Source: lib/bulk/common.js

'use strict';

const Long = require('../core').BSON.Long;
const MongoError = require('../core').MongoError;
const ObjectID = require('../core').BSON.ObjectID;
const BSON = require('../core').BSON;
const MongoWriteConcernError = require('../core').MongoWriteConcernError;
const toError = require('../utils').toError;
const handleCallback = require('../utils').handleCallback;
const applyRetryableWrites = require('../utils').applyRetryableWrites;
const applyWriteConcern = require('../utils').applyWriteConcern;
const executeLegacyOperation = require('../utils').executeLegacyOperation;
const isPromiseLike = require('../utils').isPromiseLike;

// Error codes

// Insert types
const INSERT = 1;
const UPDATE = 2;
const REMOVE = 3;

const bson = new BSON([

 * Keeps the state of a unordered batch so we can rewrite the results
 * correctly after command execution
 * @ignore
class Batch {
  constructor(batchType, originalZeroIndex) {
    this.originalZeroIndex = originalZeroIndex;
    this.currentIndex = 0;
    this.originalIndexes = [];
    this.batchType = batchType;
    this.operations = [];
    this.size = 0;
    this.sizeBytes = 0;

 * @classdesc
 * The result of a bulk write.
class BulkWriteResult {
   * Create a new BulkWriteResult instance
   * **NOTE:** Internal Type, do not instantiate directly
  constructor(bulkResult) {
    this.result = bulkResult;

   * Evaluates to true if the bulk operation correctly executes
   * @type {boolean}
  get ok() {
    return this.result.ok;

   * The number of inserted documents
   * @type {number}
  get nInserted() {
    return this.result.nInserted;

   * Number of upserted documents
   * @type {number}
  get nUpserted() {
    return this.result.nUpserted;

   * Number of matched documents
   * @type {number}
  get nMatched() {
    return this.result.nMatched;

   * Number of documents updated physically on disk
   * @type {number}
  get nModified() {
    return this.result.nModified;

   * Number of removed documents
   * @type {number}
  get nRemoved() {
    return this.result.nRemoved;

   * Returns an array of all inserted ids
   * @return {object[]}
  getInsertedIds() {
    return this.result.insertedIds;

   * Returns an array of all upserted ids
   * @return {object[]}
  getUpsertedIds() {
    return this.result.upserted;

   * Returns the upserted id at the given index
   * @param {number} index the number of the upserted id to return, returns undefined if no result for passed in index
   * @return {object}
  getUpsertedIdAt(index) {
    return this.result.upserted[index];

   * Returns raw internal result
   * @return {object}
  getRawResponse() {
    return this.result;

   * Returns true if the bulk operation contains a write error
   * @return {boolean}
  hasWriteErrors() {
    return this.result.writeErrors.length > 0;

   * Returns the number of write errors off the bulk operation
   * @return {number}
  getWriteErrorCount() {
    return this.result.writeErrors.length;

   * Returns a specific write error object
   * @param {number} index of the write error to return, returns null if there is no result for passed in index
   * @return {WriteError}
  getWriteErrorAt(index) {
    if (index < this.result.writeErrors.length) {
      return this.result.writeErrors[index];
    return null;

   * Retrieve all write errors
   * @return {WriteError[]}
  getWriteErrors() {
    return this.result.writeErrors;

   * Retrieve lastOp if available
   * @return {object}
  getLastOp() {
    return this.result.lastOp;

   * Retrieve the write concern error if any
   * @return {WriteConcernError}
  getWriteConcernError() {
    if (this.result.writeConcernErrors.length === 0) {
      return null;
    } else if (this.result.writeConcernErrors.length === 1) {
      // Return the error
      return this.result.writeConcernErrors[0];
    } else {
      // Combine the errors
      let errmsg = '';
      for (let i = 0; i < this.result.writeConcernErrors.length; i++) {
        const err = this.result.writeConcernErrors[i];
        errmsg = errmsg + err.errmsg;

        // TODO: Something better
        if (i === 0) errmsg = errmsg + ' and ';

      return new WriteConcernError({ errmsg: errmsg, code: WRITE_CONCERN_ERROR });

   * @return {object}
  toJSON() {
    return this.result;

