MongoDB.Driver Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AggregateArgs |
Represents options for the Aggregate command.
| |
AggregateBucketAutoOptions |
Represents options for the BucketAuto method.
| |
AggregateBucketAutoResultTValue |
Represents the result of the $bucketAuto stage.
| |
AggregateBucketAutoResultIdTValue |
Represents the _id value in the result of a $bucketAuto stage.
| |
AggregateBucketOptionsTValue |
Represents options for the Bucket method.
| |
AggregateBucketResultTValue |
Represents the result of the $bucket stage.
| |
AggregateCountResult |
Result type for the aggregate $count stage.
| |
AggregateExpressionDefinitionTSource, TResult |
An aggregation expression.
| |
AggregateFacet |
Represents static methods for creating facets.
| |
AggregateFacetTInput |
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
| |
AggregateFacetTInput, TOutput |
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
| |
AggregateFacetOptionsTOutput |
Options for the aggregate $facet stage.
| |
AggregateFacetResult |
Represents an abstract AggregateFacetResult with an arbitrary TOutput type.
| |
AggregateFacetResultTOutput |
Represents the result of a single facet.
| |
AggregateFacetResults |
Represents the results of a $facet stage with an arbitrary number of facets.
| |
AggregateFluentBaseTResult |
Base class for implementors of IAggregateFluentTResult.
| |
AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TAsElement, TOutput |
Represents options for the GraphLookup method.
| |
AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TResult |
Options for the aggregate $lookup stage.
| |
AggregateOptions |
Options for an aggregate operation.
| |
AggregateSortByCountResultTId |
Result type for the aggregate $sortByCount stage.
| |
AggregateUnwindOptionsTResult |
Options for the $unwind aggregation stage.
| |
AppendedStagePipelineDefinitionTInput, TIntermediate, TOutput |
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage appended.
| |
BatchTransformingAsyncCursorTFromDocument, TToDocument |
Represents a cursor that wraps another cursor with a transformation function on the documents.
| |
BsonDocumentCommandTResult |
A BsonDocument based command.
| |
BsonDocumentFilterDefinitionTDocument |
A BsonDocument based filter.
| |
BsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinitionTDocument |
A BsonDocument based index keys definition.
| |
BsonDocumentPipelineStageDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
A BsonDocument based stage.
| |
BsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource |
A BsonDocument based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
| |
BsonDocumentProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
A BsonDocument based projection.
| |
BsonDocumentSortDefinitionTDocument |
A BsonDocument based sort.
| |
BsonDocumentStagePipelineDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
A pipeline composed of instances of BsonDocument.
| |
BsonDocumentUpdateDefinitionTDocument |
A BsonDocument based update.
| |
BsonValueAggregateExpressionDefinitionTSource, TResult |
A BsonValue based aggregate expression.
| |
BuildersTDocument |
A static helper class containing various builders.
| |
BulkUpdateRequestBuilderTDocument |
Represents a fluent builder for one update request.
| |
BulkWriteError |
Represents the details of a write error for a particular request.
| |
BulkWriteOperationTDocument |
Represents a fluent builder for a bulk operation.
| |
BulkWriteOptions |
Options for a bulk write operation.
| |
BulkWriteRequestBuilderTDocument |
Represents a fluent builder for a write request (either a remove or an update).
| |
BulkWriteResult |
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
| |
BulkWriteResultTDocument |
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
| |
BulkWriteResultTDocumentAcknowledged |
Result from an acknowledged write concern.
| |
BulkWriteResultTDocumentUnacknowledged |
Result from an unacknowledged write concern.
| |
BulkWriteUpsert |
Represents the information about one Upsert.
| |
ClientSideDeserializationProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
A client side only projection that is implemented solely by deserializing using a different serializer.
| |
ClusterRegistry |
Represents a registry of already created clusters.
| |
Collation |
Represents a MongoDB collation.
| |
CollectionNamespace |
Represents a collection namespace.
| |
CollectionOptionsDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCollectionOptions is expected.
| |
CollectionStatsResult |
Represents the results of the collection stats command.
| |
CollectionStatsResultIndexSizesResult |
Represents a collection of index sizes.
| |
CommandTResult |
Base class for commands.
| |
CommandDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCommand is expected.
| |
CommandResult |
Represents the result of a command (there are also subclasses for various commands).
| |
CommandResultSerializerTCommandResult |
Represents a serializer for a CommandResult.
| |
CountArgs |
Represents arguments for the Count command helper method.
