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IndexInfo Properties

The IndexInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDroppedDups
Gets a value indicating whether dups were dropped when the index was created.
Public propertyIsBackground
Gets a value indicating whether the index was created in the background.
Public propertyIsHidden
Gets a value indicating whether the index is hidden.
Public propertyIsSparse
Gets a value indicating whether the index is sparse.
Public propertyIsUnique
Gets a value indicating whether the index is unique.
Public propertyKey
Gets the key of the index.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the index.
Public propertyNamespace
Gets the namespace of the collection that the index is for.
Public propertyRawDocument
Gets the raw BSON document containing the index information.
Public propertyTimeToLive
Gets the time to live value (or TimeSpan.MaxValue if index doesn't have a time to live value).
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version of the index.
See Also