   * @return {string}
  toString() {
    return `BulkWriteResult(${this.toJSON(this.result)})`;

   * @return {boolean}
  isOk() {
    return this.result.ok === 1;

 * @classdesc An error representing a failure by the server to apply the requested write concern to the bulk operation.
class WriteConcernError {
   * Create a new WriteConcernError instance
   * **NOTE:** Internal Type, do not instantiate directly
  constructor(err) {
    this.err = err;

   * Write concern error code.
   * @type {number}
  get code() {
    return this.err.code;

   * Write concern error message.
   * @type {string}
  get errmsg() {
    return this.err.errmsg;

   * @return {object}
  toJSON() {
    return { code: this.err.code, errmsg: this.err.errmsg };

   * @return {string}
  toString() {
    return `WriteConcernError(${this.err.errmsg})`;

 * @classdesc An error that occurred during a BulkWrite on the server.
class WriteError {
   * Create a new WriteError instance
   * **NOTE:** Internal Type, do not instantiate directly
  constructor(err) {
    this.err = err;

   * WriteError code.
   * @type {number}
  get code() {
    return this.err.code;

   * WriteError original bulk operation index.
   * @type {number}
  get index() {
    return this.err.index;

   * WriteError message.
   * @type {string}
  get errmsg() {
    return this.err.errmsg;

   * Returns the underlying operation that caused the error
   * @return {object}
  getOperation() {
    return this.err.op;

   * @return {object}
  toJSON() {
    return { code: this.err.code, index: this.err.index, errmsg: this.err.errmsg, op: this.err.op };

   * @return {string}
  toString() {
    return `WriteError(${JSON.stringify(this.toJSON())})`;

 * Merges results into shared data structure
 * @ignore
function mergeBatchResults(batch, bulkResult, err, result) {
  // If we have an error set the result to be the err object
  if (err) {
    result = err;
  } else if (result && result.result) {
    result = result.result;
  } else if (result == null) {

  // Do we have a top level error stop processing and return
  if (result.ok === 0 && bulkResult.ok === 1) {
    bulkResult.ok = 0;

    const writeError = {
      index: 0,
      code: result.code || 0,
      errmsg: result.message,
      op: batch.operations[0]

    bulkResult.writeErrors.push(new WriteError(writeError));
  } else if (result.ok === 0 && bulkResult.ok === 0) {

  // Deal with opTime if available
  if (result.opTime || result.lastOp) {
    const opTime = result.lastOp || result.opTime;
    let lastOpTS = null;
    let lastOpT = null;

    // We have a time stamp
    if (opTime && opTime._bsontype === 'Timestamp') {
      if (bulkResult.lastOp == null) {
        bulkResult.lastOp = opTime;
      } else if (opTime.greaterThan(bulkResult.lastOp)) {
        bulkResult.lastOp = opTime;
    } else {
      // Existing TS
      if (bulkResult.lastOp) {
        lastOpTS =
          typeof bulkResult.lastOp.ts === 'number'
            ? Long.fromNumber(bulkResult.lastOp.ts)
            : bulkResult.lastOp.ts;
        lastOpT =
          typeof bulkResult.lastOp.t === 'number'
            ? Long.fromNumber(bulkResult.lastOp.t)
            : bulkResult.lastOp.t;

      // Current OpTime TS
      const opTimeTS = typeof opTime.ts === 'number' ? Long.fromNumber(opTime.ts) : opTime.ts;
      const opTimeT = typeof opTime.t === 'number' ? Long.fromNumber(opTime.t) : opTime.t;

      // Compare the opTime's
      if (bulkResult.lastOp == null) {
        bulkResult.lastOp = opTime;
      } else if (opTimeTS.greaterThan(lastOpTS)) {
        bulkResult.lastOp = opTime;
      } else if (opTimeTS.equals(lastOpTS)) {
        if (opTimeT.greaterThan(lastOpT)) {
          bulkResult.lastOp = opTime;

  // If we have an insert Batch type
  if (batch.batchType === INSERT && result.n) {
    bulkResult.nInserted = bulkResult.nInserted + result.n;

  // If we have an insert Batch type
  if (batch.batchType === REMOVE && result.n) {
    bulkResult.nRemoved = bulkResult.nRemoved + result.n;

  let nUpserted = 0;

