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MongoCollectionSave Method

Overload List
Public methodSaveTNominalType(TNominalType)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
Public methodSaveTNominalType(TNominalType, MongoInsertOptions)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
Public methodSave(Type, Object)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
Public methodSaveTNominalType(TNominalType, WriteConcern)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
Public methodSave(Type, Object, MongoInsertOptions)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
Public methodSave(Type, Object, WriteConcern)
Saves a document to this collection. The document must have an identifiable Id field. Based on the value of the Id field Save will perform either an Insert or an Update.
See Also