| |
CountOptions |
Options for a count operation.
| |
CreateCollectionOptions |
Options for creating a collection.
| |
CreateCollectionOptionsTDocument |
Options for creating a collection.
| |
CreateIndexModelTDocument |
Model for creating an index.
| |
CreateIndexOptions |
Options for creating an index.
| |
CreateIndexOptionsTDocument |
Options for creating an index.
| |
CreateViewOptionsTDocument |
Options for creating a view.
| |
CreateViewOptionsDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoCreateViewOptions is expected.
| |
DatabaseNamespace |
Represents a database namespace.
| |
DatabaseStatsResult |
Represents the result of the database stats command.
| |
DeferredAsyncCursorTDocument |
Represents a cursor for an operation that is not actually executed until MoveNextAsync is called for the first time.
| |
DeleteManyModelTDocument |
Model for deleting many documents.
| |
DeleteOneModelTDocument |
Model for deleting a single document.
| |
DeleteOptions |
Options for the Delete methods.
| |
DeleteResult |
The result of a delete operation.
| |
DeleteResultAcknowledged |
The result of an acknowledged delete operation.
| |
DeleteResultUnacknowledged |
The result of an unacknowledged delete operation.
| |
DistinctArgs |
Represents arguments for the Distinct command helper method.
| |
DistinctOptions |
Options for the distinct command.
| |
EmptyPipelineDefinitionTInput |
Represents an empty pipeline.
| |
EvalArgs |
Represents arguments for the Eval command helper method.
| |
ExpressionAggregateExpressionDefinitionTSource, TResult |
A BsonValue based aggregate expression.
| |
ExpressionFieldDefinitionTDocument |
An Expression based field.
| |
ExpressionFieldDefinitionTDocument, TField |
An Expression based field.
| |
ExpressionFilterDefinitionTDocument |
An Expression based filter.
| |
ExpressionTranslationOptions |
Options for controlling translation from .NET expression trees into MongoDB expressions.
| |
ExternalEvidence |
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via an external mechanism. For example, on windows this may
be the current process' user or, on linux, via kinit.
| |
FieldDefinitionTDocument |
Base class for field names.
| |
FieldDefinitionTDocument, TField |
Base class for field names.
| |
FieldsDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoFields is expected.
| |
FilterDefinitionTDocument |
Base class for filters.
| |
FilterDefinitionBuilderTDocument |
A builder for a FilterDefinitionTDocument.
| |
FindAndModifyArgs |
Represents options for the FindAndModify command.
| |
FindAndModifyResult |
Represents the result of a FindAndModify command.
| |
FindAndRemoveArgs |
Represents options for the FindAndRemove command.
| |
FindExpressionProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
A find Expression based projection.
| |
FindFluentBaseTDocument, TProjection |
Base class for implementors of IFindFluentTDocument, TProjection.
| |
FindOneAndDeleteOptionsTDocument |
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
| |
FindOneAndDeleteOptionsTDocument, TProjection |
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
| |
FindOneAndReplaceOptionsTDocument |
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
| |
FindOneAndReplaceOptionsTDocument, TProjection |
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
| |
FindOneAndUpdateOptionsTDocument |
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
| |
FindOneAndUpdateOptionsTDocument, TProjection |
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
| |
FindOneArgs |
Represents arguments to the FindOne method.
| |
FindOptions |
Options for finding documents.
| |
FindOptionsTDocument |
Options for finding documents.
| |
FindOptionsTDocument, TProjection |
Options for finding documents.
| |
FindOptionsBase |
Options for a find operation.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchArgs |
Represents the arguments to the GeoHaystackSearch method.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchOptionsDocument | Obsolete.
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions is expected.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResult |
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultGeoHaystackSearchHit |
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultGeoHaystackSearchHits |
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultGeoHaystackSearchStats |
Represents the stats of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultTDocument |
Represents the result of a GeoHaystackSearch command.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultTDocumentGeoHaystackSearchHit |
Represents a GeoHaystackSearch hit.
| |
GeoHaystackSearchResultTDocumentGeoHaystackSearchHits |
Represents a collection of GeoHaystackSearch hits.
| |
GeoNearArgs |
Represents the arguments to the GeoNear method.
| |
GeoNearOptionsDocument | Obsolete.