  // We have an array of upserted values, we need to rewrite the indexes
  if (Array.isArray(result.upserted)) {
    nUpserted = result.upserted.length;

    for (let i = 0; i < result.upserted.length; i++) {
        index: result.upserted[i].index + batch.originalZeroIndex,
        _id: result.upserted[i]._id
  } else if (result.upserted) {
    nUpserted = 1;

      index: batch.originalZeroIndex,
      _id: result.upserted

  // If we have an update Batch type
  if (batch.batchType === UPDATE && result.n) {
    const nModified = result.nModified;
    bulkResult.nUpserted = bulkResult.nUpserted + nUpserted;
    bulkResult.nMatched = bulkResult.nMatched + (result.n - nUpserted);

    if (typeof nModified === 'number') {
      bulkResult.nModified = bulkResult.nModified + nModified;
    } else {
      bulkResult.nModified = null;

  if (Array.isArray(result.writeErrors)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < result.writeErrors.length; i++) {
      const writeError = {
        index: batch.originalIndexes[i],
        code: result.writeErrors[i].code,
        errmsg: result.writeErrors[i].errmsg,
        op: batch.operations[result.writeErrors[i].index]

      bulkResult.writeErrors.push(new WriteError(writeError));

  if (result.writeConcernError) {
    bulkResult.writeConcernErrors.push(new WriteConcernError(result.writeConcernError));

function executeCommands(bulkOperation, options, callback) {
  if (bulkOperation.s.batches.length === 0) {
    return handleCallback(callback, null, new BulkWriteResult(bulkOperation.s.bulkResult));

  const batch = bulkOperation.s.batches.shift();

  function resultHandler(err, result) {
    // Error is a driver related error not a bulk op error, terminate
    if (((err && err.driver) || (err && err.message)) && !(err instanceof MongoWriteConcernError)) {
      return handleCallback(callback, err);

    // If we have and error
    if (err) err.ok = 0;
    if (err instanceof MongoWriteConcernError) {
      return handleMongoWriteConcernError(batch, bulkOperation.s.bulkResult, err, callback);

    // Merge the results together
    const writeResult = new BulkWriteResult(bulkOperation.s.bulkResult);
    const mergeResult = mergeBatchResults(batch, bulkOperation.s.bulkResult, err, result);
    if (mergeResult != null) {
      return handleCallback(callback, null, writeResult);

    if (bulkOperation.handleWriteError(callback, writeResult)) return;

    // Execute the next command in line
    executeCommands(bulkOperation, options, callback);

  bulkOperation.finalOptionsHandler({ options, batch, resultHandler }, callback);

 * handles write concern error
 * @ignore
 * @param {object} batch
 * @param {object} bulkResult
 * @param {boolean} ordered
 * @param {WriteConcernError} err
 * @param {function} callback
function handleMongoWriteConcernError(batch, bulkResult, err, callback) {
  mergeBatchResults(batch, bulkResult, null, err.result);

  const wrappedWriteConcernError = new WriteConcernError({
    errmsg: err.result.writeConcernError.errmsg,
    code: err.result.writeConcernError.result
  return handleCallback(
    new BulkWriteError(toError(wrappedWriteConcernError), new BulkWriteResult(bulkResult)),

 * @classdesc An error indicating an unsuccessful Bulk Write
class BulkWriteError extends MongoError {
   * Creates a new BulkWriteError
   * @param {Error|string|object} message The error message
   * @param {BulkWriteResult} result The result of the bulk write operation
   * @extends {MongoError}
  constructor(error, result) {
    const message = error.err || error.errmsg || error.errMessage || error;

    Object.assign(this, error); = 'BulkWriteError';
    this.result = result;

 * @classdesc A builder object that is returned from {@link BulkOperationBase#find}.
 * Is used to build a write operation that involves a query filter.
class FindOperators {
   * Creates a new FindOperators object.
   * **NOTE:** Internal Type, do not instantiate directly
   * @param {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} bulkOperation
  constructor(bulkOperation) {
    this.s = bulkOperation.s;

