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MongoDB.Driver.Builders Namespace

The MongoDB.Driver.Builders namespace contains helper classes (builders) that can be used to construct various options used in the driver.
Public classBuilderBase
Abstract base class for the builders.
Public classCollectionOptions
A builder for the options used when creating a collection.
Public classCollectionOptionsBuilder
A builder for the options used when creating a collection.
Public classCreateViewOptions
A builder for the options used when creating a view.
Public classCreateViewOptionsBuilder
A builder for the options used when creating a view.
Public classFields
A builder for specifying which fields of a document the server should return.
Public classFields<TDocument>
A builder for specifying which fields of a document the server should return.
Public classFieldsBuilder
A builder for specifying which fields of a document the server should return.
Public classFieldsBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for specifying which fields of a document the server should return.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptions Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptions<TDocument> Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptionsBuilder Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoHaystackSearchOptionsBuilder<TDocument> Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoHaystackSearch command.
Public classGeoNearOptions Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoNear command.
Public classGeoNearOptionsBuilder Obsolete.
A builder for the options of the GeoNear command.
Public classGroupBy
A builder for specifying what the GroupBy command should group by.
Public classGroupBy<TDocument>
A builder for specifying what the GroupBy command should group by.
Public classGroupByBuilder
A builder for specifying what the GroupBy command should group by.
Public classGroupByBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for specifying what the GroupBy command should group by.
Public classIndexKeys
A builder for specifying the keys for an index.
Public classIndexKeys<TDocument>
A builder for specifying the keys for an index.
Public classIndexKeysBuilder
A builder for specifying the keys for an index.
Public classIndexKeysBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for specifying the keys for an index.
Public classIndexOptions
A builder for the options used when creating an index.
Public classIndexOptions<TDocument>
A builder for the options used when creating an index.
Public classIndexOptionsBuilder
A builder for the options used when creating an index.
Public classIndexOptionsBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for the options used when creating an index.
Public classPushEachOptions
Arguments for $push with an $each clause.
Public classPushEachOptionsBuilder<TValue>
A fluent builder for PushEachOptions.
Public classQuery
A builder for creating queries.
Public classQuery<TDocument>
Aids in building mongo queries based on type information.
Public classQueryBuilder<TDocument>
Aids in building mongo queries based on type information.
Public classSortBy
A builder for specifying a sort order.
Public classSortBy<TDocument>
A builder for specifying a sort order.
Public classSortByBuilder
A builder for specifying a sort order.
Public classSortByBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for specifying a sort order.
Public classUpdate
A builder for creating update modifiers.
Public classUpdate<TDocument>
A builder for creating update modifiers.
Public classUpdateBuilder
A builder for creating update modifiers.
Public classUpdateBuilder<TDocument>
A builder for creating update modifiers.
Public enumerationUpdateCurrentDateType
The type to use for the $currentDate type.