL ) {
861 std::string db = nsGetDB( ns );
862 std::string coll = nsGetCollection( ns );
863 uassert( 10011 , "no collection name", coll.size() );
865 BSONObj temp;
866 if ( info == NULL ) {
867 info = &temp;
868 }
870 bool res = runCommand( db.c_str() , BSON( "drop" << coll ) , *info );
871 return res;
872 }
877 bool repairDatabase(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
878 return simpleCommand(dbname, info, "repairDatabase");
879 }
900 bool copyDatabase(const std::string& fromdb,
901 const std::string& todb,
902 const std::string& fromhost = "",
903 const std::string& mechanism = "DEFAULT",
904 const std::string& username = "",
905 const std::string& password = "",
906 BSONObj *info = 0);
913 ProfileOff = 0,
914 ProfileSlow = 1, // log very slow (>100ms) operations
915 ProfileAll = 2
917 };
918 bool setDbProfilingLevel(const std::string &dbname, ProfilingLevel level, BSONObj *info = 0);
919 bool getDbProfilingLevel(const std::string &dbname, ProfilingLevel& level, BSONObj *info = 0);
925 struct MROutput {
926 MROutput(const char* collection) : out(BSON("replace" << collection)) {}
927 MROutput(const std::string& collection) : out(BSON("replace" << collection)) {}
928 MROutput(const BSONObj& obj) : out(obj) {}
930 BSONObj out;
931 };
932 static MROutput MRInline;
958 const std::string &ns,
959 const std::string &jsmapf,
960 const std::string &jsreducef,
961 Query query = Query(),
962 MROutput output = MRInline
963 );
985 void group(
986 const StringData& ns,
987 const StringData& jsreduce,
988 std::vector<BSONObj>* output,
989 const BSONObj& initial = BSONObj(),
990 const Query& query = Query(),
991 const BSONObj& key = BSONObj(),
992 const StringData& finalize = ""
993 );
1003 const StringData& ns,
1004 const StringData& jsreduce,
1005 std::vector<BSONObj>* output,
1006 const BSONObj& initial = BSONObj(),
1007 const Query& query = Query(),
1008 const StringData& jskey = "",
1009 const StringData& finalize = ""
1010 );
1023 const StringData& ns,
1024 const StringData& field,
1025 const Query& query = Query()
1026 );
1042 const StringData& ns,
1043 const BSONObj& query,
1044 const BSONObj& update,
1045 bool upsert = false,
1046 bool returnNew = false,
1047 const BSONObj& sort = BSONObj(),
1048 const BSONObj& fields = BSONObj()
1049 );
1062 const StringData& ns,
1063 const BSONObj& query,
1064 const BSONObj& sort = BSONObj(),
1065 const BSONObj& fields = BSONObj()
1066 );
1084 bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode, BSONObj& info, BSONElement& retValue, BSONObj *args = 0, bool nolock = false);
1089 bool validate( const std::string &ns , bool scandata=true ) {
1090 BSONObj cmd = BSON( "validate" << nsGetCollection( ns ) << "scandata" << scandata );
1091 BSONObj info;
1092 return runCommand( nsGetDB( ns ).c_str() , cmd , info );
1093 }
1095 /* The following helpers are simply more convenient forms of eval() for certain common cases */
1097 /* invocation with no return value of interest -- with or without one simple parameter */
1098 bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode);
1099 template< class T >
1100 bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode, T parm1) {
1101 BSONObj info;
1102 BSONElement retValue;
1104 b.append("0", parm1);
1105 BSONObj args = b.done();
1106 return eval(dbname, jscode, info, retValue, &args);
1107 }
1110 template< class T, class NumType >
1111 bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode, T parm1, NumType& ret) {
1112 BSONObj info;
1113 BSONElement retValue;
1115 b.append("0", parm1);
1116 BSONObj args = b.done();
1117 if ( !eval(dbname, jscode, info, retValue, &args) )
1118 return false;
1119 ret = (NumType) retValue.number();
1120 return true;
1121 }
1128 std::list<std::string> getDatabaseNames();
1133 std::list<std::string> getCollectionNames( const std::string& db,
1134 const BSONObj& filter = BSONObj() );
1140 std::list<BSONObj> getCollectionInfos( const std::string& db,
1141 const BSONObj& filter = BSONObj() );
1154 std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> enumerateCollections( const std::string& db,
1155 const BSONObj& filter = BSONObj(),
1156 int batchSize = 0 );