   * Add a multiple update operation to the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @param {object} updateDocument An update field for an update operation. See {@link u documentation}
   * @param {object} [options.hint] An optional hint for query optimization. See the {@link|update command} reference for more information.
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} A reference to the parent BulkOperation
  update(updateDocument) {
    // Perform upsert
    const upsert = typeof this.s.currentOp.upsert === 'boolean' ? this.s.currentOp.upsert : false;

    // Establish the update command
    const document = {
      q: this.s.currentOp.selector,
      u: updateDocument,
      multi: true,
      upsert: upsert

    if (updateDocument.hint) {
      document.hint = updateDocument.hint;

    // Clear out current Op
    this.s.currentOp = null;
    return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, UPDATE, document);

   * Add a single update operation to the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @param {object} updateDocument An update field for an update operation. See {@link u documentation}
   * @param {object} [options.hint] An optional hint for query optimization. See the {@link|update command} reference for more information.
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} A reference to the parent BulkOperation
  updateOne(updateDocument) {
    // Perform upsert
    const upsert = typeof this.s.currentOp.upsert === 'boolean' ? this.s.currentOp.upsert : false;

    // Establish the update command
    const document = {
      q: this.s.currentOp.selector,
      u: updateDocument,
      multi: false,
      upsert: upsert

    if (updateDocument.hint) {
      document.hint = updateDocument.hint;

    // Clear out current Op
    this.s.currentOp = null;
    return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, UPDATE, document);

   * Add a replace one operation to the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @param {object} updateDocument the new document to replace the existing one with
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} A reference to the parent BulkOperation
  replaceOne(updateDocument) {

   * Upsert modifier for update bulk operation, noting that this operation is an upsert.
   * @method
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {FindOperators} reference to self
  upsert() {
    this.s.currentOp.upsert = true;
    return this;

   * Add a delete one operation to the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} A reference to the parent BulkOperation
  deleteOne() {
    // Establish the update command
    const document = {
      q: this.s.currentOp.selector,
      limit: 1

    // Clear out current Op
    this.s.currentOp = null;
    return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, REMOVE, document);

   * Add a delete many operation to the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @throws {MongoError} If operation cannot be added to bulk write
   * @return {OrderedBulkOperation|UnorderedBulkOperation} A reference to the parent BulkOperation
  delete() {
    // Establish the update command
    const document = {
      q: this.s.currentOp.selector,
      limit: 0

    // Clear out current Op
    this.s.currentOp = null;
    return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, REMOVE, document);

   * backwards compatability for deleteOne
  removeOne() {
    return this.deleteOne();

   * backwards compatability for delete
  remove() {
    return this.delete();

 * @classdesc Parent class to OrderedBulkOperation and UnorderedBulkOperation
 * **NOTE:** Internal Type, do not instantiate directly
class BulkOperationBase {
   * Create a new OrderedBulkOperation or UnorderedBulkOperation instance
   * @property {number} length Get the number of operations in the bulk.
  constructor(topology, collection, options, isOrdered) {
    // determine whether bulkOperation is ordered or unordered
    this.isOrdered = isOrdered;

    options = options == null ? {} : options;
    // TODO Bring from driver information in isMaster
    // Get the namespace for the write operations
    const namespace = collection.s.namespace;
    // Used to mark operation as executed
    const executed = false;

    // Current item
    const currentOp = null;

    // Handle to the bson serializer, used to calculate running sizes
    const bson = topology.bson;

    // Set max byte size
    const isMaster = topology.lastIsMaster();
    const maxBatchSizeBytes =
      isMaster && isMaster.maxBsonObjectSize ? isMaster.maxBsonObjectSize : 1024 * 1024 * 16;
    const maxWriteBatchSize =
      isMaster && isMaster.maxWriteBatchSize ? isMaster.maxWriteBatchSize : 1000;

    // Calculates the largest possible size of an Array key, represented as a BSON string
    // element. This calculation:
    //     1 byte for BSON type
    //     # of bytes = length of (string representation of (maxWriteBatchSize - 1))
    //   + 1 bytes for null terminator
    const maxKeySize = (maxWriteBatchSize - 1).toString(10).length + 2;

    // Final options for retryable writes and write concern
    let finalOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
    finalOptions = applyRetryableWrites(finalOptions, collection.s.db);
    finalOptions = applyWriteConcern(finalOptions, { collection: collection }, options);
    const writeConcern = finalOptions.writeConcern;

