All Classes and Interfaces

Builders for accumulators used in the group pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
Builders for aggregation pipeline stages.
Completion handler for asynchronous I/O.
An enumeration of the MongodDB-supported authentication mechanisms.
The client-side automatic encryption settings.
A builder for AutoEncryptionSettings so that AutoEncryptionSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
A representation of Amazon Web Services credentials for API authentication.
An implementation of List that reflects the way BSON lists work.
A basic implementation of BSON object that is MongoDB specific.
Utility for building complex objects.
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
An interface for applying some logic against the given parameter.
A representation of a BSON document field whose value is another BSON document.
Knows how to encode and decode BSON timestamps.
The options for a $bucketAuto aggregation pipeline stage
Granularity values for automatic bucketing.
The options for a $bucket aggregation pipeline stage
Represents an error for an item included in a bulk write operation, e.g.
Represents an item in the bulk write that was inserted.
The options to apply to a bulk write.
The result of a successful bulk write operation.
Represents an item in the bulk write that was upserted.
Represents the $changeStream aggregation output document.
Options for change stream pre- and post- images.
The client-side settings for data key creation and explicit encryption.
A builder for ClientEncryptionSettings so that ClientEncryptionSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
A client session.
The options to apply to a ClientSession.
A builder for instances of ClientSession
A cluster closed event.
The cluster connection mode.
Immutable snapshot state of a cluster.
An event signifying that the cluster description has changed.
Options for cluster index on a collection.
A client-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a connection to a MongoDB cluster, which could be sharded, replica set, or standalone.
A listener for cluster-related events.
A cluster opening event.
Settings for the cluster.
A builder for the cluster settings.
An enumeration of all possible cluster types.
The options regarding collation support in MongoDB 3.4+
A Collation builder.
Collation support allows the specific configuration of whether or not spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
Collation support allows the specific configuration of how character cases are handled.
Collation support allows the specific configuration of whether or not spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
Collation support allows the specific configuration of how differences between characters are handled.
An event representing a MongoDB database command.
An event representing the failure of a MongoDB database command.
A listener for command events
An event representing the start of a command execution.
An event representing the completion of a MongoDB database command.
A server selector that composes a list of server selectors, and selects the servers by iterating through the list from start to finish, passing the result of the previous into the next, and finally returning the result of the last one.
A base for a CompoundSearchOperator which allows creating instances of this operator.
An event for checking in a connection to the pool.
An event for checking out a connection from the pool.
An event for when checking out a connection fails.
An enumeration of the reasons checking out a connection failed
An event for when the driver starts to check out a connection.
An event for when a connection pool closes a connection.
An enumeration of the reasons a connection could be closed
An event for creating a connection in the pool.
A description of a connection to a MongoDB server.
An immutable connection identifier of a connection to a MongoDB server.
An event signifying when a connection pool is cleared and paused.
An event signifying the closing of a connection pool.
An event signifying that a connection pool was created.
A listener for connection pool-related events.
An event signifying when a connection pool is ready.
All settings that relate to the pool of connections to a MongoDB server.
A builder for creating ConnectionPoolSettings.
A standard MXBean interface for a Mongo connection pool.
An event for when a connection in the pool has finished being established.
Represents a Connection String.
A marker interface for providers of RequestContext.
A GeoJSON Coordinate Reference System (CRS).
An enumeration of the GeoJSON coordinate reference system types.
The options for a count operation.
Options for creating a collection
Auxiliary parameters for creating an encrypted collection.
A commit quorum specifies how many data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready.
The options to apply to the command when creating indexes.
Options for creating a view
An enumeration of cursor types.
The options for creating a data key.
A base for a DateRangeSearchOperator which allows creating instances of this operator.
This interface adds some specific behaviour to BSONObject for MongoDB documents.
A collectible codec for a DBObject.
A provider for a DBObjectCodec.
A representation of a database reference.
A Codec for DBRef instances.
A codec provider for DBRef.
A model describing the removal of all documents matching the query filter.
A model describing the removal of at most one document matching the query filter.
The options to apply when deleting documents.
The result of a delete operation.
Represents optional fields of the $densify pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
A specification of how to compute the missing field values for which new documents must be added.
An interface describing a DNS client.
Service-provider class for DnsClient.
An exception indicating a DNS error;
An exception indicating a DNS error that includes a response code.
A Document to DBRef Transformer.
Options for dropping a collection
The options to apply to the command when dropping indexes.
The legacy WriteConcernException, thrown when trying to insert or update a document containing a duplicate key.
The options for explicit encryption.
A categorization of errors returned by a MongoDB server command.
The options an estimated count operation.
Signifies that the annotated program element is subject to incompatible changes by means of adding abstract methods.
An enumeration of the verbosity levels available for explaining query execution.
Provides Codec instances for the MQL API.
Defines a Facet for use in $facet pipeline stages.
Helps define new fields for the $addFields pipeline stage
Represents optional fields of the $fill pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
The core part of the $fill pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
A representation of a CompoundSearchOperator that allows changing filter-specific options, if any.
A factory for query filters.
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and deletes it.