1158 bool exists( const std::string& ns );
1169 void createIndex( const StringData& ns, const BSONObj& keys ) {
1170 return createIndex( ns, IndexSpec().addKeys(keys) );
1171 }
1181 virtual void createIndex( const StringData& ns, const IndexSpec& descriptor );
1183 virtual std::list<BSONObj> getIndexSpecs( const std::string &ns, int options = 0 );
1188 virtual std::list<std::string> getIndexNames( const std::string& ns, int options = 0 );
1190 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> enumerateIndexes( const std::string& ns,
1191 int options = 0,
1192 int batchSize = 0 );
1194 virtual void dropIndex( const std::string& ns , BSONObj keys );
1195 virtual void dropIndex( const std::string& ns , const std::string& indexName );
1200 virtual void dropIndexes( const std::string& ns );
1202 virtual void reIndex( const std::string& ns );
1204 static std::string genIndexName( const BSONObj& keys );
1207 virtual bool dropDatabase(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info = 0) {
1208 bool ret = simpleCommand(dbname, info, "dropDatabase");
1209 return ret;
1210 }
1212 virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
1221 typedef stdx::function<void(BSONObjBuilder*)> RunCommandHookFunc;
1222 virtual void setRunCommandHook(RunCommandHookFunc func);
1223 RunCommandHookFunc getRunCommandHook() const {
1224 return _runCommandHook;
1225 }
1231 typedef stdx::function<void(const BSONObj&, const std::string&)> PostRunCommandHookFunc;
1232 virtual void setPostRunCommandHook(PostRunCommandHookFunc func);
1233 PostRunCommandHookFunc getPostRunCommandHook() const {
1234 return _postRunCommandHook;
1235 }
1238 protected:
1240 bool isOk(const BSONObj&);
1245 BSONObj _countCmd(const std::string &ns, const Query& query, int options, int limit, int skip );
1251 QueryOptions availableOptions();
1253 virtual QueryOptions _lookupAvailableOptions();
1255 virtual void _auth(const BSONObj& params);
1262 bool _authMongoCR(const std::string &dbname,
1263 const std::string &username,
1264 const std::string &pwd,
1265 BSONObj *info,
1266 bool digestPassword);
1273 bool _authX509(const std::string &dbname,
1274 const std::string &username,
1275 BSONObj *info);
1281 PostRunCommandHookFunc _postRunCommandHook;
1282 int _minWireVersion;
1283 int _maxWireVersion;
1286 private:
1287 enum QueryOptions _cachedAvailableOptions;
1288 bool _haveCachedAvailableOptions;
1290 void _buildGroupObj(
1291 const StringData& ns,
1292 const StringData& jsreduce,
1293 const BSONObj& initial,
1294 const Query& query,
1295 const StringData& finalize,
1296 BSONObjBuilder* groupObj
1297 );
1299 void _runGroup(
1300 const StringData& ns,
1301 const BSONObj& group,
1302 const Query& query,
1303 std::vector<BSONObj>* output
1304 );
1306 void _findAndModify(
1307 const StringData& ns,
1308 const BSONObj& query,
1309 const BSONObj& update,
1310 const BSONObj& sort,
1311 bool returnNew,
1312 bool upsert,
1313 const BSONObj& fields,
1314 BSONObjBuilder* out
1315 );
1317 std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> _legacyCollectionInfo(
1318 const std::string& db,
1319 const BSONObj& filter,
1320 int batchSize
1321 );
1322 };
1324 class DBClientWriter;
1325 class WriteOperation;
1330 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientBase : public DBClientWithCommands, public DBConnector {
1331 friend class BulkOperationBuilder;
1332 protected:
1333 static AtomicInt64 ConnectionIdSequence;
1334 long long _connectionId; // unique connection id for this connection
1335 const boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientWriter> _wireProtocolWriter;
1336 const boost::scoped_ptr<DBClientWriter> _commandWriter;
1337 WriteConcern _writeConcern;
1338 int _maxBsonObjectSize;
1339 int _maxMessageSizeBytes;
1340 int _maxWriteBatchSize;
1341 void _write(
1342 const std::string& ns,
1343 const std::vector<WriteOperation*>& writes,
1344 bool ordered,
1345 const WriteConcern* writeConcern,
1346 WriteResult* writeResult
1347 );
1348 public:
1349 static const uint64_t INVALID_SOCK_CREATION_TIME;
1351 DBClientBase();
1353 // Required because compiler can't generate a destructor for the _writer
1354 // as it is an incomplete type.