    // Get the promiseLibrary
    const promiseLibrary = options.promiseLibrary || Promise;

    // Final results
    const bulkResult = {
      ok: 1,
      writeErrors: [],
      writeConcernErrors: [],
      insertedIds: [],
      nInserted: 0,
      nUpserted: 0,
      nMatched: 0,
      nModified: 0,
      nRemoved: 0,
      upserted: []

    // Internal state
    this.s = {
      // Final result
      bulkResult: bulkResult,
      // Current batch state
      currentBatch: null,
      currentIndex: 0,
      // ordered specific
      currentBatchSize: 0,
      currentBatchSizeBytes: 0,
      // unordered specific
      currentInsertBatch: null,
      currentUpdateBatch: null,
      currentRemoveBatch: null,
      batches: [],
      // Write concern
      writeConcern: writeConcern,
      // Max batch size options
      maxBatchSizeBytes: maxBatchSizeBytes,
      maxWriteBatchSize: maxWriteBatchSize,
      // Namespace
      namespace: namespace,
      // BSON
      bson: bson,
      // Topology
      topology: topology,
      // Options
      options: finalOptions,
      // Current operation
      currentOp: currentOp,
      // Executed
      executed: executed,
      // Collection
      collection: collection,
      // Promise Library
      promiseLibrary: promiseLibrary,
      // Fundamental error
      err: null,
      // check keys
      checkKeys: typeof options.checkKeys === 'boolean' ? options.checkKeys : true

    // bypass Validation
    if (options.bypassDocumentValidation === true) {
      this.s.bypassDocumentValidation = true;

   * Add a single insert document to the bulk operation
   * @param {object} document the document to insert
   * @throws {MongoError}
   * @return {BulkOperationBase} A reference to self
   * @example
   * const bulkOp = collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
   * // Adds three inserts to the bulkOp.
   * bulkOp
   *   .insert({ a: 1 })
   *   .insert({ b: 2 })
   *   .insert({ c: 3 });
   * await bulkOp.execute();
  insert(document) {
    if (this.s.collection.s.db.options.forceServerObjectId !== true && document._id == null)
      document._id = new ObjectID();
    return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, INSERT, document);

   * Builds a find operation for an update/updateOne/delete/deleteOne/replaceOne.
   * Returns a builder object used to complete the definition of the operation.
   * @method
   * @param {object} selector The selector for the bulk operation. See {@link q documentation}
   * @throws {MongoError} if a selector is not specified
   * @return {FindOperators} A helper object with which the write operation can be defined.
   * @example
   * const bulkOp = collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
   * // Add an updateOne to the bulkOp
   * bulkOp.find({ a: 1 }).updateOne({ $set: { b: 2 } });
   * // Add an updateMany to the bulkOp
   * bulkOp.find({ c: 3 }).update({ $set: { d: 4 } });
   * // Add an upsert
   * bulkOp.find({ e: 5 }).upsert().updateOne({ $set: { f: 6 } });
   * // Add a deletion
   * bulkOp.find({ g: 7 }).deleteOne();
   * // Add a multi deletion
   * bulkOp.find({ h: 8 }).delete();
   * // Add a replaceOne
   * bulkOp.find({ i: 9 }).replaceOne({ j: 10 });
   * // Update using a pipeline (requires Mongodb 4.2 or higher)
   * bulk.find({ k: 11, y: { $exists: true }, z: { $exists: true } }).updateOne([
   *   { $set: { total: { $sum: [ '$y', '$z' ] } } }
   * ]);
   * // All of the ops will now be executed
   * await bulkOp.execute();
  find(selector) {
    if (!selector) {
      throw toError('Bulk find operation must specify a selector');

    // Save a current selector
    this.s.currentOp = {
      selector: selector

    return new FindOperators(this);

   * Specifies a raw operation to perform in the bulk write.
   * @method
   * @param {object} op The raw operation to perform.
   * @param {object} [options.hint] An optional hint for query optimization. See the {@link|update command} reference for more information.
   * @return {BulkOperationBase} A reference to self
  raw(op) {
    const key = Object.keys(op)[0];

