| Name | Description |
| BucketTResult, TValue(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue) |
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
| BucketTResult, TValue, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, IEnumerableTValue, ExpressionFuncIGroupingTValue, TResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketOptionsTValue) |
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
| BucketAutoTResult, TValue(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, Int32, AggregateBucketAutoOptions) |
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
| BucketAutoTResult, TValue, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TValue, Int32, ExpressionFuncIGroupingTValue, TResult, TNewResult, AggregateBucketAutoOptions) |
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
| DensifyTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, DensifyRange, IEnumerableExpressionFuncTResult, Object) |
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
| DensifyTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, DensifyRange, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object) |
Appends a $densify stage to the pipeline.
| DocumentsTResult(IAggregateFluentNoPipelineInput, AggregateExpressionDefinitionNoPipelineInput, IEnumerableTResult, IBsonSerializerTResult) |
Appends a $documents stage to the pipeline.
| DocumentsTResult(IAggregateFluentNoPipelineInput, IEnumerableTResult, IBsonSerializerTResult) |
Appends a $documents stage to the pipeline.
| FacetTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, AggregateFacetTResult) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
| FacetTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IEnumerableAggregateFacetTResult) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
| FacetTResult, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, AggregateFacetTResult) |
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
| FirstTResult |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
| FirstAsyncTResult |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
| FirstOrDefaultTResult |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
| FirstOrDefaultAsyncTResult |
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
| GraphLookupTResult, TFrom(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, BsonValue, FieldDefinitionTFrom, BsonValue, AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, BsonValue, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, IEnumerableBsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, Int32) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
| GraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, TConnectFrom, FieldDefinitionTFrom, TConnectTo, AggregateExpressionDefinitionTResult, TStartWith, FieldDefinitionTNewResult, TAs, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TFrom, TNewResult) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
| GraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAs, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectTo, ExpressionFuncTResult, TStartWith, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TFrom, TNewResult) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
| GraphLookupTResult, TFrom, TConnectFrom, TConnectTo, TStartWith, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectFrom, ExpressionFuncTFrom, TConnectTo, ExpressionFuncTResult, TStartWith, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, ExpressionFuncTAsElement, Int32, AggregateGraphLookupOptionsTFrom, TAsElement, TNewResult) |
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
| GroupTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ProjectionDefinitionTResult, BsonDocument) |
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
| GroupTResult, TKey, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TKey, ExpressionFuncIGroupingTKey, TResult, TNewResult) |
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
| LookupTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionBsonDocument, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinitionBsonDocument, BsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, IEnumerableBsonDocument) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
| LookupTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, String, FieldDefinitionTResult, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument, FieldDefinitionBsonDocument) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
| LookupTResult, TForeignDocument, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTForeignDocument, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, ExpressionFuncTForeignDocument, Object, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, Object, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
| LookupTResult, TForeignDocument, TAsElement, TAs, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, IMongoCollectionTForeignDocument, BsonDocument, PipelineDefinitionTForeignDocument, TAsElement, ExpressionFuncTNewResult, TAs, AggregateLookupOptionsTForeignDocument, TNewResult) |
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
| MatchTResult |
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
| ProjectTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ProjectionDefinitionTResult, BsonDocument) |
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
| ProjectTResult, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TNewResult) |
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
| ReplaceRootTResult, TNewResult |
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
| ReplaceWithTResult, TNewResult |
Appends a $replaceWith stage to the pipeline.
| SetWindowFieldsTResult, TWindowFields(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
| SetWindowFieldsTResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TPartitionBy, ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
| SetWindowFieldsTResult, TPartitionBy, TWindowFields(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, TPartitionBy, SortDefinitionTResult, ExpressionFuncISetWindowFieldsPartitionTResult, TWindowFields) |
Appends a $setWindowFields to the pipeline.
| SingleTResult |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
| SingleAsyncTResult |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
| SingleOrDefaultTResult |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
| SingleOrDefaultAsyncTResult |
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
| SortByTResult |
Appends an ascending sort stage to the pipeline.
| SortByCountTResult, TKey |
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
| SortByDescendingTResult |
Appends a descending sort stage to the pipeline.
| ThenByTResult |
Modifies the current sort stage by appending an ascending field specification to it.
| ThenByDescendingTResult |
Modifies the current sort stage by appending a descending field specification to it.
| UnwindTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, FieldDefinitionTResult) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
| UnwindTResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
| UnwindTResult, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, IBsonSerializerTNewResult) | Obsolete.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
| UnwindTResult, TNewResult(IAggregateFluentTResult, ExpressionFuncTResult, Object, AggregateUnwindOptionsTNewResult) |
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.