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGeoNearOptions is expected.
| |
GeoNearPoint |
Represents a GeoNearPoint (wraps either an XYPoint or a GeoJsonPoint).
| |
GeoNearPointGeoJsonTCoordinates |
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps a GeoJsonPoint.
| |
GeoNearPointLegacy |
Represents a GeoNearPoint that wraps an XYPoint.
| |
GeoNearResult |
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
| |
GeoNearResultGeoNearHit |
Represents a GeoNear hit.
| |
GeoNearResultGeoNearHits |
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
| |
GeoNearResultGeoNearStats |
Represents the stats of a GeoNear command.
| |
GeoNearResultTDocument |
Represents the result of a GeoNear command.
| |
GeoNearResultTDocumentGeoNearHit |
Represents a GeoNear hit.
| |
GeoNearResultTDocumentGeoNearHits |
Represents a collection of GeoNear hits.
| |
GetIndexesResult |
Represents the result of GetIndexes.
| |
GetProfilingLevelResult |
Represents the results of a GetProfilingLevel command.
| |
GetStatsArgs |
Represents arguments for the GetStats command helper method.
| |
GroupArgs |
Represents arguments for the Group command helper method.
| |
GroupByDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoGroupBy is expected.
| |
IAggregateFluentExtensions |
Extension methods for IAggregateFluentTResult | |
IAsyncCursorExtensions |
Represents extension methods for IAsyncCursor.
| |
IAsyncCursorSourceExtensions |
Represents extension methods for IAsyncCursorSource.
| |
IFindFluentExtensions |
Extension methods for IFindFluentTDocument, TProjection | |
IMongoCollectionExtensions |
Extension methods for IMongoCollectionTDocument.
| |
IndexInfo |
Represents information about an index.
| |
IndexKeysDefinitionTDocument |
Base class for an index keys definition.
| |
IndexKeysDefinitionBuilderTDocument |
A builder for an IndexKeysDefinitionTDocument.
| |
IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions |
Extension methods for an index keys definition.
| |
IndexKeysDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexKeys is expected.
| |
IndexOptionDefaults |
Represents index option defaults.
| |
IndexOptionsDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoIndexOptions is expected.
| |
InsertManyOptions |
Options for inserting many documents.
| |
InsertOneModelTDocument |
Model for inserting a single document.
| |
InsertOneOptions |
Options for inserting one document.
| |
JsonCommandTResult |
A JSON String based command.
| |
JsonFilterDefinitionTDocument |
A JSON String based filter.
| |
JsonIndexKeysDefinitionTDocument |
A JSON String based index keys definition.
| |
JsonPipelineStageDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
A JSON String based pipeline stage.
| |
JsonProjectionDefinitionTSource |
A JSON String based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
| |
JsonProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
A JSON String based projection.
| |
JsonSortDefinitionTDocument |
A JSON String based sort.
| |
JsonUpdateDefinitionTDocument |
A JSON String based update.
| |
ListCollectionsOptions |
Options for a list collections operation.
| |
MapReduceArgs |
Represents arguments for the MapReduce command helper method.
| |
MapReduceOptionsTDocument, TResult |
Represents the options for a map-reduce operation.
| |
MapReduceOutputOptions |
Represents the output options for a map-reduce operation.
| |
MapReduceResult |
Represents the result of a map-reduce command.
| |
MongoAuthenticationException |
Represents a MongoDB authentication exception.
| |
MongoBulkWriteException |
Represents a bulk write exception.
| |
MongoBulkWriteExceptionTDocument |
Represents a bulk write exception.
| |
MongoClient |
Base class for implementors of IMongoClient.
| |
MongoClientBase |
Base class for implementors of IMongoClient.
| |
MongoClientException |
Represents a MongoDB client exception.
| |
MongoClientExtensions |
Represents extension methods on MongoClient.
| |
MongoClientSettings |
The settings for a MongoDB client.
| |
MongoCollection |
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
| |
MongoCollectionTDefaultDocument |
Represents a MongoDB collection and the settings used to access it as well as a default document type. This class is thread-safe.
| |
MongoCollectionBaseTDocument |
Base class for implementors of IMongoCollectionTDocument.
| |
MongoCollectionSettings |
The settings used to access a collection.
| |
MongoCommandException |
Represents a MongoDB command exception.
| |
MongoConfigurationException |
Represents a MongoDB configuration exception.
| |
MongoConnectionClosedException |
Represents a MongoDB connection failed exception.
| |
MongoConnectionException |
Represents a MongoDB connection exception.
| |
MongoCredential |
Credential to access a MongoDB database.
| |
MongoCursor |
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent
to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
| |
MongoCursorTDocument |
An object that can be enumerated to fetch the results of a query. The query is not sent
to the server until you begin enumerating the results.
