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Include References

You can include references to the data sources that you use in your chatbot in the response. This allows you to link to the original source of the information, and provide more context to the user.

These references are included in the references property of the response from the POST /conversations/:conversationId/messages.

Format References

Format the references in the response using a MakeReferenceLinksFunc function.

To generate references, include a MakeReferenceLinksFunc in the MakeRagGenerateUserPromptParams.makeReferenceLinks property.

import { makeRagGenerateUserPrompt } from "mongodb-chatbot-server";
import { someMakeReferenceLinksFunc } from "./someMakeReferenceLinksFunc"; // example

const ragGenerateUserPrompt = makeRagGenerateUserPrompt({
makeReferenceLinks: someMakeReferenceLinksFunc,
// ...other config

The framework comes with the MakeReferenceLinksFunc, makeDefaultReferenceLinksFunc(). Its returns the following data for chunks from unique URLs.

title: chunk.metadata.pageTitle ?? chunk.url, // if title doesn't exist, just put url
url: chunk.url // this always exists

Do Not Include References

To not include references, simply pass a function that returns an empty array.

import {
} from "mongodb-chatbot-server";

const noReferencesFunc: MakeReferenceLinksFunc = () => [];

const ragGenerateUserPrompt = makeRagGenerateUserPrompt({
makeReferenceLinks: noReferencesFunc,
// ...other config