1355 virtual ~DBClientBase();
1357 long long getConnectionId() const { return _connectionId; }
1359 const WriteConcern& getWriteConcern() const { return _writeConcern; }
1360 void setWriteConcern( const WriteConcern& w ) { _writeConcern = w; }
1362 void setWireVersions( int minWireVersion, int maxWireVersion ){
1363 _minWireVersion = minWireVersion;
1364 _maxWireVersion = maxWireVersion;
1365 }
1367 int getMinWireVersion() { return _minWireVersion; }
1368 int getMaxWireVersion() { return _maxWireVersion; }
1369 int getMaxBsonObjectSize() { return _maxBsonObjectSize; }
1370 int getMaxMessageSizeBytes() { return _maxMessageSizeBytes; }
1371 int getMaxWriteBatchSize() { return _maxWriteBatchSize; }
1387 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const std::string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
1388 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0 , int batchSize = 0 );
1409 virtual void parallelScan(
1410 const StringData& ns,
1411 int numCursors,
1412 std::vector<DBClientCursor*>* cursors,
1413 stdx::function<DBClientBase* ()> connectionFactory
1414 );
1416 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> aggregate(const std::string& ns,
1417 const BSONObj& pipeline,
1418 const BSONObj* aggregateOptions = NULL,
1419 int queryOptions = 0);
1430 virtual unsigned long long query( stdx::function<void(const BSONObj&)> f,
1431 const std::string& ns,
1432 Query query,
1433 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0,
1434 int queryOptions = 0 );
1436 virtual unsigned long long query( stdx::function<void(DBClientCursorBatchIterator&)> f,
1437 const std::string& ns,
1438 Query query,
1439 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0,
1440 int queryOptions = 0 );
1448 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> getMore( const std::string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn = 0, int options = 0 );
1453 virtual void insert(
1454 const std::string &ns,
1455 BSONObj obj,
1456 int flags=0,
1457 const WriteConcern* wc=NULL
1458 );
1463 virtual void insert(
1464 const std::string &ns,
1465 const std::vector< BSONObj >& v,
1466 int flags=0,
1467 const WriteConcern* wc=NULL
1468 );
1473 virtual void update(
1474 const std::string &ns,
1475 Query query,
1476 BSONObj obj,
1477 bool upsert=false,
1478 bool multi=false,
1479 const WriteConcern* wc=NULL
1480 );
1482 virtual void update(
1483 const std::string &ns,
1484 Query query,
1485 BSONObj obj,
1486 int flags,
1487 const WriteConcern* wc=NULL
1488 );
1497 virtual BulkOperationBuilder initializeUnorderedBulkOp(const std::string& ns);
1506 virtual BulkOperationBuilder initializeOrderedBulkOp(const std::string& ns);
1512 virtual void remove( const std::string &ns , Query q , bool justOne = 0, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL );
1514 virtual void remove( const std::string &ns , Query query, int flags, const WriteConcern* wc=NULL );
1516 virtual bool isFailed() const = 0;
1521 virtual bool isStillConnected() = 0;
1523 virtual void killCursor( long long cursorID ) = 0;
1525 virtual bool callRead( Message& toSend , Message& response ) = 0;
1526 // virtual bool callWrite( Message& toSend , Message& response ) = 0; // TODO: add this if needed
1528 virtual ConnectionString::ConnectionType type() const = 0;
1530 virtual double getSoTimeout() const = 0;
1532 virtual uint64_t getSockCreationMicroSec() const {
1534 }
1536 virtual void reset() {}
1538 }; // DBClientBase
1540 class DBClientReplicaSet;
1542 class MONGO_CLIENT_API ConnectException : public UserException {
1543 public:
1544 ConnectException(std::string msg) : UserException(9000,msg) { }
1545 };
1551 class MONGO_CLIENT_API DBClientConnection : public DBClientBase {
1552 public:
1553 using DBClientBase::query;
1561 DBClientConnection(bool _autoReconnect=false, DBClientReplicaSet* cp=0, double so_timeout=0) :
1562 clientSet(cp), _failed(false), autoReconnect(_autoReconnect), autoReconnectBackoff(1000, 2000), _so_timeout(so_timeout) {
1563 _numConnections.fetchAndAdd(1);
1564 }
