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QueryTDocumentType Method
Overload List
Public methodStatic memberTypeTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, BsonType)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTValue(ExpressionFuncTDocument, IEnumerableTValue, String)
Tests that any of the values in the named array element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, BsonType)
Tests that the type of the named element is equal to some type (see $type).
Public methodStatic memberTypeTMember(ExpressionFuncTDocument, TMember, String)
Tests that the type of the named element is equal to some type (see $type).
See Also