| |
MongoCursorNotFoundException |
Represents a MongoDB cursor not found exception.
| |
MongoDatabase |
Represents a MongoDB database and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
| |
MongoDatabaseBase |
Base class for implementors of IMongoDatabase.
| |
MongoDatabaseSettings |
The settings used to access a database.
| |
MongoDBRef |
Represents a DBRef (a convenient way to refer to a document).
| |
MongoDBRefSerializer |
Represents a serializer for MongoDBRefs.
| |
MongoDefaults |
Default values for various Mongo settings.
| |
MongoDuplicateKeyException |
Represents a MongoDB duplicate key exception.
| |
MongoException |
Represents a MongoDB exception.
| |
MongoExecutionTimeoutException |
Represents a MongoDB execution timeout exception.
| |
MongoExternalIdentity |
Represents an identity defined outside of mongodb.
| |
MongoIdentity |
Represents an identity in MongoDB.
| |
MongoIdentityEvidence |
Evidence used as proof of a MongoIdentity.
| |
MongoIncompatibleDriverException |
Represents a MongoDB incompatible driver exception.
| |
MongoIndexManagerBaseTDocument |
Base class for implementors of IMongoIndexManagerTDocument.
| |
MongoInsertOptions |
Represents the options to use for an Insert or InsertBatch operation.
| |
MongoInternalException |
Represents a MongoDB internal exception (almost surely the result of a bug).
| |
MongoInternalIdentity |
Represents an identity defined inside mongodb.
| |
MongoNodeIsRecoveringException |
Represents a MongoDB node is recovering exception.
| |
MongoNotPrimaryException |
Represents a MongoDB not primary exception.
| |
MongoQueryException |
Represents a MongoDB query exception.
| |
MongoServer |
Represents a MongoDB server (either a single instance or a replica set) and the settings used to access it. This class is thread-safe.
| |
MongoServerAddress |
The address of a MongoDB server.
| |
MongoServerBuildInfo |
Represents build info about a server instance.
| |
MongoServerException |
Represents a MongoDB server exception.
| |
MongoServerInstance |
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host.
| |
MongoServerSettings |
The settings used to access a MongoDB server.
| |
MongoUpdateOptions |
Represents the options to use for an Update operation.
| |
MongoUrl |
Represents an immutable URL style connection string. See also MongoUrlBuilder.
| |
MongoUrlBuilder |
Represents URL style connection strings. This is the recommended connection string style, but see also
MongoConnectionStringBuilder if you wish to use .NET style connection strings.
| |
MongoUser | Obsolete.
Represents a MongoDB user.
| |
MongoUtils |
Various static utility methods.
| |
MongoWaitQueueFullException |
Represents a MongoDB connection pool wait queue full exception.
| |
MongoWriteConcernException |
Represents a MongoDB write concern exception.
| |
MongoWriteException |
Represents a write exception.
| |
MongoX509Identity |
Represents an identity defined by an X509 certificate.
| |
ObjectCommandTResult |
An Object based command.
| |
ObjectFilterDefinitionTDocument |
An Object based filter.
| |
ObjectProjectionDefinitionTSource |
An Object based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
| |
ObjectProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
An Object based projection.
| |
ObjectSortDefinitionTDocument |
An Object based sort.
| |
ObjectUpdateDefinitionTDocument |
An Object based update.
| |
Optional |
Represents helper methods for use with the OptionalT struct.
| |
ParallelScanArgs |
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
| |
ParallelScanArgsTDocument |
Represents arguments for the ParallelScan command helper method.
| |
PasswordEvidence |
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via a shared secret.
| |
PipelineDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
Base class for a pipeline.
| |
PipelineDefinitionBuilder |
Extension methods for adding stages to a pipeline.
| |
PipelineStageDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
Base class for pipeline stages.
| |
PipelineStageDefinitionBuilder |
Methods for building pipeline stages.
| |
PipelineStagePipelineDefinitionTInput, TOutput |
A pipeline composed of instances of IPipelineStageDefinition.
| |
PrependedStagePipelineDefinitionTInput, TIntermediate, TOutput |
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage prepended.
| |
ProjectionDefinitionTSource |
Base class for projections whose projection type is not yet known.
| |
ProjectionDefinitionTSource, TProjection |
Base class for projections.
| |
ProjectionDefinitionBuilderTSource |
A builder for a projection.
| |
ProjectionDefinitionExtensions |
Extension methods for projections.
| |
QueryDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoQuery is expected.
