Namespaces |
Namespace | Description |
MongoDB.Bson | The MongoDB.Bson top level namespace and its child namespaces contain the classes for managing BSON data. The top level MongoDB.Bson namespace contains the classes that represent all the basic BSON Types. |
MongoDB.Bson.IO | The MongoDB.Bson.IO namespace contains the types that allow reading and writing of BSON data. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization | The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization namespace contains the types used in the serialization and deserialization of BSON data. It also contains the base interfaces to be implemented by the actual serializers. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes | The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes namespace contains the Attributes used to control BSON serialization/deserialization. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions | The various conventions used during serialization/deserialization of BSON data are represented by the types in the MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Conventions namespace. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.IdGenerators | The various id generators used in the serialization/deserialization of BSON data are represented in this namespace. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Options | The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Options namespace contains the classes that represent the serialization options for specific types such as DateTime, Document etc. |
MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Serializers | The MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Serializers namespace contains the serializers for the various BSON and base .Net types |
MongoDB.Driver | The MongoDB.Driver namespace contains all the basic types and classes that compose the MongoDB driver. It contains the classes needed for most interactions with the database. |
MongoDB.Driver.Builders | The MongoDB.Driver.Builders namespace contains helper classes (builders) that can be used to construct various options used in the driver. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core | The MongoDB.Driver.Core namespace contains classes from Core. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Authentication | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Authentication namespace contains classes related to authentication. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Bindings | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Bindings namespace contains classes related to bindings. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters namespace contains classes related to clusters. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.ServerSelectors | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Clusters.ServerSelectors namespace contains classes related to server selectors. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Compression | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Compression namespace contains classes related to compression. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Configuration | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Configuration namespace contains classes related to configuration. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.ConnectionPools | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.ConnectionPools namespace contains classes related to connection pools. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Connections namespace contains classes related to connections. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Events | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Events namespace contains classes related to events. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Events.Diagnostics | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Events.Diagnostics namespace contains classes related to diagnostics. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Misc | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Misc namespace contains miscellaneous classes. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Operations | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Operations namespace contains classes related to operations. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Operations.ElementNameValidators | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Operations.ElementNameValidators namespace contains classes related to element name validators for operations. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.Servers | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.Servers namespace contains classes related to servers. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol namespace contains classes related to the wire protocol. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.Messages | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.Messages namespace contains classes related to wire protocol messages. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.Messages.Encoders | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtoco.Messages.Encoders namespace contains classes related to message encoders. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.Messages.Encoders.BinaryEncoders | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtoco.Messages.Encoders.BinaryEncoders namespace contains classes related to binary message encoders. |
MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtocol.Messages.Encoders.JsonEncoders | The MongoDB.Driver.Core.WireProtoco.Messages.Encoders.JsonEncoders namespace contains classes related to JSON message encoders. |
MongoDB.Driver.Encryption | The MongoDB.Driver.Encryption namespace contains all the basic types and classes related to client-side encryption. |
MongoDB.Driver.GeoJsonObjectModel | Classes used to build GeoJson objects in a type-safe manner. |
MongoDB.Driver.GeoJsonObjectModel.Serializers | GeoJson object model serializers. |
MongoDB.Driver.GridFS | The classes used to interact with MongoDB GridFS are part of the MongoDB.Driver.GridFS namespace. |
MongoDB.Driver.Linq | The MongoDB.Driver.Linq namespace contains the LINQ related classes. |
MongoDB.Driver.Search | |
MongoDB.Driver.Wrappers | Wrapped versions of various classes for use in serialization are present in the MongoDB.Driver.Wrappers namespace. |