    // Set up the force server object id
    const forceServerObjectId =
      typeof this.s.options.forceServerObjectId === 'boolean'
        ? this.s.options.forceServerObjectId
        : this.s.collection.s.db.options.forceServerObjectId;

    // Update operations
    if (
      (op.updateOne && op.updateOne.q) ||
      (op.updateMany && op.updateMany.q) ||
      (op.replaceOne && op.replaceOne.q)
    ) {
      op[key].multi = op.updateOne || op.replaceOne ? false : true;
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, UPDATE, op[key]);

    // Crud spec update format
    if (op.updateOne || op.updateMany || op.replaceOne) {
      const multi = op.updateOne || op.replaceOne ? false : true;
      const operation = {
        q: op[key].filter,
        u: op[key].update || op[key].replacement,
        multi: multi

      if (op[key].hint) {
        operation.hint = op[key].hint;

      if (this.isOrdered) {
        operation.upsert = op[key].upsert ? true : false;
        if (op.collation) operation.collation = op.collation;
      } else {
        if (op[key].upsert) operation.upsert = true;
      if (op[key].arrayFilters) operation.arrayFilters = op[key].arrayFilters;
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, UPDATE, operation);

    // Remove operations
    if (
      op.removeOne ||
      op.removeMany ||
      (op.deleteOne && op.deleteOne.q) ||
      (op.deleteMany && op.deleteMany.q)
    ) {
      op[key].limit = op.removeOne ? 1 : 0;
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, REMOVE, op[key]);

    // Crud spec delete operations, less efficient
    if (op.deleteOne || op.deleteMany) {
      const limit = op.deleteOne ? 1 : 0;
      const operation = { q: op[key].filter, limit: limit };
      if (this.isOrdered) {
        if (op.collation) operation.collation = op.collation;
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, REMOVE, operation);

    // Insert operations
    if (op.insertOne && op.insertOne.document == null) {
      if (forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertOne._id == null)
        op.insertOne._id = new ObjectID();
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, INSERT, op.insertOne);
    } else if (op.insertOne && op.insertOne.document) {
      if (forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertOne.document._id == null)
        op.insertOne.document._id = new ObjectID();
      return this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, INSERT, op.insertOne.document);

    if (op.insertMany) {
      for (let i = 0; i < op.insertMany.length; i++) {
        if (forceServerObjectId !== true && op.insertMany[i]._id == null)
          op.insertMany[i]._id = new ObjectID();
        this.s.options.addToOperationsList(this, INSERT, op.insertMany[i]);


    // No valid type of operation
    throw toError(
      'bulkWrite only supports insertOne, insertMany, updateOne, updateMany, removeOne, removeMany, deleteOne, deleteMany'

   * helper function to assist with promiseOrCallback behavior
   * @ignore
   * @param {*} err
   * @param {*} callback
  _handleEarlyError(err, callback) {
    if (typeof callback === 'function') {
      callback(err, null);

    return this.s.promiseLibrary.reject(err);

   * An internal helper method. Do not invoke directly. Will be going away in the future
   * @ignore
   * @method
   * @param {class} bulk either OrderedBulkOperation or UnorderdBulkOperation
   * @param {object} writeConcern
   * @param {object} options
   * @param {function} callback
  bulkExecute(_writeConcern, options, callback) {
    if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {});
    options = options || {};

    if (typeof _writeConcern === 'function') {
      callback = _writeConcern;
    } else if (_writeConcern && typeof _writeConcern === 'object') {
      this.s.writeConcern = _writeConcern;

    if (this.s.executed) {
      const executedError = toError('batch cannot be re-executed');
      return this._handleEarlyError(executedError, callback);

    // If we have current batch
    if (this.isOrdered) {
      if (this.s.currentBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentBatch);
    } else {
      if (this.s.currentInsertBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentInsertBatch);
      if (this.s.currentUpdateBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentUpdateBatch);
      if (this.s.currentRemoveBatch) this.s.batches.push(this.s.currentRemoveBatch);
    // If we have no operations in the bulk raise an error
    if (this.s.batches.length === 0) {
      const emptyBatchError = toError('Invalid Operation, no operations specified');
      return this._handleEarlyError(emptyBatchError, callback);
    return { options, callback };

   * The callback format for results
   * @callback BulkOperationBase~resultCallback
   * @param {MongoError} error An error instance representing the error during the execution.
   * @param {BulkWriteResult} result The bulk write result.