1566 virtual ~DBClientConnection() {
1567 _numConnections.fetchAndAdd(-1);
1568 }
1579 virtual bool connect(const HostAndPort& server, std::string& errmsg);
1582 bool connect(const std::string& server, std::string& errmsg) {
1583 return connect(HostAndPort(server), errmsg);
1584 }
1594 void connect(const std::string& serverHostname) {
1595 std::string errmsg;
1596 if( !connect(HostAndPort(serverHostname), errmsg) )
1597 throw ConnectException(std::string("can't connect ") + errmsg);
1598 }
1607 virtual void logout(const std::string& dbname, BSONObj& info);
1609 virtual std::auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> query(const std::string &ns, Query query=Query(), int nToReturn = 0, int nToSkip = 0,
1610 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn = 0, int queryOptions = 0 , int batchSize = 0 );
1612 virtual unsigned long long query( stdx::function<void(DBClientCursorBatchIterator &)> f,
1613 const std::string& ns,
1614 Query query,
1615 const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn,
1616 int queryOptions );
1618 virtual bool runCommand(const std::string &dbname,
1619 const BSONObj& cmd,
1620 BSONObj &info,
1621 int options=0);
1627 bool isFailed() const { return _failed; }
1629 bool isStillConnected() { return p ? p->isStillConnected() : true; }
1631 MessagingPort& port() { verify(p); return *p; }
1633 std::string toString() const {
1634 std::stringstream ss;
1635 ss << _serverString;
1636 if ( !_serverAddrString.empty() ) ss << " (" << _serverAddrString << ")";
1637 if ( _failed ) ss << " failed";
1638 return ss.str();
1639 }
1641 std::string getServerAddress() const { return _serverString; }
1642 const HostAndPort& getServerHostAndPort() const { return _server; }
1644 virtual void killCursor( long long cursorID );
1645 virtual bool callRead( Message& toSend , Message& response ) { return call( toSend , response ); }
1646 virtual void say( Message &toSend, bool isRetry = false , std::string * actualServer = 0 );
1647 virtual bool recv( Message& m );
1648 virtual void checkResponse( const char *data, int nReturned, bool* retry = NULL, std::string* host = NULL );
1649 virtual bool call( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk = true , std::string * actualServer = 0 );
1650 virtual ConnectionString::ConnectionType type() const { return ConnectionString::MASTER; }
1651 void setSoTimeout(double timeout);
1652 double getSoTimeout() const { return _so_timeout; }
1654 virtual bool lazySupported() const { return true; }
1656 static int MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC getNumConnections() {
1657 return _numConnections.load();
1658 }
1672 static void MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC setLazyKillCursor( bool lazy ) { _lazyKillCursor = lazy; }
1673 static bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC getLazyKillCursor() { return _lazyKillCursor; }
1675 uint64_t getSockCreationMicroSec() const;
1677 protected:
1678 virtual void _auth(const BSONObj& params);
1679 virtual void sayPiggyBack( Message &toSend );
1681 DBClientReplicaSet *clientSet;
1682 boost::scoped_ptr<MessagingPort> p;
1683 boost::scoped_ptr<SockAddr> server;
1684 bool _failed;
1685 const bool autoReconnect;
1686 Backoff autoReconnectBackoff;
1687 HostAndPort _server; // remember for reconnects
1688 std::string _serverString; // server host and port
1689 std::string _serverAddrString; // resolved ip of server
1690 void _checkConnection();
1692 // throws SocketException if in failed state and not reconnecting or if waiting to reconnect
1693 void checkConnection() { if( _failed ) _checkConnection(); }
1695 std::map<std::string, BSONObj> authCache;
1696 double _so_timeout;
1697 bool _connect( std::string& errmsg );
1699 static AtomicInt32 _numConnections;
1700 static bool _lazyKillCursor; // lazy means we piggy back kill cursors on next op
1702#ifdef MONGO_SSL
1703 SSLManagerInterface* sslManager();
1705 };
1709 MONGO_CLIENT_API bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC serverAlive( const std::string &uri );
