MongoDB C++ Driver legacy-1.0.5
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mongo::DBClientInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for mongo::DBClientInterface, including all inherited members.

findN(std::vector< BSONObj > &out, const std::string &ns, Query query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip=0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0, int batchSize=0)mongo::DBClientInterface
findOne(const std::string &ns, const Query &query, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0)mongo::DBClientInterfacevirtual
getMore(const std::string &ns, long long cursorId, int nToReturn=0, int options=0)=0mongo::DBClientInterfacepure virtual
save(const StringData &ns, const BSONObj &toSave, const WriteConcern *wc=NULL)mongo::DBClientInterface