   * Execute the bulk operation
   * @method
   * @param {WriteConcern} [_writeConcern] Optional write concern. Can also be specified through options.
   * @param {object} [options] Optional settings.
   * @param {(number|string)} [options.w] The write concern.
   * @param {number} [options.wtimeout] The write concern timeout.
   * @param {boolean} [options.j=false] Specify a journal write concern.
   * @param {boolean} [options.fsync=false] Specify a file sync write concern.
   * @param {BulkOperationBase~resultCallback} [callback] A callback that will be invoked when bulkWrite finishes/errors
   * @throws {MongoError} Throws error if the bulk object has already been executed
   * @throws {MongoError} Throws error if the bulk object does not have any operations
   * @return {Promise|void} returns Promise if no callback passed
  execute(_writeConcern, options, callback) {
    const ret = this.bulkExecute(_writeConcern, options, callback);
    if (!ret || isPromiseLike(ret)) {
      return ret;

    options = ret.options;
    callback = ret.callback;

    return executeLegacyOperation(this.s.topology, executeCommands, [this, options, callback]);

   * Handles final options before executing command
   * An internal method. Do not invoke. Will not be accessible in the future
   * @ignore
   * @param {object} config
   * @param {object} config.options
   * @param {number} config.batch
   * @param {function} config.resultHandler
   * @param {function} callback
  finalOptionsHandler(config, callback) {
    const finalOptions = Object.assign({ ordered: this.isOrdered }, config.options);
    if (this.s.writeConcern != null) {
      finalOptions.writeConcern = this.s.writeConcern;

    if (finalOptions.bypassDocumentValidation !== true) {
      delete finalOptions.bypassDocumentValidation;

    // Set an operationIf if provided
    if (this.operationId) {
      config.resultHandler.operationId = this.operationId;

    // Serialize functions
    if (this.s.options.serializeFunctions) {
      finalOptions.serializeFunctions = true;

    // Ignore undefined
    if (this.s.options.ignoreUndefined) {
      finalOptions.ignoreUndefined = true;

    // Is the bypassDocumentValidation options specific
    if (this.s.bypassDocumentValidation === true) {
      finalOptions.bypassDocumentValidation = true;

    // Is the checkKeys option disabled
    if (this.s.checkKeys === false) {
      finalOptions.checkKeys = false;

    if (finalOptions.retryWrites) {
      if (config.batch.batchType === UPDATE) {
        finalOptions.retryWrites =
          finalOptions.retryWrites && !config.batch.operations.some(op => op.multi);

      if (config.batch.batchType === REMOVE) {
        finalOptions.retryWrites =
          finalOptions.retryWrites && !config.batch.operations.some(op => op.limit === 0);

    try {
      if (config.batch.batchType === INSERT) {
      } else if (config.batch.batchType === UPDATE) {
      } else if (config.batch.batchType === REMOVE) {
    } catch (err) {
      // Force top level error
      err.ok = 0;
      // Merge top level error and return
      handleCallback(callback, null, mergeBatchResults(config.batch, this.s.bulkResult, err, null));

   * Handles the write error before executing commands
   * An internal helper method. Do not invoke directly. Will be going away in the future
   * @ignore
   * @param {function} callback
   * @param {BulkWriteResult} writeResult
   * @param {class} self either OrderedBulkOperation or UnorderdBulkOperation
  handleWriteError(callback, writeResult) {
    if (this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors.length > 0) {
      if (this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors.length === 1) {
          new BulkWriteError(toError(this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors[0]), writeResult),
        return true;

      const msg = this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors[0].errmsg
        ? this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors[0].errmsg
        : 'write operation failed';

        new BulkWriteError(
            message: msg,
            code: this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors[0].code,
            writeErrors: this.s.bulkResult.writeErrors
      return true;
    } else if (writeResult.getWriteConcernError()) {
        new BulkWriteError(toError(writeResult.getWriteConcernError()), writeResult),
      return true;

Object.defineProperty(BulkOperationBase.prototype, 'length', {
  enumerable: true,
  get: function() {
    return this.s.currentIndex;

// Exports symbols
module.exports = {