
class ClientSession(val wrapped: ClientSession) : Closeable

A client session that supports transactions.


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constructor(wrapped: ClientSession)


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Abort a transaction in the context of this session.

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open override fun close()
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Commit a transaction in the context of this session. A transaction can only be commmited if one has first been started.

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Start a transaction in the context of this session with default transaction options. A transaction can not be started if there is already an active transaction on this session.

fun startTransaction(transactionOptions: TransactionOptions)

Start a transaction in the context of this session with the given transaction options. A transaction can not be started if there is already an active transaction on this session.

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fun <T : Any> withTransaction(transactionBody: () -> T, options: TransactionOptions = TransactionOptions.builder().build()): T

Execute the given function within a transaction.


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Returns true if there is an active transaction on this session, and false otherwise

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Returns true if operations in this session must be causally consistent

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val options: ClientSessionOptions

The options for this session.

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val transactionOptions: TransactionOptions

Gets the transaction options.

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val wrapped: ClientSession