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The Sorts class provides static factory methods for all the MongoDB sort criteria operators. Each method returns an instance of the Bson type, which can in turn be passed to any method that expects sort criteria.

For brevity, you may choose to import the methods of the Sorts class statically:

import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.*;

All the examples below assume this static import.


To specify an ascending sort, use one of the ascending methods.

This example specifies an ascending sort on the quantity field:


This example specifies an ascending sort on the quantity field, followed by an ascending sort on the totalAmount field:

ascending("quantity", "totalAmount") 


To specify a descending sort, use one of the descending methods.

This example specifies a descending sort on the quantity field:


This example specifies a descending sort on the quantity field, followed by a descending sort on the totalAmount field:

descending("quantity", "totalAmount") 

Text Score

To specify a sort by the score of a $text query, use the metaTextScore method to specify the name of the projected field.

This example specifies a sort on the score of a $text query that will be projected into the scoreValue field in a projection on the same query:


Combining sort criteria

To specify the combination of multiple sort criteria, use the orderBy method.

This example specifies an ascending sort on the quantity field, followed by an ascending sort on the totalAmount field, followed by a descending sort on the orderDate field:

orderBy(ascending("quantity", "totalAmount"), descending("orderDate"))