Change Streams

MongoDB 3.6 introduces a new $changeStream aggregation pipeline operator.

Change streams provide a way to watch changes to documents in a collection. To improve the usability of this new stage, the MongoCollection API includes a new watch method. The ChangeStreamObservable sets up the change stream and automatically attempts to resume if it encounters a potentially recoverable error.


  • The example below requires a restaurants collection in the test database. To create and populate the collection, follow the directions in github.

  • Include the following import statements:

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch

import org.mongodb.scala._
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Aggregates._
import org.mongodb.scala.model.Filters._
import org.mongodb.scala.model.changestream._

This guide uses the Observable implicits as covered in the Quick Start Primer.

Connect to a MongoDB Deployment

Connect to a MongoDB deployment and declare and define a MongoDatabase and a MongoCollection instance.

For example, include the following code to connect to a replicaSet MongoDB deployment running on localhost on ports 27017, 27018 and 27019. It also defines database to refer to the test database and collection to refer to the restaurants collection.

val mongoClient: MongoClient = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019")
val database: MongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase("test")
val collection: MongoCollection[Document] = database.getCollection("restaurants")

For additional information on connecting to MongoDB, see Connect to MongoDB.

Watch the collection

To create a change stream use one of the methods.

In the following example, the change stream prints out all changes it observes.

case class LatchedObserver() extends Observer[ChangeStreamDocument[Document]] {
  val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)

  override def onSubscribe(subscription: Subscription): Unit = subscription.request(Long.MaxValue) // Request data

  override def onNext(changeDocument: ChangeStreamDocument[Document]): Unit = println(changeDocument)

  override def onError(throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
      println(s"Error: '$throwable")

  override def onComplete(): Unit = latch.countDown()

  def await(): Unit = latch.await()

val observer = LatchedObserver()
observer.await() // Block waiting for the latch

Watch the database

New in the 3.8 driver and MongoDB 4.0, applications can open a single change stream to watch all non-system collections of a database. To create such a change stream use one of the methods.

In the following example, the change stream prints out all the changes it observes on the given database.

val observer = LatchedObserver()
observer.await() // Block waiting for the latch

Watch all databases

New in the 3.8 driver and MongoDB 4.0, applications can open a single change stream to watch all non-system collections of all databases in a MongoDB deployment. To create such a change stream use one of the methods.

In the following example, the change stream prints out all the changes it observes on the deployment to which the MongoClient is connected

val observer = LatchedObserver()
observer.await() // Block waiting for the latch

Filtering content

The watch method can also be passed a list of aggregation stages, that can modify the data returned by the $changeStream operator. Note: not all aggregation operators are supported. See the $changeStream documentation for more information.

In the following example the change stream prints out all changes it observes, for insert, update, replace and delete operations:

  • First it uses a $match stage to filter for documents where the operationType is either an insert, update, replace or delete.

  • Then, it sets the fullDocument to FullDocument.UPDATE_LOOKUP, so that the document after the update is included in the results.

val observer = LatchedObserver()"operationType", Seq("insert", "update", "replace", "delete")))))
observer.await() // Block waiting for the latch