| |
ReadConcern |
Represents a read concern.
| |
ReadPreference |
Represents a read preference.
| |
RemoveArgs |
Represents arguments to the Remove method.
| |
RenameCollectionOptions |
Options for renaming a collection.
| |
RenderedCommandTResult |
A rendered command.
| |
RenderedFieldDefinition |
A rendered field.
| |
RenderedFieldDefinitionTField |
A rendered field.
| |
RenderedPipelineDefinitionTOutput |
A rendered pipeline.
| |
RenderedPipelineStageDefinitionTOutput |
A rendered pipeline stage.
| |
RenderedProjectionDefinitionTProjection |
A rendered projection.
| |
ReplaceOneModelTDocument |
Model for replacing a single document.
| |
ReplaceOneResult |
The result of an update operation.
| |
ReplaceOneResultAcknowledged |
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
| |
ReplaceOneResultUnacknowledged |
The result of an unacknowledged update operation.
| |
ReplaceOutputSerializerPipelineDefinitionTInput, TIntermediate, TOutput |
Represents a pipeline with the output serializer replaced.
| |
ScopeDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoScope is expected.
| |
SortByDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoSortBy is expected.
| |
SortDefinitionTDocument |
Base class for sorts.
| |
SortDefinitionBuilderTDocument |
A builder for a SortDefinitionTDocument.
| |
SortDefinitionExtensions |
Extension methods for SortDefinition.
| |
SslSettings |
Represents the settings for using SSL.
| |
StringFieldDefinitionTDocument |
A String based field name.
| |
StringFieldDefinitionTDocument, TField |
A String based field name.
| |
SystemProfileInfo |
Represents a document from the system.profile collection.
| |
SystemProfileInfoSerializer |
Represents a serializer for SystemProfileInfo.
| |
SystemProfileLockStatistics |
Statistics about locks for a system.profile document.
| |
SystemProfileLockStatisticsSerializer |
Serializer for SystemProfileLockStatistics
| |
SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics |
Statistics about system.profile read and write time spent in locks.
| |
SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatisticsSerializer |
Serializer for SystemProfileReadWriteLockStatistics
| |
Tag |
Represents a replica set member tag.
| |
TagSet |
Represents a replica set member tag set.
| |
TextSearchOptions |
Represents text search options.
| |
UpdateDefinitionTDocument |
Base class for updates.
| |
UpdateDefinitionBuilderTDocument |
A builder for an UpdateDefinitionTDocument.
| |
UpdateDefinitionExtensions |
Extension methods for UpdateDefinition.
| |
UpdateDocument |
Represents a BSON document that can be used where an IMongoUpdate is expected.
| |
UpdateManyModelTDocument |
Model for updating many documents.
| |
UpdateOneModelTDocument |
Model for updating a single document.
| |
UpdateOptions |
Options for updating a single document.
| |
UpdateResult |
The result of an update operation.
| |
UpdateResultAcknowledged |
The result of an acknowledgede update operation.
| |
UpdateResultUnacknowledged |
The result of an acknowledgede update operation.
| |
ValidateCollectionArgs |
Represents arguments for the Validate collection command helper method.
| |
ValidateCollectionResult |
Represents the results of a validate collection command.
| |
ValidateCollectionResultExtentDetails |
Represents the details of the first extent of the collection.
| |
WriteConcern |
Represents a write concern.
| |
WriteConcernWCount |
Represents a numeric WValue.
| |
WriteConcernWMode |
Represents a mode string WValue.
| |
WriteConcernWValue |
Represents the base class for w values.
| |
WriteConcernError |
Represents the details of a write concern error.
| |
WriteConcernResult |
Represents the results of an operation performed with an acknowledged WriteConcern.
| |
WriteError |
Represents the details of a write error.
| |
WriteModelTDocument |
Base class for a write model.
| |
XYPoint |
Represents a 2D point represented using x, y coordinates.
Structure | Description | |
AggregateBucketAutoGranularity |
Represents the granularity value for a $bucketAuto stage.
| |
OptionalT |
Represents an optional parameter that might or might not have a value.
| |
SettingT |
Represents a setting that may or may not have been set.