1711 MONGO_CLIENT_API BSONElement MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC getErrField( const BSONObj& result );
1712 MONGO_CLIENT_API bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC hasErrField( const BSONObj& result );
1714 MONGO_CLIENT_API inline std::ostream& MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC operator<<( std::ostream &s, const Query &q ) {
1715 return s << q.toString();
1716 }
1718} // namespace mongo
BSONElement represents an "element" in a BSONObj.
Definition bsonelement.h:55
double number() const
Retrieve the numeric value of the element.
Definition bsonelement.h:236
Definition bson_field.h:73
Utility for creating a BSONObj.
Definition bsonobjbuilder.h:53
BSONObjBuilder & append(const BSONElement &e)
append element to the object we are building
Definition bsonobjbuilder.h:123
BSONObjBuilder & appendElements(BSONObj x)
add all the fields from the object specified to this object
BSONObj obj()
destructive The returned BSONObj will free the buffer when it is finished.
Definition bsonobjbuilder.h:610
BSONObj done()
Fetch the object we have built.
Definition bsonobjbuilder.h:623
C++ representation of a "BSON" object – that is, an extended JSON-style object in a binary representa...
Definition bsonobj.h:78
BSONObj getOwned() const
assure the data buffer is under the control of this BSONObj and not a remote buffer
Class for constructing and executing bulk operations against MongoDB via a fluent API.
Definition bulk_operation_builder.h:54
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1542
Definition dbclientinterface.h:284
ConnectionString can parse MongoDB URIs with the following format:
Definition dbclientinterface.h:187
bool sameLogicalEndpoint(const ConnectionString &other) const
This returns true if this and other point to the same logical entity.
abstract class that implements the core db operations
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1330
virtual unsigned long long query(stdx::function< void(const BSONObj &)> f, const std::string &ns, Query query, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0)
Uses QueryOption_Exhaust, when available.
virtual std::auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > query(const std::string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn=0, int nToSkip=0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0, int batchSize=0)
send a query to the database.
virtual void insert(const std::string &ns, BSONObj obj, int flags=0, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)
insert an object into the database
virtual BulkOperationBuilder initializeUnorderedBulkOp(const std::string &ns)
Initializes an ordered bulk operation by returning an object that can be used to enqueue multiple ope...
virtual void update(const std::string &ns, Query query, BSONObj obj, bool upsert=false, bool multi=false, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)
updates objects matching query
virtual std::auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > getMore(const std::string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn=0, int options=0)
don't use this - called automatically by DBClientCursor for you
virtual void insert(const std::string &ns, const std::vector< BSONObj > &v, int flags=0, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)
insert a vector of objects into the database
virtual bool isStillConnected()=0
if not checked recently, checks whether the underlying socket/sockets are still valid
virtual BulkOperationBuilder initializeOrderedBulkOp(const std::string &ns)
Initializes an unordered bulk operation by returning an object that can be used to enqueue multiple o...
virtual void remove(const std::string &ns, Query q, bool justOne=0, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)
remove matching objects from the database
virtual void parallelScan(const StringData &ns, int numCursors, std::vector< DBClientCursor * > *cursors, stdx::function< DBClientBase *()> connectionFactory)
Returns a list of up to 'numCursors' cursors that can be iterated concurrently.