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and replaces it.
The options to apply to an operation that atomically finds a document and updates it.
Change Stream fullDocument configuration.
Change Stream fullDocumentBeforeChange configuration.
Apply a function to the input object yielding an appropriate result object.
Fuzzy search options that may be used with some SearchOperators.
A provider of codecs for GeoJSON objects.
An enumeration of GeoJSON object types.
An abstract class for representations of GeoJSON geometry objects.
A Codec for a GeoJSON Geometry.
A representation of a GeoJSON GeometryCollection.
A Codec for a GeoJSON GeometryCollection.
The options for a graphLookup aggregation pipeline stage
The GridFS download by name options
The GridFSFile
A codec for GridFS Files
A provider of codecs for GridFSFiles.
GridFS upload options
The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable.
A factory for defining index keys.
A model describing the creation of a single index.
The default options for a collection to apply on the creation of indexes.
The options to apply to the creation of an index.
This interface defines operations for looking up host names.
Service-provider class for InetAddressResolver.
The options to apply to an operation that inserts multiple documents into a collection.
The result of an insert many operation.
A model describing an insert of a single document.
The options to apply to an operation that inserts a single document into a collection.
The result of an insert one operation.
A CodecProvider for Java Records.
A connection pool listener that manages a set of JMX MBeans, one for each connection pool.
An implementation of SubjectProvider suitable for use as the value of the MongoCredential.JAVA_SUBJECT_PROVIDER_KEY mechanism property for Kerberos credentials, created via MongoCredential.createGSSAPICredential(String).
A CodecProvider for Kotlin data classes.
A representation of a GeoJSON LineString.
A Codec for a GeoJSON LineString.
An immutable class representing settings for logging.
A builder for an instance of LoggerSettings.
Superseded by aggregate
Options to control the behavior of the $merge aggregation stage
The behavior of $merge if a result document and an existing document in the collection have the same value for the specified on field(s).
The behavior of $merge if a result document does not match an existing document in the out collection.
An exception that represents all errors associated with a bulk write operation.
An exception indicating that a failure occurred when running a $changeStream.
A base class for exceptions indicating a failure condition with the MongoClient.
Various settings to control the behavior of a MongoClient.
A builder for MongoClientSettings so that MongoClientSettings can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
An exception indicating that a command sent to a MongoDB server returned a failure.
Metadata describing a compressor to use for sending and receiving messages to a MongoDB server.
An exception indicating a configuration error in the client.
An exception that may usually happen as a result of another thread clearing a connection pool.
Represents credentials to authenticate to a mongo server,as well as the source of the credentials and the authentication mechanism to use.
The OIDC Identity Provider's configuration that can be used to acquire an Access Token.
This callback is invoked when the OIDC-based authenticator requests tokens from the identity provider.
The context for the OIDC request callback.
The OIDC credential information.
Subclass of MongoException representing a cursor-not-found exception.
The MongoDriverInformation class allows driver and library authors to add extra information about their library.
Top level Exception for all Exceptions, server-side or client-side, that come from the driver.
Exception indicating that the execution of the current operation timed out as a result of the maximum operation time being exceeded.
An exception indicating that a failure occurred in GridFS.
An exception indicating that this version of the driver is not compatible with at least one of the servers that it is currently connected to.
A Mongo exception internal to the driver, not carrying any error code.
A driver-specific non-checked counterpart to InterruptedException.
A MongoDB namespace, which includes a database name and collection name.
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is in recovery mode, and therefore refused to execute the operation.
An exception indicating that the server is a member of a replica set but is not the primary, and therefore refused to execute either a write operation or a read operation that required a primary.
An exception indicating that a query operation failed on the server.
This exception is thrown when there is an error reported by the underlying client authentication mechanism.
An exception indicating that some error has been raised by a MongoDB server in response to an operation.
An exception indicating that the server on which an operation is selected to run is no longer available to execute operations.
This exception is thrown when trying to read or write from a closed socket.
Subclass of MongoException representing a network-related exception
This exception is thrown when there is an exception opening a Socket.
This exception is thrown when there is an exception reading a response from a Socket.
This exception is thrown when there is a timeout reading a response from the socket.
This exception is thrown when there is an exception writing a response to a Socket.
An exception indicating that the driver has timed out waiting for either a server or a connection to become available.
Units for specifying time-based values.
An exception thrown by methods that may automatically create data encryption keys where needed based on the encryptedFields configuration.
An exception indicating a failure to apply the write concern to the requested write operation
An exception indicating the failure of a write operation.
An array value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A boolean value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A UTC date-time value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A document value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A map entry value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
An integer value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
MqlMap<T extends MqlValue>
A map value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A number value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A string value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
Documents places where the API relies on a user asserting something that is not checked at run-time.
A value in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
Convenience methods related to MqlValue, used primarily to produce values in the context of the MongoDB Query Language (MQL).
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiLineString.
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiLineString.
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPoint.
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPoint.
A representation of a GeoJSON MultiPolygon.
A Codec for a GeoJSON MultiPolygon.
A representation of a CompoundSearchOperator that allows changing must-specific options, if any.
