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MongoDB.Driver.Core.Misc Namespace
The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Misc namespace contains miscellaneous classes.
Public classBatchableSourceT
Represents a source of items that can be broken into batches.
Public classBatchableSourceTOverflow
Represents an overflow item that did not fit in the most recent batch and will be become the first item in the next batch.
Public classCollationFeature
Represents the collation feature.
Public classCommandsThatWriteAcceptWriteConcernFeature
Represents the commands that write accept write concern concern feature.
Public classEndPointHelper
Represents helper methods for EndPoints.
Public classEnsure
Represents methods that can be used to ensure that parameter values meet expected conditions.
Public classFeature
Represents a feature that is not supported by all versions of the server.
Public classRangeT
Represents a range between a minimum and a maximum value.
Public classReadConcernFeature
Represents the read concern feature.
Public classSemanticVersion
Represents a semantic version number.
Public classSemaphoreSlimRequest
Represents a tentative request to acquire a SemaphoreSlim.