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MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.IdGenerators Namespace
The various id generators used in the serialization/deserialization of BSON data are represented in this namespace.
Public classAscendingGuidGenerator
A GUID generator that generates GUIDs in ascending order. To enable an index to make use of the ascending nature make sure to use GuidRepresentation.Standard as the storage representation. Internally the GUID is of the form 8 bytes: Ticks from DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks 3 bytes: hash of machine name 2 bytes: low order bytes of process Id 3 bytes: increment
Public classBsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator
Represents an Id generator for Guids stored in BsonBinaryData values.
Public classBsonObjectIdGenerator
Represents an Id generator for BsonObjectIds.
Public classCombGuidGenerator
Represents an Id generator for Guids using the COMB algorithm.
Public classGuidGenerator
Represents an Id generator for Guids.
Public classNullIdChecker
Represents an Id generator that only checks that the Id is not null.
Public classObjectIdGenerator
Represents an Id generator for ObjectIds.
Public classStringObjectIdGenerator
Represents an Id generator for ObjectIds represented internally as strings.
Public classZeroIdCheckerT
Represents an Id generator that only checks that the Id is not all zeros.