Versioned API

Versioned API is a new feature in MongoDB 5.0 that allows user-selectable API versions, subsets of MongoDB server semantics, to be declared on a client. During communication with a server, clients with a declared API version will force the server to behave in a manner compatible with the API version. Declaring an API version on a client can be used to ensure consistent responses from a server, providing long term API stability for an application. The declared API version is applied to all commands run through the client, including those sent through the generic RunCommand helper. Specifying versioned API options in the command document AND declaring an API version on the client is not supported and will lead to undefined behaviour.

You can specify ServerApi via MongoClientSettings:

var serverApi = new ServerApi(ServerApiVersion.V1);
var settings = new MongoClientSettings { ServerApi = serverApi };
var client = new MongoClient(settings);

The ServerApi can be specified only when creating a MongoClient and cannot be changed during the course of execution. Thus to run any command with a different API version or without declaring one, create a separate MongoClient that declares the appropriate API version.

The ServerApi consists of 3 fields. One mandatory: serverApiVersion and two optional: strict and deprecationErrors.

Server API version

The ServerApiVersion is a required parameter of type ServerApi and represents the version number that the server should behave in compatiblity with. Currently only version 1 is available. It can be acquired via a static property:

var serverApiVersion = ServerApiVersion.V1;

Strict flag

The strict flag is optional and defaults to false. Setting strict to true causes commands (or their specific behavior, like command options or aggregation pipeline stages) to fail if they are not part of the declared API version.

var serverApi = new ServerApi(ServerApiVersion.V1, strict: true);
var settings = new MongoClientSettings { ServerApi = serverApi };
var client = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = client.GetDatabase("db");
var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("coll");
var result = collection.Distinct((FieldDefinition<BsonDocument, int>)"a.b", new BsonDocument("x", 1)); // Fails with:
// MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException : Command distinct failed: Provided apiStrict:true, but the command distinct is not in API Version 1.

DeprecationErrors flag

The deprecationErrors flag is optional and defaults to false. Setting deprecationErrors to true causes commands (or their specific behavior) to fail with an error if they are deprecated in the declared API version.

Currently there are no deprecations in version 1, so a theoretical example is used.

var serverApi = new ServerApi(ServerApiVersion.V1, deprecationErrors: true);
var settings = new MongoClientSettings { ServerApi = serverApi };
var client = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = client.GetDatabase("db");
var result = database.RunCommand<BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument("commandDeprecatedInV1", 1)); // Example fail:
// MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException : Command commandDeprecatedInV1 failed: Provided deprecationErrors:true, but the command commandDeprecatedInV1 is deprecated in API Version 1.