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IAsyncCursorExtensions Class
Represents extension methods for IAsyncCursor.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MongoDB.Driver
Assembly: MongoDB.Driver.Core (in MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll) Version: 2.1.0
public static class IAsyncCursorExtensions

The IAsyncCursorExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberForEachAsyncTDocument(IAsyncCursorTDocument, ActionTDocument, CancellationToken)
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
Public methodStatic memberForEachAsyncTDocument(IAsyncCursorTDocument, ActionTDocument, Int32, CancellationToken)
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
Public methodStatic memberForEachAsyncTDocument(IAsyncCursorTDocument, FuncTDocument, Task, CancellationToken)
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
Public methodStatic memberForEachAsyncTDocument(IAsyncCursorTDocument, FuncTDocument, Int32, Task, CancellationToken)
Calls a delegate for each document returned by the cursor.
Public methodStatic memberToListAsyncTDocument
Returns a list containing all the documents returned by a cursor.
See Also