A basic connection to the database.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1551
virtual bool runCommand(const std::string &dbname, const BSONObj &cmd, BSONObj &info, int options=0)
Run a database command.
virtual bool connect(const HostAndPort &server, std::string &errmsg)
Connect to a Mongo database server.
bool isStillConnected()
if not checked recently, checks whether the underlying socket/sockets are still valid
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1629
DBClientConnection(bool _autoReconnect=false, DBClientReplicaSet *cp=0, double so_timeout=0)
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1561
virtual void logout(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj &info)
Logs out the connection for the given database.
bool connect(const std::string &server, std::string &errmsg)
Compatibility connect now that HostAndPort has an explicit constructor.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1582
bool isFailed() const
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1627
virtual bool call(Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk=true, std::string *actualServer=0)
actualServer is set to the actual server where they call went if there was a choice (SlaveOk)
void setReplSetClientCallback(DBClientReplicaSet *rsClient)
Primarily used for notifying the replica set client that the server it is talking to is not primary a...
virtual std::auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > query(const std::string &ns, Query query=Query(), int nToReturn=0, int nToSkip=0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0, int batchSize=0)
send a query to the database.
void connect(const std::string &serverHostname)
Connect to a Mongo database server.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1594
iterate over objects in current batch only - will not cause a network call
Definition dbclientcursor.h:229
The interface that any db connection should implement.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:606
void findN(std::vector< BSONObj > &out, const std::string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip=0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0, int batchSize=0)
query N objects from the database into an array.
virtual std::auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > getMore(const std::string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn=0, int options=0)=0
don't use this - called automatically by DBClientCursor for you
virtual BSONObj findOne(const std::string &ns, const Query &query, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0)
void save(const StringData &ns, const BSONObj &toSave, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)
Saves a document to a collection.
Use this class to connect to a replica set of servers.
Definition dbclient_rs.h:42
DB "commands" Basically just invocations of connection.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:662
virtual BSONObj getLastErrorDetailed(const std::string &db, bool fsync=false, bool j=false, int w=0, int wtimeout=0)
Get error result from the last write operation (insert/update/delete) on this connection.
bool _authX509(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &username, BSONObj *info)
Use the MONGODB-X509 protocol to authenticate as "username.
std::list< BSONObj > getCollectionInfos(const std::string &db, const BSONObj &filter=BSONObj())
{ name : "<short collection name>", options : { } }
bool validate(const std::string &ns, bool scandata=true)
validate a collection, checking for errors and reporting back statistics.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1089
void group(const StringData &ns, const StringData &jsreduce, std::vector< BSONObj > *output, const BSONObj &initial=BSONObj(), const Query &query=Query(), const BSONObj &key=BSONObj(), const StringData &finalize="")
Groups documents in a collection by the specified key and performs simple aggregation functions such ...
bool isNotMasterErrorString(const BSONElement &e)
if the element contains a not master error
BSONObj distinct(const StringData &ns, const StringData &field, const Query &query=Query())
Finds the distinct values for a specified field across a single collection and returns the results in...
bool _authMongoCR(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &username, const std::string &pwd, BSONObj *info, bool digestPassword)
Use the MONGODB-CR protocol to authenticate as "username" against the database "dbname",...
BSONObj mapreduce(const std::string &ns, const std::string &jsmapf, const std::string &jsreducef, Query query=Query(), MROutput output=MRInline)
Run a map/reduce job on the server.
bool copyDatabase(const std::string &fromdb, const std::string &todb, const std::string &fromhost="", const std::string &mechanism="DEFAULT", const std::string &username="", const std::string &password="", BSONObj *info=0)
Copy database from one server or name to another server or name.
virtual BSONObj getLastErrorDetailed(bool fsync=false, bool j=false, int w=0, int wtimeout=0)
Same as the form of getLastErrorDetailed that takes a dbname, but just uses the admin DB.
