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MongoServerInstance Properties

The MongoServerInstance type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress
Gets the address of this server instance.
Public propertyBuildInfo
Gets the build info of this server instance.
Public propertyInstanceType
Gets the instance type.
Public propertyIsArbiter
Gets a value indicating whether this server instance is an arbiter instance.
Public propertyIsPassive
Gets a value indicating whether this server instance is a passive instance.
Public propertyIsPrimary
Gets a value indicating whether this server instance is a primary.
Public propertyIsSecondary
Gets a value indicating whether this server instance is a secondary.
Public propertyMaxBatchCount
Gets the maximum batch count for write operations.
Public propertyMaxDocumentSize
Gets the max document size for this server instance.
Public propertyMaxMessageLength
Gets the max message length for this server instance.
Public propertyMaxWireDocumentSize
Gets the maximum size of a wire document. Normally slightly larger than MaxDocumentSize.
Public propertySequentialId
Gets the unique sequential Id for this server instance.
Public propertySettings
Gets the server for this server instance.
Public propertyState
Gets the state of this server instance.
See Also