Interface | Description | |
IAggregateFluentTResult |
Fluent interface for aggregate.
| |
IAsyncCursorTDocument |
Represents an asynchronous cursor.
| |
IAsyncCursorSourceTDocument |
Represents an operation that will return a cursor when executed.
| |
IFilteredMongoCollectionTDocument |
A filtered mongo collection. The filter will be and'ed with all filters.
| |
IFindFluentTDocument, TProjection |
Fluent interface for find.
| |
IMongoClient |
The client interface to MongoDB.
| |
IMongoCollectionTDocument |
Represents a typed collection in MongoDB.
| |
IMongoCollectionOptions |
A marker interface that represents options for creating a collection (see CollectionOptionsDocument and the CollectionOptions builder).
| |
IMongoCommand |
A marker interface that represents a command (see CommandDocument).
| |
IMongoCreateViewOptions |
A marker interface that represents options for creating a view (see CreateViewOptionsDocument and the CreateViewOptions builder).
| |
IMongoDatabase |
Representats a database in MongoDB.
| |
IMongoFields |
A marker interface that represents a list of fields (see FieldsDocument and the Fields builder).
| |
IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions | Obsolete.
A marker interface that represents geo haystack search options (see GeoSearchHaystackOptionsDocument and the GeoHaystackSearchOptions builder).
| |
IMongoGeoNearOptions | Obsolete.
A marker interface that represents geo search options (see GeoNearOptionsDocument and the GeoNearOptions builder).
| |
IMongoGroupBy |
A marker interface that represents what to group by (see GroupByDocument and the GroupBy builder).
| |
IMongoIndexKeys |
A marker interface that represents the keys of an index (see IndexKeysDocument and the IndexKeys builder).
| |
IMongoIndexManagerTDocument |
An interface representing methods used to create, delete and modify indexes.
| |
IMongoIndexOptions |
A marker interface that represents options for creating an index (see IndexOptionsDocument and the IndexOptions builder).
| |
IMongoQuery |
A marker interface that represents a query (see QueryDocument and the Query builder).
| |
IMongoScope |
A marker interface that represents a scope (a set of variables with values, see ScopeDocument).
| |
IMongoSortBy |
A marker interface that represents a sort order (see SortByDocument and the SortBy builder).
| |
IMongoUpdate |
A marker interface that represents an update modifier (see UpdateDocument and the Update builder).
| |
IOrderedAggregateFluentTResult |
Fluent interface for aggregate.
| |
IOrderedFindFluentTDocument, TProjection |
Fluent interface for find.
| |
IPipelineStageDefinition |
A pipeline stage.
| |
IRenderedPipelineStageDefinition |
A rendered pipeline stage.
Enumeration | Description | |
AggregateOutputMode |
Represents the output mode for an aggregate operation.
| |
AggregateStringTranslationMode |
Option for which expression to generate for certain string operations.
| |
CollationAlternate |
Controls whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters.
| |
CollationCaseFirst |
Uppercase or lowercase first.
| |
CollationMaxVariable |
Controls which characters are affected by alternate: "Shifted".
| |
CollationStrength |
Prioritizes the comparison properties.
| |
CollectionSystemFlags |
Represents collection system flags.
| |
CollectionUserFlags |
Represents collection user flags.
| |
ConnectionMode |
Server connection mode.
| |
CursorType |
The cursor type.
| |
DocumentValidationAction |
Represents the document validation action.
| |
DocumentValidationLevel |
Represents the document validation level.
| |
EvalFlags |
Flags used with the Eval method in MongoDatabase.
| |
FeatureId |
Represents the Id of a feature.
| |
FindAndModifyDocumentVersion |
Represents a version of a document (original or modified).
| |
InsertFlags |
Flags used with the Insert method in MongoCollection.
| |
MapReduceOutputMode |
Represents the output mode for a map-reduce operation.
| |
MongoServerInstanceType |
Represents an instance of a MongoDB server host (in the case of a replica set a MongoServer uses multiple MongoServerInstances).
| |
MongoServerState |
The state of a MongoServer instance.
| |
ProfilingLevel |
Represents what level of profile information to write.
| |
QueryFlags |
Flags used with queries (see the SetQueryFlags method of MongoCursor).
| |
ReadConcernLevel |
The leve of the read concern.
| |
ReadPreferenceMode |
Represents the read preference mode.
| |
RemoveFlags |
Flags used with the Remove method of MongoCollection.
| |
ReturnDocument |
Which version of the document to return when executing a FindAndModify command.
| |
ServerErrorCategory |
Represents the category for an error from the server.
| |
SortDirection |
The direction of the sort.
| |
UpdateDefinitionCurrentDateType |
The type to use for a $currentDate operator.
| |
UpdateFlags |
Flags used with the Update method in MongoCollection.
| |
WriteModelType |
The type of a write model.