A representation of a CompoundSearchOperator that allows changing mustNot-specific options, if any.
A GeoJSON named Coordinate Reference System.
Codec for a GeoJson Coordinate Reference System of type name.
TransportSettings for a Netty-based transport implementation.
A builder for an instance of NettyTransportSettings.
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements cannot be null.
A common annotation to declare that parameters and return values are to be considered as non-nullable by default for a given package.
The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe.
A common annotation to declare that annotated elements can be null under some circumstance.
A base for a NumberRangeSearchOperator which allows creating instances of this operator.
The $changeStream operation type.
A representation of a GeoJSON Point.
A Codec for a GeoJSON point.
A representation of a GeoJSON Polygon.
A Codec for a GeoJSON polygon.
Coordinates for a GeoJSON Polygon.
A representation of a GeoJSON Position.
A factory for projections.
This setting is only applicable when communicating with a MongoDB server using the synchronous variant of MongoClient.
A builder for an instance of ProxySettings.
The options to apply to a $push update operator.
This interface represents a quantile method used in quantile accumulators of the $group and $setWindowFields stages.
Range options specifies index options for a Queryable Encryption field supporting "rangePreview" queries.
A read concern allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
A read concern level allows clients to choose a level of isolation for their reads.
A class that represents preferred replica set members to which a query or command can be sent.
Options to apply to hedged reads in the server.
The builder for read preference hedge options
The options to apply when renaming a collection.
A model describing the replacement of at most one document that matches the query filter.
The options to apply when replacing documents.
The request context, useful for implementing distributed tracing.
Indicates which document to return, the original document before change or the document after the change
The rewrap many data key options
The result of the rewrapping of data keys
Signifies that the annotated class or interface should be treated as sealed: it must not be extended or implemented by consumers of the library.
The core part of the $search pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
Counting options.
A facet definition for FacetSearchCollector.
Highlighting options.
A model describing the creation of a single Atlas Search index.
The core part of the $search pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
Represents optional fields of the $search pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
A specification of fields to be searched.
A modifier of the relevance score.
Represents the location of a Mongo server - i.e.
A specification of the server API on which the application relies.
A builder for ServerApi so that ServerApi can be immutable, and to support easier construction through chaining.
The Server API version.
A server opening event.
Enum of the current state of attempting to connect to a server.
A class representing a cursor id associated with a server address (host/port) Since cursor ids are only useful in the context of a single MongoDB server process, you need both values to do a getMore on the cursor.
Immutable snapshot state of a server.
A builder for creating ServerDescription.
An event for changes to the description of a server.
An event for server heartbeat failures.
An event for the start of a server heartbeat.
An event for successful completion of a server heartbeat.
A client-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a MongoDB server.
A listener for server-related events
The server monitoring mode, which defines the monitoring protocol to use.
A listener for server monitor-related events
A server opening event.
An interface for selecting a server from a cluster according to some preference.
A MongoDB server session.
Settings relating to monitoring of each server.
A builder for the settings.
The type of the server.
Holds an array of three integers representing the server version, e.g.
A representation of a CompoundSearchOperator that allows changing should-specific options, if any.
An immutable class representing socket settings used for connections to a MongoDB server.
A builder for an instance of SocketSettings.
A factory for sort specifications.
The current fragment, out of the total number of fragments.
Settings for connecting to MongoDB via SSL.
A builder for creating SSLSettings.
This interface enables applications to take full control of the lifecycle of the Subject with which authentication requests are executed.
A replica set tag.
Abstract class for all preference which can be combined with tags
An immutable set of tags, used to select members of a replica set to use for read operations.
Text search options for the Filters.text(String, TextSearchOptions) helper
The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe.
An enumeration of time-series data granularity.
Options related to the creation of time-series collections.
The topology version of a cluster.
Options to apply to transactions.
The builder for transaction options
Transport settings for the driver.
A part of an UpdateDescription object specifying a change to a field of the array type when the change is reported as truncation.
Represents the location of a MongoD unix domain socket.
The options for an unwind aggregation pipeline stage
The update description for changed fields in a $changeStream operation.
A model describing an update to all documents that matches the query filter.
A model describing an update to at most one document that matches the query filter.
The options to apply when updating documents.
The result of an update operation.
A factory for document updates.
Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.
Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an insert or update.
Validation options for documents being inserted or updated in a collection
Helps define new variable for the $lookup pipeline stage
Represents optional fields of the $vectorSearch pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
A subset of documents within a partition in the $setWindowFields pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline (see partitionBy in Aggregates.setWindowFields(Object, Bson, Iterable)).
The core part of the $setWindowFields pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
Builders for window output fields used in the $setWindowFields pipeline stage of an aggregation pipeline.
Builders for windows used when expressing windowed computations.
Special values that may be used when specifying the bounds of a window.
Controls the acknowledgment of write operations with various options.
An error representing a failure by the server to apply the requested write concern to the bulk operation.
An exception representing an error reported due to a write failure.
The result of a successful write operation.
Represents the details of a write error , e.g.
A base class for models that can be used in a bulk write operations.