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EncryptOptions Constructor (String, OptionalString, OptionalNullableGuid, OptionalNullableInt64, OptionalString)

Initializes a new instance of the EncryptOptions class.

Namespace:  MongoDB.Driver.Encryption
Assembly:  MongoDB.Driver (in MongoDB.Driver.dll) Version: 2.18.0+554c799eb1ec8dd732f16c739387f6664df1ba7a
public EncryptOptions(
	string algorithm,
	Optional<string> alternateKeyName = default,
	Optional<Guid?> keyId = default,
	Optional<long?> contentionFactor = default,
	Optional<string> queryType = default


Type: SystemString
The encryption algorithm.
alternateKeyName (Optional)
Type: MongoDB.DriverOptionalString
The alternate key name.
keyId (Optional)
Type: MongoDB.DriverOptionalNullableGuid
The key Id.
contentionFactor (Optional)
Type: MongoDB.DriverOptionalNullableInt64
[Beta] The contention factor.
queryType (Optional)
Type: MongoDB.DriverOptionalString
[Beta] The query type.
See Also