
package gridfs

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. gridfs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Package Members

  1. package helpers

    Contains helper classes to create org.mongodb.scala.gridfs.AsyncInputStream or org.mongodb.scala.gridfs.AsyncOutputStream instances from external sources.

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncInputStream extends AnyRef

    The Async Input Stream interface represents some asynchronous input stream of bytes.

    The Async Input Stream interface represents some asynchronous input stream of bytes.

    See the org.mongodb.scala.gridfs.helpers package for adapters that create an AsyncInputStream



  2. trait AsyncOutputStream extends AnyRef

    The Async Output Stream interface represents some asynchronous output stream of bytes.

    The Async Output Stream interface represents some asynchronous output stream of bytes.

    See the org.mongodb.scala.gridfs.helpers package for adapters that create an AsyncOutputStream



  3. case class GridFSBucket(wrapped: com.mongodb.async.client.gridfs.GridFSBucket) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a GridFS Bucket

    Represents a GridFS Bucket



  4. type GridFSDownloadOptions = com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSDownloadOptions

    The GridFS download by name options

    The GridFS download by name options

    Controls the selection of the revision to download

  5. case class GridFSDownloadStream(wrapped: com.mongodb.async.client.gridfs.GridFSDownloadStream) extends AsyncInputStream with Product with Serializable

    A GridFS InputStream for downloading data from GridFS

    A GridFS InputStream for downloading data from GridFS

    Provides the GridFSFile for the file to being downloaded as well as the read methods of a AsyncInputStream



  6. type GridFSFile = com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile

    The GridFSFile

  7. case class GridFSFindObservable(wrapped: GridFSFindIterable) extends Observable[GridFSFile] with Product with Serializable

    Observable representing the GridFS Files Collection.

    Observable representing the GridFS Files Collection.



  8. type GridFSUploadOptions = com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSUploadOptions

    GridFS upload options

    GridFS upload options

    Customizable options used when uploading files into GridFS

  9. case class GridFSUploadStream(wrapped: com.mongodb.async.client.gridfs.GridFSUploadStream) extends AsyncOutputStream with Product with Serializable

    A GridFS OutputStream for uploading data into GridFS

    A GridFS OutputStream for uploading data into GridFS

    Provides the id for the file to be uploaded as well as the write methods of a AsyncOutputStream



  10. implicit class JavaAsyncInputStreamToScala extends AsyncInputStream
  11. implicit class JavaAsyncOutputStreamToScala extends AsyncOutputStream
  12. type MongoGridFSException = com.mongodb.MongoGridFSException

    An exception indicating that a failure occurred in GridFS.

  13. implicit class ScalaAsyncInputStreamToJava extends com.mongodb.async.client.gridfs.AsyncInputStream
  14. implicit class ScalaAsyncOutputStreamToJava extends com.mongodb.async.client.gridfs.AsyncOutputStream

Value Members

  1. object GridFSBucket extends Serializable

    A factory for GridFSBucket instances.

    A factory for GridFSBucket instances.



Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
