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MongoServer Properties

The MongoServer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArbiters
Gets the arbiter instances.
Public propertyBuildInfo
Gets the build info of the server.
Public propertyInstance
Gets the one and only instance for this server.
Public propertyInstances
Gets the instances for this server.
Public propertyItemString Obsolete.
Gets a MongoDatabase instance representing a database on this server.
Public propertyItemString, WriteConcern Obsolete.
Gets a MongoDatabase instance representing a database on this server.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxServerCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of instances of MongoServer that will be allowed to be created.
Public propertyPassives
Gets the passive instances.
Public propertyPrimary
Gets the primary instance (null if there is no primary).
Public propertyReplicaSetName
Gets the name of the replica set (null if not connected to a replica set).
Public propertySecondaries
Gets the secondary instances.
Public propertySequentialId
Gets the unique sequential Id for this server.
Public propertyStatic memberServerCount
Gets the number of instances of MongoServer that have been created.
Public propertySettings
Gets the settings for this server.
Public propertyState
Gets the current state of this server (as of the last operation, not updated until another operation is performed).
See Also