Package-level declarations


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class AggregateIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: AggregateIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for aggregate operations.

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class ChangeStreamIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: ChangeStreamIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<ChangeStreamDocument<T>>

Iterable like implementation for change streams.

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class ClientSession(val wrapped: ClientSession) : Closeable

A client session that supports transactions.

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class DistinctIterable<T>(wrapped: DistinctIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for distinct operations.

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class FindIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: FindIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for find operations.

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class ListCollectionNamesIterable(wrapped: ListCollectionNamesIterable) : MongoIterable<String>

Iterable for listing collection names.

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class ListCollectionsIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: ListCollectionsIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for list collection operations.

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class ListDatabasesIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: ListDatabasesIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for list database operations.

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class ListIndexesIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: ListIndexesIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for list index operations.

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class ListSearchIndexesIterable<T : Any>(wrapped: ListSearchIndexesIterable<T>) : MongoIterable<T>

Iterable like implementation for list Atlas Search index operations.

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The Mongo Cursor interface for change streams implementing the iterator protocol.

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class MongoClient(wrapped: MongoClient) : Closeable

A client-side representation of a MongoDB cluster.

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class MongoCollection<T : Any>(wrapped: MongoCollection<T>)

The MongoCollection representation.

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interface MongoCursor<T> : Iterator<T> , Closeable

The Mongo Cursor interface implementing the iterator protocol.

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class MongoDatabase(wrapped: MongoDatabase)

The MongoDatabase representation.

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open class MongoIterable<T>(delegate: MongoIterable<T>)

The MongoIterable is the results from an operation, such as a query.


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fun CreateCollectionOptions.expireAfter(maxTime: Long): CreateCollectionOptions
fun IndexOptions.expireAfter(expireAfter: Long): IndexOptions

expireAfter extension function

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fun TransactionOptions.Builder.maxCommitTime(maxCommitTime: Long): TransactionOptions.Builder

maxCommitTime extension function

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fun CountOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): CountOptions
fun CreateIndexOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): CreateIndexOptions
fun DropIndexOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): DropIndexOptions
fun EstimatedDocumentCountOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): EstimatedDocumentCountOptions
fun FindOneAndDeleteOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): FindOneAndDeleteOptions
fun FindOneAndReplaceOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): FindOneAndReplaceOptions
fun FindOneAndUpdateOptions.maxTime(maxTime: Long): FindOneAndUpdateOptions

maxTime extension function