All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBsonReader |
Abstract base class for BsonReader implementations.
AbstractBsonReader.State |
The state of a reader.
AbstractBsonWriter |
Represents a BSON writer for some external format (see subclasses).
AbstractBsonWriter.State |
The state of a writer.
Assertions |
Design by contract assertions.
AtomicBooleanCodec |
Encodes and decodes AtomicBoolean objects.
AtomicIntegerCodec |
Encodes and decodes AtomicInteger objects.
AtomicLongCodec |
Encodes and decodes AtomicLong objects.
BasicBSONCallback |
An implementation of BsonCallback that creates an instance of BSONObject.
BasicBSONDecoder |
Basic implementation of BSONDecoder interface that creates BasicBSONObject instances
BasicBSONEncoder |
This is meant to be pooled or cached.
BasicBSONList |
Utility class to allow array DBObject s to be created.
BasicBSONObject |
A simple implementation of DBObject .
BasicOutputBuffer |
A BSON output stream that stores the output in a single, un-pooled byte array.
BigDecimalCodec |
Encodes and decodes BigDecimal objects.
Binary |
Generic binary holder.
BinaryCodec |
A Codec for the BSON Binary type.
BooleanCodec |
Encodes and decodes Boolean objects.
Bson |
An interface for types that are able to render themselves into a BsonDocument .
BsonArray |
A type-safe representation of the BSON array type.
BsonArrayCodec |
A codec for BsonArray instances.
BsonBinary |
A representation of the BSON Binary type.
BsonBinaryCodec |
A Codec for the BSON Binary type.
BsonBinaryReader |
A BsonReader implementation that reads from a binary stream of data.
BsonBinarySubType |
The Binary subtype
BsonBinaryWriter |
A BsonWriter implementation that writes to a binary stream of data.
BsonBinaryWriterSettings |
The customisable settings for writing BSON.
BsonBoolean |
A representation of the BSON Boolean type.
BsonBooleanCodec |
A Codec for BsonBoolean instances.
BSONCallback |
A callback interface for describing the structure of a BSON document.
BsonCodec |
A codec for encoding Bson Implementations
BsonCodecProvider |
A codec for encoding simple Bson interface implementations
BsonContextType |
Used by BsonReader and BsonWriter implementations to represent the current context.
BsonCreator |
An annotation that configures a constructor or method as the Creator for the Pojo.
BsonDateTime |
A representation of the BSON DateTime type.
BsonDateTimeCodec |
A Codec for BsonDateTime instances.
BsonDbPointer |
Holder for a BSON type DBPointer(0x0c).
BsonDBPointerCodec |
Converts BSON type DBPointer(0x0c) to database references as DBPointer is deprecated.
BsonDecimal128 |
A representation of the BSON Decimal128 type.
BsonDecimal128Codec |
A Codec for BsonDecimal128 instances.
BSONDecoder |
An interface for decoders of BSON documents.
BsonDiscriminator |
An annotation that configures the discriminator key and value for a class.
BsonDocument |
A type-safe container for a BSON document.
BsonDocumentCodec |
A codec for BsonDocument instances.
BsonDocumentReader |
A BsonReader implementation that reads from an instance of BsonDocument .
BsonDocumentWrapper<T> |
A BsonDocument that begins its life as a document of any type and an Encoder for that document, which lets an instance of
any class with an Encoder be treated as a BsonDocument.
BsonDocumentWrapperCodec |
A Codec
BsonDocumentWriter |
A BsonWriter implementation that writes to an instance of BsonDocument .
BsonDouble |
A representation of the BSON Double type.
BsonDoubleCodec |
A Codec for BsonDouble instances.
BsonElement |
A mapping from a name to a BsonValue.
BSONEncoder |
A BSONEncoder is a class which can be used to turn documents into byte arrays.
BSONException |
A general runtime exception raised in BSON processing.
BsonId |
An annotation that configures the property as the id property for a ClassModel .
BsonIgnore |
An annotation that configures a property to be ignored when reading and writing to BSON
BsonInput |
An input stream that is optimized for reading BSON values directly from the underlying stream.
BsonInputMark |
Represents a bookmark that can be used to reset a BsonInput to its state at the time the mark was created.
BsonInt32 |
A representation of the BSON Int32 type.
BsonInt32Codec |
A Codec for BsonInt32 instances.
BsonInt64 |
A representation of the BSON Int64 type.
BsonInt64Codec |
A Codec for BsonInt64 instances.
BsonInvalidOperationException |
An exception indicating an invalid BSON operation.
BsonJavaScript |
For using the JavaScript Code type.
BsonJavaScriptCodec |
A Codec for the BsonJavaScript type.
BsonJavaScriptWithScope |
A representation of the JavaScript Code with Scope BSON type.
BsonJavaScriptWithScopeCodec |
A Codec for BsonJavaScriptWithScope instances.
BsonMaximumSizeExceededException |
An exception indicating a failure to serialize a BSON document due to it exceeding the maximum size.
BsonMaxKey |
Represent the maximum key value regardless of the key's type
BsonMaxKeyCodec |
A codec for BsonMaxKey instances.
