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CreateCollectionOperation Properties

The CreateCollectionOperation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoIndexId
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an index on _id should be created automatically.
Public propertyCapped
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection is a capped collection.
Public propertyCollectionNamespace
Gets the collection namespace.
Public propertyIndexOptionDefaults
Gets or sets the index option defaults.
Public propertyMaxDocuments
Gets or sets the maximum number of documents in a capped collection.
Public propertyMaxSize
Gets or sets the maximum size of a capped collection.
Public propertyMessageEncoderSettings
Gets the message encoder settings.
Public propertyStorageEngine
Gets or sets the storage engine options.
Public propertyUsePowerOf2Sizes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection should use power of 2 sizes.
Public propertyValidationAction
Gets or sets the validation action.
Public propertyValidationLevel
Gets or sets the validation level.
Public propertyValidator
Gets or sets the validator.
See Also