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MongoDB.Driver.Core.Bindings Namespace
The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Bindings namespace contains classes related to bindings.
Public classChannelReadBinding
Represents a read binding that is bound to a channel.
Public classChannelReadWriteBinding
Represents a read-write binding that is bound to a channel.
Public classChannelSourceHandle
Represents a handle to a channel source.
Public classChannelSourceReadWriteBinding
Represents a read-write binding to a channel source.
Public classReadBindingHandle
Represents a handle to a read binding.
Public classReadPreferenceBinding
Represents a read binding to a cluster using a ReadPreference to select the server.
Public classReadWriteBindingHandle
Represents a handle to a read-write binding.
Public classServerChannelSource
Represents a channel source that is bound to a server.
Public classSingleServerReadBinding
Represents a read binding to a single server;
Public classSingleServerReadWriteBinding
Represents a read/write binding to a single server.
Public classSplitReadWriteBinding
Represents a split read-write binding, where the reads use one binding and the writes use another.
Public classWritableServerBinding
Represents a write binding to a writable server.
Public interfaceIChannel
Represents a channel (similar to a connection but operates at the level of protocols rather than messages).
Public interfaceIChannelHandle
Represents a handle to a channel.
Public interfaceIChannelSource
Represents a channel source.
Public interfaceIChannelSourceHandle
Represents a handle to a channel source.
Public interfaceIReadBinding
Represents a binding that determines which channel source gets used for read operations.
Public interfaceIReadBindingHandle
Represents a handle to a read binding.
Public interfaceIReadWriteBinding
Represents a binding that can be used for both read and write operations.
Public interfaceIReadWriteBindingHandle
Represents a handle to a read-write binding.
Public interfaceIWriteBinding
Represents a binding that determines which channel source gets used for write operations.
Public interfaceIWriteBindingHandle
Represents a handle to a write binding.