QueryOptions availableOptions()
Look up the options available on this client.
RunCommandHookFunc _runCommandHook
These functions will be executed by the driver on runCommand calls.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1280
bool repairDatabase(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info=0)
Perform a repair and compaction of the specified database.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:877
bool createCollection(const std::string &ns, long long size=0, bool capped=false, int max=0, BSONObj *info=0)
Create a new collection in the database.
static std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC getLastErrorString(const BSONObj &res)
Can be called with the returned value from getLastErrorDetailed to extract an error string.
BSONObj findAndModify(const StringData &ns, const BSONObj &query, const BSONObj &update, bool upsert=false, bool returnNew=false, const BSONObj &sort=BSONObj(), const BSONObj &fields=BSONObj())
Modifies and returns a single document.
virtual unsigned long long count(const std::string &ns, const Query &query=Query(), int options=0, int limit=0, int skip=0)
count number of objects in collection ns that match the query criteria specified throws UserAssertion...
virtual bool dropCollection(const std::string &ns, BSONObj *info=NULL)
Delete the specified collection.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:860
virtual void dropIndexes(const std::string &ns)
drops all indexes for the collection
logger::LogSeverity _logLevel
controls how chatty the client is about network errors & such.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:665
std::string getLastError(const std::string &db, bool fsync=false, bool j=false, int w=0, int wtimeout=0)
Get error result from the last write operation (insert/update/delete) on this connection.
bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode, BSONObj &info, BSONElement &retValue, BSONObj *args=0, bool nolock=false)
Run javascript code on the database server.
virtual bool dropDatabase(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info=0)
Erase / drop an entire database.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1207
void createIndex(const StringData &ns, const BSONObj &keys)
Create an index on the collection 'ns' as described by the given keys.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1169
std::string getLastError(bool fsync=false, bool j=false, int w=0, int wtimeout=0)
Same as the form of getLastError that takes a dbname, but just uses the admin DB.
The Mongo database provides built-in performance profiling capabilities.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:912
bool auth(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &username, const std::string &pwd, std::string &errmsg, bool digestPassword=true)
Authorize access to a particular database.
virtual void createIndex(const StringData &ns, const IndexSpec &descriptor)
Create an index on the collection 'ns' as described by the given descriptor.
std::list< std::string > getCollectionNames(const std::string &db, const BSONObj &filter=BSONObj())
Get a list of all the current collections in db.
virtual bool runCommand(const std::string &dbname, const BSONObj &cmd, BSONObj &info, int options=0)
Run a database command.
bool createCollectionWithOptions(const std::string &ns, long long size=0, bool capped=false, int max=0, const BSONObj &extraOptions=BSONObj(), BSONObj *info=0)
Creates a new collection in the database.
stdx::function< void(const BSONObj &, const std::string &)> PostRunCommandHookFunc
Similar to above, but for running a function on a command response after a command has been run.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1231
virtual bool isMaster(bool &isMaster, BSONObj *info=0)
returns true in isMaster parm if this db is the current master of a replica pair.
virtual void logout(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj &info)
Logs out the connection for the given database.
stdx::function< void(BSONObjBuilder *)> RunCommandHookFunc
A function type for runCommand hooking; the function takes a pointer to a BSONObjBuilder and returns ...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1221
virtual std::list< std::string > getIndexNames(const std::string &ns, int options=0)
Enumerates all indexes on ns (a db-qualified collection name).
std::auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > enumerateCollections(const std::string &db, const BSONObj &filter=BSONObj(), int batchSize=0)
Returns a DBClientCursor with collection information objects.
BSONObj getPrevError()
Return the last error which has occurred, even if not the very last operation.
bool resetError()
Reset the previous error state for this connection (accessed via getLastError and getPrevError).