BsonMinKey |
Represent the minimum key value regardless of the key's type
BsonMinKeyCodec |
A codec for BsonMinKey instances.
BsonNull |
A representation of the BSON Null type.
BsonNullCodec |
A Codec for BsonNull instances.
BsonNumber |
Base class for the three numeric BSON types.
BSONObject |
A key-value map that can be saved to the database.
BsonObjectId |
A representation of the BSON ObjectId type.
BsonObjectIdCodec |
A Codec for BsonObjectId instances.
BsonOutput |
An output stream that is optimized for writing BSON values directly to the underlying stream.
BsonProperty |
An annotation that configures a property.
BsonReader |
An interface for reading a logical BSON document using a pull-oriented API.
BsonReaderMark |
Represents a bookmark that can be used to reset a BsonReader to its state at the time the mark was created.
BsonRegularExpression |
A holder class for a BSON regular expression, so that we can delay compiling into a Pattern until necessary.
BsonRegularExpressionCodec |
A codec for BSON regular expressions.
BsonRepresentation |
An annotation that specifies what type the property is stored as in the database.
BsonSerializationException |
An exception indicating a failure to serialize a BSON value.
BsonString |
A representation of the BSON String type.
BsonStringCodec |
A Codec for BsonString instances.
BsonSymbol |
Class to hold a BSON symbol object, which is an interned string in Ruby
BsonSymbolCodec |
A codec for BSON symbol type.
BsonTimestamp |
A value representing the BSON timestamp type.
BSONTimestamp |
This is used for internal increment values.
BsonTimestampCodec |
A Codec for BSON Timestamp instances.
BsonType |
Enumeration of all the BSON types currently supported.
BsonTypeClassMap |
A map from a BSON types to the Class to which it should be decoded.
BsonTypeCodecMap |
An efficient map of BsonType to Codec
BsonUndefined |
Represents the value associated with the BSON Undefined type.
BsonUndefinedCodec |
Allows reading and writing of the BSON Undefined type.
BsonValue |
Base class for any BSON type.
BsonValueCodec |
A codec for unknown BsonValues.
BsonValueCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for all subclass of BsonValue.
BsonWriter |
An interface for writing a logical BSON document using a push-oriented API.
BsonWriterSettings |
All the customisable settings for writing BSON.
ByteArrayCodec |
Encodes and decodes byte arrays.
ByteBuf |
An interface wrapper around a java.nio.ByteBuffer which additionally is Closeable , so that pooled byte buffers know
ByteBufferBsonInput |
An implementation of BsonInput that is backed by a ByteBuf .
ByteBufNIO |
Implementation of ByteBuf which simply wraps an NIO ByteBuffer and forwards all calls to it.
ByteCodec |
Encodes and decodes Byte objects.
CharacterCodec |
Encodes and decodes Character objects.
ClassModel<T> |
This model represents the metadata for a class and all its properties.
ClassModelBuilder<T> |
A builder for programmatically creating ClassModels .
Code |
For using the Code type.
Codec<T> |
Implementations of this interface can both encode and decode values of type T .
CodecConfigurationException |
An exception indicating that a codec registry has been misconfigured in some way, preventing it from providing a codec for the
requested class.
CodeCodec |
Encodes and decodes instances of type Code .
CodecProvider |
A provider of Codec instances.
CodecRegistries |
A helper class for creating and combining codecs, codec providers, and codec registries
CodecRegistry |
A registry of Codec instances searchable by the class that the Codec can encode and decode.
CodeWithScope |
A representation of the JavaScript Code with Scope BSON type.
CodeWithScopeCodec |
Encodes and decodes CodeWithScope instances.
CodeWScope |
Represents the CodeWScope BSON type.
CollectibleCodec<T> |
A Codec that generates complete BSON documents for storage in a MongoDB collection.
Convention |
Defines a convention to be applied when mapping a class.
Conventions |
The default Conventions
Converter<T> |
A converter from a BSON value to JSON.
DateCodec |
Encodes and decodes java.util.Date objects.
Decimal128 |
A binary integer decimal representation of a 128-bit decimal value, supporting 34 decimal digits of significand and an exponent range
of -6143 to +6144.
Decimal128Codec |
Encodes and decodes Decimal128 objects.
Decoder<T> |
Decoders are used for reading BSON types from MongoDB and converting them into Java objects.
DecoderContext |
The context for decoding values to BSON.
DecoderContext.Builder |
A builder for DecoderContext instances.
Document |
A representation of a document as a Map .
DocumentCodec |
A Codec for Document instances.
DocumentCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for the Document class and all the default Codec implementations on which it depends.
DoubleCodec |
Encodes and decodes Double objects.
EmptyBSONCallback |
Convenience implementation of BSONCallback that throws UnsupportedOperationException for all methods.
Encoder<T> |
Instances of this class are capable of encoding an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
EncoderContext |
The context for encoding values to BSON.
EncoderContext.Builder |
A builder for EncoderContext instances.
FieldNameValidator |
A field name validator, for use by BSON writers to validate field names as documents are encoded.
