list (array) – of server objects participating in the replicaset.
[options] (object) – additional options for the replicaset connection.
ha {Boolean, default:true}, turn on high availability.
haInterval {Number, default:2000}, time between each replicaset status check.
reconnectWait {Number, default:1000}, time to wait in miliseconds before attempting reconnect.
retries {Number, default:30}, number of times to attempt a replicaset reconnect.
rs_name {String}, the name of the replicaset to connect to.
socketOptions {Object, default:null}, an object containing socket options to use (noDelay:(boolean), keepAlive:(number), connectTimeoutMS:(number), socketTimeoutMS:(number))
strategy {String, default:’ping’}, selection strategy for reads choose between (ping, statistical and none, default is ping)
secondaryAcceptableLatencyMS {Number, default:15}, sets the range of servers to pick when using NEAREST (lowest ping ms + the latency fence, ex: range of 1 to (1 + 15) ms)
connectWithNoPrimary {Boolean, default:false}, sets if the driver should connect even if no primary is available
connectArbiter {Boolean, default:false}, sets if the driver should connect to arbiters or not.
logger {Object, default:null}, an object representing a logger that you want to use, needs to support functions debug, log, error ({error:function(message, object) {}, log:function(message, object) {}, debug:function(message, object) {}}).
poolSize {Number, default:5}, number of connections in the connection pool for each server instance, set to 5 as default for legacy reasons.
ssl {Boolean, default:false}, use ssl connection (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support)
sslValidate {Boolean, default:false}, validate mongod server certificate against ca (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
sslCA {Array, default:null}, Array of valid certificates either as Buffers or Strings (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
sslCert {Buffer/String, default:null}, String or buffer containing the certificate we wish to present (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
sslKey {Buffer/String, default:null}, String or buffer containing the certificate private key we wish to present (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)
sslPass {Buffer/String, default:null}, String or buffer containing the certificate password (needs to have a mongod server with ssl support, 2.4 or higher)