Definition dbclientinterface.h:854
bool isOk(const BSONObj &)
if the result of a command is ok
void auth(const BSONObj &params)
Authenticate a user.
void groupWithKeyFunction(const StringData &ns, const StringData &jsreduce, std::vector< BSONObj > *output, const BSONObj &initial=BSONObj(), const Query &query=Query(), const StringData &jskey="", const StringData &finalize="")
Does the same thing as 'group' but accepts a key function, 'jskey', that is used to create an object ...
std::list< std::string > getDatabaseNames()
get a list of all the current databases uses the { listDatabases : 1 } command.
BSONObj findAndRemove(const StringData &ns, const BSONObj &query, const BSONObj &sort=BSONObj(), const BSONObj &fields=BSONObj())
Removes and returns a single document.
bool eval(const std::string &dbname, const std::string &jscode, T parm1, NumType &ret)
eval invocation with one parm to server and one numeric field (either int or double) returned
Definition dbclientinterface.h:1111
bool simpleCommand(const std::string &dbname, BSONObj *info, const std::string &command)
helper function.
Definition dbclient_writer.h:27
interface that handles communication with the db
Definition dbclientinterface.h:587
virtual bool call(Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk=true, std::string *actualServer=0)=0
actualServer is set to the actual server where they call went if there was a choice (SlaveOk)
Definition index_spec.h:29
Definition message.h:298
Definition message_port.h:68
Represents a full query description, including all options required for the query to be passed on to ...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:521
Represents a Mongo query expression.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:387
Query & maxKey(const BSONObj &val)
max is exclusive
Query & sort(const std::string &field, int asc=1)
Add a sort (ORDER BY) criteria to the query expression.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:414
Query & hint(BSONObj keyPattern)
Provide a hint to the query.
Query & sort(const BSONObj &sortPattern)
Add a sort (ORDER BY) criteria to the query expression.
static bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC hasReadPreference(const BSONObj &queryObj)
bool isComplex(bool *hasDollar=0) const
Query & maxTimeMs(int millis)
Specifies a cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing an operation.
Query & explain()
Return explain information about execution of this query instead of the actual query results.
Query & readPref(ReadPreference pref, const BSONArray &tags)
Sets the read preference for this query.
Query & snapshot()
Use snapshot mode for the query.
Query & where(const std::string &jscode, BSONObj scope)
Queries to the Mongo database support a $where parameter option which contains a javascript function ...
Query & minKey(const BSONObj &val)
Provide min and/or max index limits for the query.
Definition assert_util.h:130
Class to encapsulate client side "Write Concern" concept.
Definition write_concern.h:35
Represents a single server side write operation and encapsulates the process for encoding the operati...
Definition write_operation.h:31
Class representing the result of a write operations sent to the server.
Definition write_result.h:33
the idea here is to make one liners easy.
Definition str.h:44
Read from any member.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:153
Read from secondary if available, otherwise error.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:143
When sharded, this means its ok to return partial results Usually we will fail a query if all require...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:94
allow query of replica slave.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:59
Stream the data down full blast in multiple "more" packages, on the assumption that the client will f...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:88
Use with QueryOption_CursorTailable.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:79
The server normally times out idle cursors after an inactivity period to prevent excess memory uses S...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:74
Read from primary only.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:130
Read from a secondary if available, otherwise read from the primary.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:148
Read from primary if available, otherwise a secondary.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:138
Tailable means cursor is not closed when the last data is retrieved.
Definition dbclientinterface.h:55
BSON classes.
the main MongoDB namespace
Definition bulk_operation_builder.h:24
MONGO_CLIENT_API bool MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC serverAlive(const std::string &uri)
pings server to check if it's up
std::string createPasswordDigest(const StringData &username, const StringData &clearTextPassword)
Hashes the password so that it can be stored in a user object or used for MONGODB-CR authentication.
MONGO_CLIENT_API std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC nsGetCollection(const std::string &ns)
MONGO_CLIENT_API std::string MONGO_CLIENT_FUNC nsGetDB(const std::string &ns)
Definition bsonobj.h:559
This implicitly converts from char*, string, and BSONObj to be an argument to mapreduce You shouldn't...
Definition dbclientinterface.h:925
Name of a process on the network.
Definition hostandport.h:36