FloatCodec |
Encodes and decodes Float objects.
IdGenerator |
Classes that implement this interface define a way to create IDs for MongoDB documents.
IdGenerator<T> |
Classes that implement this interface define a way to create Ids for Pojo's.
IdGenerators |
The default IdGenerators
InstanceCreator<T> |
Provides access for setting data and the creation of a class instances.
InstanceCreatorFactory<T> |
InstantCodec |
Instant Codec.
IntegerCodec |
Encodes and decodes Integer objects.
IterableCodec |
Encodes and decodes Iterable objects.
IterableCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for classes than implement the Iterable interface.
JsonMode |
An enumeration of the supported output modes of JSONWriter .
JsonObject |
A wrapper class that holds a JSON object string.
JsonObjectCodec |
Encodes and Decodes JSON object strings.
JsonObjectCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for JSON object strings
JsonParseException |
JSONParseException indicates some exception happened during JSON processing.
JsonReader |
Reads a JSON in one of the following modes:
Strict mode that conforms to the JSON RFC specifications.
JavaScript mode that that most JavaScript interpreters can process
Shell mode that the mongo shell can process.
JsonWriter |
A BsonWriter implementation that outputs a JSON representation of BSON.
JsonWriterSettings |
Settings to control the behavior of a JSONWriter instance.
JsonWriterSettings.Builder |
A builder for JsonWriterSettings
Jsr310CodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for JSR-310 Date and Time API classes.
LazyBSONCallback |
A BSONCallback for creation of LazyBSONObject and LazyBSONList instances.
LazyBSONDecoder |
A decoder for LazyBSONObject instances.
LazyBSONList |
A LazyBSONObject representing a BSON array.
LazyBSONObject |
An immutable BSONObject backed by a byte buffer that lazily provides keys and values on request.
LocalDateCodec |
LocalDate Codec.
LocalDateTimeCodec |
LocalDateTime Codec.
LocalTimeCodec |
LocalTime Codec.
Logger |
This class is not part of the public API.
Loggers |
This class is not part of the public API.
LongCodec |
Encodes and decodes Long objects.
MapCodec |
A Codec for Map instances.
MapCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for the Map class and all the default Codec implementations on which it depends.
MaxKey |
Represent the maximum key value regardless of the key's type
MaxKeyCodec |
Encodes and decodes instances of type MaxKey .
MinKey |
Represent the minimum key value regardless of the key's type
MinKeyCodec |
Encodes and decodes instances of type MinKey .
ObjectId |
A globally unique identifier for objects.
ObjectIdCodec |
A Codec for ObjectId instances.
ObjectIdGenerator |
Creates new ObjectId instances as IDs for MongoDB Documents.
OutputBuffer |
An abstract base class for classes implementing BsonOutput .
OverridableUuidRepresentationCodec<T> |
A marker interface for Codec implementations that can derive a new instance that overrides the UuidRepresentation .
OverridableUuidRepresentationUuidCodec |
An extension of UuidCodec that allows its configured UuidRepresentation to be overridden by an externally configured
UuidRepresentation , most likely configured on MongoClientSettings or MongoClientOptions .
PatternCodec |
A codec for Pattern instances.
PojoCodecProvider |
Provides Codecs for registered POJOs via the ClassModel abstractions.
PojoCodecProvider.Builder |
A Builder for the PojoCodecProvider
PropertyAccessor<T> |
Provides access for getting and setting property data.
PropertyCodecProvider |
PropertyCodecRegistry |
PropertyModel<T> |
Represents a property on a class and stores various metadata such as generic parameters
PropertyModelBuilder<T> |
A builder for programmatically creating PropertyModels .
PropertySerialization<T> |
An interface allowing a PropertyModel to determine if a value should be serialized.
RawBsonArray |
An immutable BSON array that is represented using only the raw bytes.
RawBsonDocument |
An immutable BSON document that is represented using only the raw bytes.
RawBsonDocumentCodec |
A simple BSONDocumentBuffer codec.
RepresentationConfigurable<T> |
Implementations of this interface can decode additional types
and translate them to the desired value type depending on the BsonRepresentation.
ShortCodec |
Encodes and decodes Short objects.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriter |
A class that writes JSON texts as a character stream via a provided Writer .
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings |
Settings to control the behavior of a JSONWriter instance.
StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings.Builder |
A builder for StrictCharacterStreamJsonWriterSettings
StrictJsonWriter |
An interface for creating JSON texts that largely conform to RFC 7159.
StringCodec |
Encodes and decodes String objects.
Symbol |
Class to hold an instance of the BSON symbol type.
SymbolCodec |
A codec for BSON symbol type.
Transformer |
Transforms objects that can be converted to BSON into other Java types, and vice versa.
TypeWithTypeParameters<T> |
A combination of a type and its type parameters.
UuidCodec |
Encodes and decodes UUID objects.
UuidCodecProvider |
A CodecProvider for UUID Codecs with custom UUID representations
UuidRepresentation |
The representation to use when converting a UUID to a BSON binary value.
ValueCodecProvider |
A Codec provider for dynamically-typed value classes.