Package com.mongodb

Class LazyDBList

All Implemented Interfaces:
DBObject, Iterable, Collection, List, BSONObject

public class LazyDBList extends LazyBSONList implements DBObject
A LazyDBObject representing a BSON array.
  • Constructor Details

    • LazyDBList

      public LazyDBList(byte[] bytes, LazyBSONCallback callback)
      Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
      bytes - the raw BSON bytes
      callback - the callback to use to create nested values
    • LazyDBList

      public LazyDBList(byte[] bytes, int offset, LazyBSONCallback callback)
      Construct an instance with the given raw bytes and offset.
      bytes - the raw BSON bytes
      offset - the offset into the raw bytes
      callback - the callback to use to create nested values
  • Method Details