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MessageEncoderSettingsName Fields

The MessageEncoderSettingsName type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberFixOldBinarySubTypeOnInput
The name of the FixOldBinarySubTypeOnInput setting.
Public fieldStatic memberFixOldBinarySubTypeOnOutput
The name of the FixOldBinarySubTypeOnOutput setting.
Public fieldStatic memberFixOldDateTimeMaxValueOnInput
The name of the FixOldDateTimeMaxValueOnInput setting.
Public fieldStatic memberGuidRepresentation
The name of the GuidRepresentation setting.
Public fieldStatic memberIndent
The name of the Indent setting.
Public fieldStatic memberIndentChars
The name of the IndentChars setting.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxDocumentSize
The name of the MaxDocumentSize setting.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxSerializationDepth
The name of the MaxSerializationDepth setting.
Public fieldStatic memberNewLineChars
The name of the NewLineChars setting.
Public fieldStatic memberOutputMode
The name of the OutputMode setting.
Public fieldStatic memberReadEncoding
The name of the ReadEncoding setting.
Public fieldStatic memberShellVersion
The name of the ShellVersion setting.
Public fieldStatic memberWriteEncoding
The name of the WriteEncoding setting.
See Also