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MongoDB.Driver.Wrappers Namespace
Wrapped versions of various classes for use in serialization are present in the MongoDB.Driver.Wrappers namespace.
Public classBaseWrapper
Abstract base class for wrapper classes.
Public classCollectionOptionsWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoCollectionOptions is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classCommandWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoCommand is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classFieldsWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoFields is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptionsWrapper Obsolete.
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoGeoHaystackSearchOptions is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classGeoNearOptionsWrapper Obsolete.
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoGeoNearOptions is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classGroupByWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoGroupBy is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classIndexKeysWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoIndexKeys is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classIndexOptionsWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoIndexOptions is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classQueryWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoQuery is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classScopeWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoScope is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classSortByWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoSortBy is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).
Public classUpdateWrapper
Represents a wrapped object that can be used where an IMongoUpdate is expected (the wrapped object is expected to serialize properly).