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BsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinition<TDocument> Methods

The BsonDocumentIndexKeysDefinition<TDocument> generic type exposes the following members.

Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAscending<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with an ascending index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAscending<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with an ascending index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDescending<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a descending index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDescending<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a descending index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeo2D<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2d index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeo2D<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2d index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeo2DSphere<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2dsphere index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeo2DSphere<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2dsphere index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeoHaystack<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>, Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a geo haystack index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGeoHaystack<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>, FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a geo haystack index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHashed<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a hashed index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHashed<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a hashed index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodText<TDocument>(Expression<Func<TDocument, Object>>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a text index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodText<TDocument>(FieldDefinition<TDocument>)Overloaded.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a text index key definition.
(Defined by IndexKeysDefinitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBson
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToBsonDocument
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
Public Extension MethodToJson
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
(Defined by BsonExtensionMethods.)
See Also